Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97979 total results. Showing results 61141 to 61160 «305430553056305730583059306030613062Next ›Last » RCMP commissioner welcomes ‘thoughtful’ discussions on defunding the police CANADA: TORONTO -- RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki says she is not afraid to hold police officers to account who use excessive force and that racism has no place in policing. CTV News (Canada) 10/6/2020 News Armoured vehicle dumped: Halifax now at the forefront of ‘defunding’ debate CANADA: Halifax moved to the forefront of the national debate over “defunding” police forces this week when council decided to scuttle the purchase of an armoured rescue vehicle — a move the mayor says was in response to protests around the world condemning racism and police brutality. Blue Line (Canada) 10/6/2020 News Avon and Somerset chief defends decision not to intervene over statue 'Our objectives were better served not intervening' says chief who has been backed by PCC Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/6/2020 News Met AC Neil Basu calls on colleagues to “stand up to racists” Neil Basu, Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner, has called on colleagues to "stand up to racists, inequality and injustice" in a personal message following the death of George Floyd Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/6/2020 News Enforcement alone won’t cut road deaths, says NPCC roads lead Forces cannot use enforcement alone to cut road deaths according to one of the country's most senior roads policing officers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/6/2020 News PSNI scales back ‘problematic’ rebranding after negative feedback Plans to rebrand Northern Ireland's police force have been scaled back after opposition from politicians and frontline officers. Chief Constable Simon Byrne said it was not "Einstein territory" to conclude the proposals stood no chance. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/6/2020 News MPs call for register to monitor serial domestic abusers and stalkers Cross-party group submits proposed amendment to bill passing through parliament The Guardian 10/6/2020 News Specials clock up nearly 11,000 hours in a month Special Constables put in nearly 11,000 hours last month to help tackle the COVID-19 crisis. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/6/2020 News Coronavirus: Police warn of lockdown radicalisation threat The coronavirus lockdown may have led more individuals to become radicalised as they spend more time online, a police chief has warned. BBC 10/6/2020 News Coronavirus: Fears over online grooming of children in lockdown Britain’s top police officer dealing with online grooming says he fears a huge rise in cases during lockdown, when children have been alone and vulnerable online. BBC 10/6/2020 News Protest propaganda is riding on the success of pandemic hoaxes Misinformation about police brutality protests is being spread by the same sources as covid-19 denial. The troubling results suggest what might come next. MIT Technology Review 10/6/2020 Feature, Opinion Met Police Assistant Commissioner would have ‘probably’ joined BLM protesters if he was not an officer When Neil Basu joined the Metropolitan Police in 1992, he admits that his friends and family thought he was insane. Channel 4 News 10/6/2020 News British police’s long history of racism allegations There have long been accusations that the police in the UK have treated the black community unfairly. Channel 4 News 10/6/2020 Analysis, Feature Minneapolis Police Department withdrawing from union contract talks as reform calls dominate after George Floyd death The Minneapolis Police Department is set to withdraw from the police union contract negotiations as reform calls dominated after George Floyd's death. The Sun 10/6/2020 News Minneapolis police chief begins reform in wake of George Floyd’s death Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo announces new plans to overhaul police accountability, promising major reform to a system he called antiquated Yahoo! 10/6/2020 News Time to stand up to racists, says UK’s top BAME police officer THE most senior BAME police officer in Britain yesterday urged fellow officers to ‘stand up to racists’ as Black Lives Matter protests continue in the wake of George Floyd’s death in the US. Metro 10/6/2020 News Police in full riot gear on standby amid fears of clashes between Far Right and Black Lives Matter protesters Police aim to avoid a repeat of the violence that saw officers forced to flee protesters at last weekend's Black Lives Matter demonstration The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/6/2020 News George Floyd: The personal cost of filming police brutality When videos of controversial police encounters generate headlines, there's an important figure in the story that we rarely hear about - the person filming. BBC 10/6/2020 Analysis, Feature Policing football: Countering the threat of rogue drones must be part of the policing strategy Rogue drone incursions are a serious threat to football stadiums. With football currently either suspended or played behind close doors, Policing Insight contributor Andrew Staniforth says now is the time to consider a counter-drone strategy and explore the available anti-drone technology. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/6/2020 Feature The Formation of Suspicion: A Vignette Study Being suspicious is part of police training, and is emphasized in police culture. Tversky and Kahneman argued that people make decisions based on a limited number of heuristic factors to reduce a complex task to likely probabilities (Tversky A and Kahneman D [1974] Judgment under uncertainty: heuristics and biases. Science 185[4157]: 1124–1131). This study contributes to the body of scholarship studying police suspicion. It uses vignettes describing an incident involving characteristics important when police officers form suspicion. This design allows respondents to judge a situation before actual engagement. A convenience sample of police officers, supervisors, and administrators from police agencies of different sizes located in two different states responded to an online survey. Results demonstrated that the time of an event, the person’s race, and their manner of dress, contributed to the formation of suspicion. Other factors (i.e., suspect age, neighborhood) were not significantly related to suspicion. Further, respondents with few years of experience were more likely to see the conditions within a vignette as suspicious. The findings indicate that unacceptable stereotyping can result from using scanty or outdated heuristic tools to simplify decision-making. Further, there is a need for additional research examining the conditions related to suspicion formation. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 10/6/2020 Research article «305430553056305730583059306030613062Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events