Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97881 total results. Showing results 60361 to 60380 «301530163017301830193020302130223023Next ›Last » Police to stop vehicles fleeing Leicester’s lockdown with flouters facing £100 fine Forces in Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire are anticipating flouters heading out of the locked down city for nights out as England's pubs re-open on Saturday Mirror 1/7/2020 News What BLM gets right – and wrong – about the police We need a serious debate about criminal-justice reform, not virtue-signalling platitudes. Spiked 1/7/2020 Analysis, Feature, Opinion Rayshard Brooks: Accused officer bailed despite widow’s plea A judge has granted bail for an ex-Atlanta police officer charged with killing an African-American man in a restaurant car park earlier this month. BBC 1/7/2020 News ‘Please don’t forget us’: Coronavirus adds to court cases backlog The coronavirus lockdown has added thousands more cases to the backlog faced by courts in England and Wales. It could take up to 10 years to clear this backlog, a new report says. So how does this affect people already tied up in the criminal justice system? BBC 1/7/2020 Analysis, Feature Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust: Police investigate 42 baby deaths in worst maternity scandal Police have begun a criminal inquiry into the NHS trust where at least 42 babies and three mothers died in the worst maternity scandal in the health service’s history. The Times - Subscription at source 1/7/2020 News Police will turn back drivers fleeing Leicester’s coronavirus lockdown Police will carry out spot checks on vehicles leaving the Leicester area to ensure that residents are complying with Britain’s first local lockdown, The Times understands. The Times - Subscription at source 1/7/2020 News Dame Cressida Dick: Met police can’t pander to public opinion Dame Cressida Dick said that policing was not about “pandering to public opinion” as she responded to criticism over “disproportionate” use of force and stop and search powers. The Times - Subscription at source 1/7/2020 News CPS praised for innovative response to coronavirus pandemic The CPS has been praised for its response to the coronavirus pandemic in a report published today. Her Majesty’s CPS Inspectorate (HMCPSI) commends the organisation’s digital capability and strategic planning, noting how the pandemic has “acted as a catalyst for innovation, leading to significant beneficial changes”. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 30/6/2020 News How West Midlands is leading the way on Naloxone Should more officers be equipped with the life saving heroin overdose antidote or is it an extra burden? Police Oracle - Subscription at source 30/6/2020 Analysis, Feature Challenges for ‘outstanding’ police service ahead Police Scotland's response and approach to policing COVID-19 has been 'outstanding'. The assessment from the Scottish Police Authority has been informed by the views of the public captured during lockdown and reports from the Independent Advisory Group Chaired by John Scott QC, set up to review Police Scotland's use of the new coronavirus powers. Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 30/6/2020 News CPS says: Prosecuting rape – judicial review evidence There have been a number of misleading and inaccurate reports about how rape is prosecuted by the CPS following coverage about the End Violence Against Women Coalition’s (EVAW) judicial review. We are concerned that these reports will deter victims from coming forward. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 30/6/2020 News National DNA Data Bank celebrates 20 years of service to law enforcement CANADA: Twenty years ago, DNA was a relatively new tool and like all areas of forensic science, it has evolved over time. Today, forensic science, including DNA analysis, plays a significant role in crime scene investigations and has proven to be a powerful tool for the administration of justice. Blue Line (Canada) 30/6/2020 News Officer: I’m not sure why we bother putting on a police uniform anymore – we’re no longer allowed to do our jobs USA: When I first started as a law enforcement officer in 1998, I remember the biggest race issue at the time was the Rodney King incident from 1992. I remember the Police Academy instructors telling us that the first few minutes of the King incident showed the Los Angeles Police Officers doing what they should have been doing. Law Enforcement Today 30/6/2020 Feature, Opinion Edmonton police face $11M budget cut amid calls to defund police CANADA: The Edmonton police service may be working with $11 million less next year after city council agreed in principle to the budget cut Tuesday. Council started debating a multi-pronged motion originally introduced June 10 in the midst of demonstrations against systemic racism and calls for the city to defund the police. CBC News (Canada) 30/6/2020 News Police to probe UK’s worst baby ward scandal Detectives launch inquiry at Shrewsbury hospital where dozens of newborns died or suffered brain damage Mail Online 30/6/2020 News Before defunding, chief calls for discussion on role of Calgary police CANADA: Calgary’s police chief says discussions are needed surrounding the role of the city’s law enforcement agency before any action can properly address calls to defund police. Calgary Herald (Canada) 30/6/2020 News Coronavirus: Calls for calm ahead of pubs reopening in England on ‘Super Saturday’ England's most senior police officer has urged people to "be calm, be sensible" when pubs reopen on Saturday. BBC 30/6/2020 News Two new ACCs appointed at Staffordshire Police Staffordshire Police has announced the appointment of two new assistant chief constables. Police Professional 30/6/2020 News New GMP data shows a reduction in recorded crime figures Greater Manchester Police (GMP) says it is “confident it now has accurate crime recording data” after the first set of figures released since the introduction of a new IT intelligence platform show recorded crime fell by eight per cent between 2018 and 2019. Police Professional 30/6/2020 News Leicestershire Police demands clarity over role in local lockdown Officers from Leicestershire Police are calling for urgent clarification of their role in enforcing the localised lockdown on the city of Leicester, which came into force earlier today (June 30). Police Professional 30/6/2020 News «301530163017301830193020302130223023Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events