Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97872 total results. Showing results 59961 to 59980 «299529962997299829993000300130023003Next ›Last » Used wisely, big data can improve efficiency and increase trust in policing Big data can provide powerful insights into policing and improve performance, but getting it wrong leads to unreliable conclusions and poor policies. In the first of two articles, Professor Tom Kirchmaier, Director of Policing and Crime at the London School of Economics, outlines his team's work with British policing and some of the important principles of using big data. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/7/2020 Analysis, Feature, Innovation How Scotland threw convention out of the window and cut violent crime "I used to punch people in the face and when I wasn’t doing that, I’d set fire to things,” says Michael, who grew up in the seventies and eighties on a housing estate in the North East. “My dad died when I was eleven and my mam had to work in a pub, leaving me alone at night. She was a single parent with young kids, just trying to survive. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 13/7/2020 Feature The prevalence of domestic violence among women during the COVID-19 pandemic AUSTRALIA: This paper presents the findings from an online survey of 15,000 Australian women about their experience of domestic violence during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 13/7/2020 Research article £1.5m legal bill forces rethink over McMafia wealth orders A central measure in the government’s strategy to investigate so-called McMafia corruption is at risk after the cost of fighting complex cases increased sharply. The Times - Subscription at source 13/7/2020 News Police misconduct isn’t automatically racist The mistreatment of two athletes is not itself evidence of institutional racism. Spiked 13/7/2020 Feature, Opinion Top police officer from Cumbria is appointed to investigate probe into PSNI handling of Bobby Storey’s funeral A senior officer from Cumbria Constabulary has been appointed to oversee an investigation by into PSNI handling of potential breaches of coronavirus regulations at the funeral of Bobby Storey. The Newsletter 13/7/2020 News 493 Staffordshire Police employees off sick in one week at height of Covid-19 crisis New figures show that 15 per cent of officers and staff were absent due to coronavirus-related issues Stoke on Trent Live 13/7/2020 News Diversity award for Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill has won an award for supporting diversity. Bridport News 13/7/2020 News Tougher sentences for attacks on emergency workers considered Plans to double the maximum jail term for criminals who assault emergency workers to two years are being considered by the government. BBC 13/7/2020 News No supply chain is safe from slavery, says tsar Some of Britain’s biggest supermarkets and companies must do more to stop exploitation, Dame Sara Thornton, the independent anti-slavery commissioner, has said. The Times - Subscription at source 13/7/2020 Feature, Opinion It still happens here: Fighting UK slavery in the 2020s Most people find it hard to believe that, nearly two hundred years after Britain formally abolished slavery, the terrible crime of holding another human being enslaved is still widespread here. That is because modern slavery is hidden from view, even though it is all around us. Across our country, large numbers of young women have been forced into sexual slavery. Thousands of young men struggling with debt are drawn into forced labour from which they cannot escape. Hundreds of children are growing up never experiencing the freedom the rest of us enjoy. If anyone still doubts the reality of modern slavery, they need to read the harrowing case studies set out in this compelling report – just a few examples of a continuing and unacceptable tragedy. Centre for Social Justice 13/7/2020 Report 100,000 modern slaves exploited by gangs At least 100,000 victims of modern slavery are being abused and exploited by traffickers and crime gangs in Britain, says a report published today. The Times - Subscription at source 13/7/2020 News Calls for police to investigate Justin Trudeau over charity contract Justin Trudeau is facing calls for a criminal investigation over a £530 million government contract handed to a charity that had paid generous speaking fees to members of his family. The Times - Subscription at source 13/7/2020 News Priti Patel ‘worried fear of looking racist’ stopped police tackling sweat shops The home secretary is considering introducing new laws to tackle modern slavery, following allegations of mistreatment among workers in the UK’s fast-fashion industry. Metro 12/7/2020 News The Observer view on racism within the police Met’s reaction to Bianca Williams’ stop and search shows it has learnt nothing in the past 20 years The Guardian 12/7/2020 Feature, Opinion Domestic violence on the rise during pandemic AUSTRALIA: Almost one in 10 Australian women in a relationship have experienced domestic violence during the coronavirus crisis, with two-thirds saying the attacks started or became worse during the pandemic. A survey by the Australian Institute of Criminology also reveals more than half of women who had experienced physical or sexual violence before the COVID-19 crisis said the violence had become more frequent or severe since the start of the pandemic. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 12/7/2020 News How Covid-19 research funding is help police track people with CCTV NEW ZEALAND: Covid-19 research money is going towards enabling police to track people using CCTV more easily. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 12/7/2020 News Police racial bias figures questioned NEW ZEALAND: The police's own figures have debunked claims made by the former Police Commissioner that there is no racial bias when it comes to deciding if a suspect should be charged. At a Pandemic Response Select Committee in April, Mike Bush told MPs that discretion was applied evenly across all communities. It turns out the stats he was using were flawed. RNZ's Meriana Johnsen reports. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 12/7/2020 News Police chiefs call for decriminalization of personal drug use CANADA: OTTAWA — Canada’s police chiefs are calling for decriminalization of personal possession of illicit drugs as the best way to battle substance abuse and addiction. Blue Line (Canada) 12/7/2020 News Policing Social Distancing: Gaining and Maintaining Compliance in the Age of Coronavirus Drawing on motivational posturing theory (MPT) and procedural justice theory (PJT), this article makes recommendations for how best to secure compliance with social distancing regulations. Applying those theories to—mostly observational—data from a study on the use and impact of penalty notices for disorder, the influences on cooperation during police–citizen encounters are explored. Whilst focusing on the English data/regulations, as both MPT and PJT have been tested internationally, the conclusions have relevance beyond these shores. The article proposes a sixth posture—compulsion, a form of resistant compliance—to the five set out by MPT. Focusing attention not just on whether compliance is achieved but how recognizes the risk to future legitimacy posed by only achieving compliance through coercion or the threat thereof. Lessons from the research are applied to policing social distancing, with regards to: securing compliance during interactions, self-regulation and enforcement action, and how to preserve police legitimacy. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 12/7/2020 Research article «299529962997299829993000300130023003Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events