Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97834 total results. Showing results 59221 to 59240 «295829592960296129622963296429652966Next ›Last » 90% of racism complaints against Met get nowhere More than 90 per cent of racism complaints against Metropolitan Police officers and staff have resulted in no further action being taken. The Times - Subscription at source 5/8/2020 News Coronavirus: Melbourne police condemn attack on officer over lockdown rules Melbourne’s chief of police expressed his disgust at an attack on a police officer trying to enforce the city’s lockdown. The Times - Subscription at source 5/8/2020 News What is a public health approach to violence? When the Home Office provided funding to 18 areas of the UK to establish Violence Reduction Units, it specified the requirement that a ‘public health approach’ should be taken. All of these areas have sought to define what this actually means, as Rachel Staniforth and Greg Fell explain. Police Professional - Subscription at source 4/8/2020 Feature The forgotten provision Ian Whitehurst says the powers under Part 6 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 should be more widely used to fight organised crime. Police Professional - Subscription at source 4/8/2020 Feature Colorado police apologise for detaining mother and children Police in Colorado have apologised for pulling guns on a black woman and four children they mistakenly arrested. BBC 4/8/2020 News Police commander in charge of drug strategy is suspended over alleged drug misuse A Scotland Yard commander who led the force’s drug strategy and heads misconduct hearings has been suspended over allegations of drug misuse. Mail Online 4/8/2020 News All inquiry recommendations after fatal RCMP shooting implemented: Ministry CANADA: VICTORIA — The British Columbia government says it has implemented all seven recommendations made by a coroner’s jury at the inquest into the killing of a man by police in Port Hardy five years ago. Blue Line (Canada) 4/8/2020 News Autonomous Road Vehicles and Law Enforcement Identifying High-Priority Needs for Law Enforcement Interactions With Autonomous Vehicles Within the Next Five Years RAND Corporation 4/8/2020 Report Improving the Accuracy of Firearm Identification in A Dynamic Use of Force Scenario Law enforcement officers are sometimes required to make split-second use of force decisions. One factor that can impact their decision-making process is the presence of a weapon. This experiment sought to improve the speed and accuracy of weapon identification in a dynamic use of force scenario through the principles of deliberate practice. This research utilized randomized control trial with random assignment to either a control or test condition. Eighty-seven participants completed the pretest, intervention, and posttest. Participants’ vision was recorded via a mobile vision-tracker. With only 20 minutes of training, the test group made 1/3 the amount of decision errors as the control group (Cohen’s d = 0.95). The test group was about 16% faster than the control group at visually finding the object in the suspect’s hand and determining if it was a gun or not (Cohen’s d = 0.91). Police Quarterly 4/8/2020 Research article The ‘Uberization of Policing’? How Police Negotiate and Operationalise Predictive Policing Technology Predictive policing generally refers to police work that utilises strategies, algorithmic technologies, and big data to generate near-future predictions about the people and places deemed likely to be involved in or experience crime. Claimed benefits of predictive policing centre on the technology’s ability to enable pre-emptive police work by automating police decisions. The goal is that officers will rely on computer software and smartphone applications to instruct them about where and who to police just as Uber drivers rely on similar technologies to instruct them about where to pick up passengers. Unfortunately, little is known about the experiences of the in-field users of predictive technologies. This article helps fill this gap by addressing the under researched area of how police officers engage with predictive technologies. As such, data is presented that outlines the findings of a qualitative study with UK police organisations involved in designing and trialing predictive policing software. Research findings show that many police officers have a detailed awareness of the limitations of predictive technologies, specifically those brought about by errors and biases in input data. Policing and Society 4/8/2020 Research article UK panel urges sanctions for excessive police violence British lawmakers investigating rights violations by Hong Kong police have urged the U.K. government to sanction the city's leader for allowing “excessive police violence'' toward humanitarian workers helping those injured in pro-democracy protests. The Standard (Hong Kong) 4/8/2020 News PC Andrew Harper killing: sentences referred to attorney general Attorney general’s office to consider whether the sentences given to three teenagers who killed a police officer were too lenient The Guardian 4/8/2020 News Victims’ Commissioner brands rape prosecution rate ‘utterly shameful’ Victims’ Commissioner Dame Vera Baird QC has described the latest figures that show rape prosecutions at their lowest level since records began as ‘utterly shameful’. Prosecutions and convictions have more than halved in three years while rape has increased. Police Professional 4/8/2020 News Man who kicked officers ‘multiple times’ during arrest convicted of assault A man who repeatedly kicked officers as they tried to arrest him has been convicted of assault and remanded in custody for sentencing. Police Professional 4/8/2020 News Chief Constable Garry Forsyth reflects on his first 12 months in ‘the best job in the world’ Chief Constable Garry Forsyth said leading Bedfordshire Police was “the best job in the world” as he reflected on his first 12 months in charge of the force. Police Professional 4/8/2020 News INTERPOL report shows alarming rate of cyberattacks during Covid-19 An INTERPOL assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on cybercrime has shown a significant target shift from individuals and small businesses to major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure. INTERPOL 4/8/2020 News Attorney General asked to consider if jail terms in PC Harper case are unduly lenient The Attorney General has been asked to consider whether jail terms given to the three teenagers who killed Police Constable Andrew Harper are unduly lenient. Police Professional 4/8/2020 News Police Lecturer Vacancies: Delivering the new Metropolitan Police PEQF framework Police Lecturer vacancies at Babcock International for their new flagship contract partnering with several Higher Education Institutes across London to deliver the new Metropolitan Police Service Policing Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF) framework. Policing Insight 4/8/2020 Advertisement, Feature, Jobs Police regularly take on new challenges; now it’s my turn to do the same After three and half years at the helm, Editor Tina Orr Munro looks back at how policing – and Policing Insight – has changed, and looks forward to an exciting new challenge. Policing Insight 4/8/2020 Opinion Public order: ‘We are closer now to UK riots than at any time since 2011’ With routine stops escalating into major public order situations, people targeting and baiting officers, and the tension between police and policed now 'palpable', former Ch. Supt. Owen West – a crowd policing specialist – fears the UK is on the brink of serious summer disorder; yet officers must avoid developing a siege mentality. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/8/2020 Feature, Opinion «295829592960296129622963296429652966Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events