Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 99159 total results. Showing results 57321 to 57340 «286328642865286628672868286928702871Next ›Last » Domestic abuse charities need a lifeline from the chancellor this week Every day can be terrifying when you are living with a perpetrator of domestic abuse. Home is supposed to be a place of safety, but for too many this is not the case. Often the only lifeline victims have to keep them safe are frontline workers in small, local domestic abuse charities. The Times - Subscription at source 24/11/2020 Feature, Opinion Surrey police chief Nev Kemp ‘caught in an affair by Ring smart doorbell’ A married police chief is under investigation over an alleged affair with a sergeant whose husband heard them arranging a rendezvous via a smart doorbell. The Times - Subscription at source 24/11/2020 News Victims of domestic abuse told to take civil action as courts clog up Victims of domestic abuse and harassment have been encouraged by the police to take civil action rather than a criminal prosecution because the system is overwhelmed, it has been claimed in a report. The Times - Subscription at source 24/11/2020 News DCC Bernie O’Reilly appointed interim CEO of the College Deputy chief executive to take on role from 1 January 2021 when Mike Cunningham retires from policing College of Policing 23/11/2020 News Police Service of Northern Ireland extends use of Spit and Bite Guards As a result of the COVID19 Pandemic and the associated potential dangers for officers and staff dealing with persons who may spit or bite, in March 2020 the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland made a decision to temporarily issue Spit and Bite Guards to COVID19 Response Teams, Custody Staff, Armed Response Unit and Cell Van Crews. This has provided a high degree of reassurance to officers and staff. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 23/11/2020 News Changing rules will make lockdown ‘almost impossible’ to police, Federation warns A relaxation of lockdown guidelines over the Christmas period will be increase pressure on officers and be “impossible” to enforce, the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has warned. Police Professional 23/11/2020 News Violent crime increases in large cities USA: Following up on Wednesday’s Daily Critical Issues Report about violent crime data and Thursday’s report about violent crime increases among Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) agencies, today’s report features interviews with police executives from large agencies that are not MCCA members, but are experiencing similar increases in some categories of violent crimes. Police Executive Research Forum 23/11/2020 Feature Edmonton police’s new $6M replacement AIR-2 chopper arrives CANADA: Edmonton Police Service’s new helicopter has touched down in the city. The Airbus H125 helicopter dubbed “AIR-2” replaces the 11-year-old EC120 model no longer in production. It was purchased with a $6.2 million loan from the City of Edmonton to be paid back over 20 years, but EPS says it expects the final purchase price will come under budget to around $5.95 million. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 23/11/2020 News ‘Clearly, we were doing it wrong’: Toronto police are doing far fewer strip searches under strict new rules, Interim chief says CANADA: After a scathing police watchdog report revealed the alarming and routine use of strip searches by Toronto police, the force has overhauled when and how officers perform a procedure dubbed “inherently degrading” by Canada’s top court — changes the interim chief says have already led to a significant drop in numbers. The Star (Canada) 23/11/2020 News Spotlight on Police Scotland: Electric at core of fleet strategy Think electric vehicles and the first image isn’t of police cars, sirens wailing, racing around on zero-emission operations. Despite nationwide emissions and air quality pressures, few of the UK’s 45 police forces have made any serious in-roads into ultra-low emission alternatives to petrol and diesel, even for their lower mileage, unmarked general vehicles. This was highlighted by the most recent Fleet200 survey, where just two of nine police fleets reported having EVs on their fleets. Fleet News 23/11/2020 News Greater Manchester Police building a ‘watchlist’ of young people to break cycle of knife crime fuelled by school exclusions, social media and ‘toxic masculinity’ "Every bit of data I've ever seen around young people who are criminalised suggests that it only gets worse afterwards - it has to be different going forward" Manchester Evening News 23/11/2020 News Police create new team to tackle rise in rural crime The Rural Specials Team will tackle hare coursing, fly-tipping, arson and other crimes Leicestershire Live 23/11/2020 News Concerns over Police Scotland’s complaints procedures to be raised in Holyrood The Scottish Conservatives will raise the governance of Police Scotland at Holyrood after The Sunday Post revealed officers’ concerns around an elite firearms unit. The Sunday Post 23/11/2020 News Bugged lawyers’ conversations available to police thanks to ‘IT error’ AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police inappropriately handled confidential information from bugged phone calls between lawyers and their clients for a period of three years. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 23/11/2020 News The power in partnership CANADA: As we continue to work on implementing The Haven, a mental health treatment centre for our first responders and uniform personnel, I am reminded of the power we have in partnership. Partnership means we are never alone, always working towards filling gaps that pop up. Ongoing communication with our partners fosters discussion that brings to light overlap and areas where resources are needed. Blue Line (Canada) 23/11/2020 Feature Gassed in their cells, ‘begging’ for food at Auckland Women’s prison NEW ZEALAND: An asthmatic woman is repeatedly pepper sprayed and has to show her used sanitary products to male guards, while her seriously depressed girlfriend is left in isolation until she attempts suicide. Guyon Espiner reveals what's going on at Auckland Women's prison. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/11/2020 Feature Coronavirus: PSNI to extend its use of spit hoods The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has said it will "issue all operational police officers with spit and bite guards as a temporary measure for the duration of the pandemic". BBC 23/11/2020 News PSNI and Garda join forces for AI surveillance project Both forces policing Ireland have teamed up to help develop a sophisticated phone surveillance system. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/11/2020 News PSNI to roll out spit-guards to all frontline officers Spit and bite guards will be issued to all frontline PSNI officers, depsite the Northern Ireland Policing Board recommeding their use be stopped as soon as possible. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/11/2020 News Pension claim pay-outs by March 2022 predicts Federation The pensions compensation claim over bungled government reforms could be settled by Spring 2022 for all officers, according to the Police Federation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/11/2020 News «286328642865286628672868286928702871Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events