Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98891 total results. Showing results 57301 to 57320 «286228632864286528662867286828692870Next ›Last » 1,776 firearms seized in international sweep against illegal trafficking of Turkish manufactured weapons A total of 24 European countries[1] supported by EU institutions and agencies[2] including Europol, have come together to target alarm and signal weapons of Turkish origin illegally trafficked into the EU via Bulgaria and other countries. To tackle the increase in weapons illegally transformed and traded, operation BOSPHORUS was setup and led by the Romanian Police (Politia Romana) within the framework of the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT). Supported by Europol, authorities collected data and conducted intelligence analysis of the buyers and sellers of firearms earlier this year to enable series of investigations and activities on a national level. Europol 16/11/2020 News Alcohol Awareness Week 2020 In recognition of this year's awareness week PCC Hardyal Dhindsa, Alcohol & Substance Misuse Lead and PCC Matthew Scott, Mental Health & Custody Lead, have made the following joint statement: This year’s Alcohol Awareness Week takes place during what is an extraordinary time with the populations of England and Wales under significant lockdown restrictions. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 16/11/2020 News Death row woman’s clemency plea in jeopardy as lawyers contract Covid-19 Lawyers acting for the first female inmate set to be executed by the US government in almost 70 years have fallen sick with coronavirus following a visit to see her in federal prison, putting her hopes for clemency in jeopardy. The Guardian 16/11/2020 News Coronavirus: Police increase Covid lockdown checks in Paris French prime minister says compliance is not as high as during first set of national restrictions The Independent 16/11/2020 News Police and politics have been dangerously intertwined during the 2020 US presidential election The American presidential election was fought against a backdrop of protest, division and unrest, with law and order and policing more politicised than at any time since the 1960s; Professor Temitope Oriola of the University of Alberta believes legislation is needed to prevent a repeat of similar politicisation in the future. Policing Insight 16/11/2020 Feature, Opinion Analysis of the Delivery of Social Services Type by Edmonton Police Service CANADA: A combination of mental health and social disorder calls for service data has been complied to respond to the City Council motion around the potential of defining of how many calls could be better addressed by partner agencies. Social disorder calls were analyzed, as this category generally encompass calls related to addictions, homelessness, or other social and public health factors. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 16/11/2020 Report Dash and Body Camera Implementation Pathways CANADA: The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) is committed to strengthening public trust through addressing crime, harm and disorder. Video technology is one way that the EPS can contribute to creating a Healthy City. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 16/11/2020 Report Street Check Reports CANADA: The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) supports the creation of a standardized and defensible guideline for street checks that assists police in police duties and encourages a positive relationship with the community. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 16/11/2020 Report Why police won’t name people fined for breaching coronavirus laws When the second wave of coronavirus cases began, the Government began to give police new powers to fine people who breached the rules - and then began increasing the levels of the fines being issued. Bristol Live 16/11/2020 Analysis, Feature Political correctness is hindering BAME communities, senior police chief warns Andy George, the president of the National Black Police Association, said focus should be on breaking poverty and increasing opportunities The Telegraph - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 Feature, Opinion Police too often do the job of social workers Decades of devastating cuts to other sectors mean that fighting crime is now regularly placed on the back burner The Times - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 Feature, Opinion We’ve gone too PC, says black police chief The head of the organisation representing black police officers has said that political correctness has gone too far and is not furthering the cause of ethnic minorities. The Times - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 News Organised criminals are exploiting police borders, claims watchdog 'The 43 force model might have been fit for purpose for the 1970s and ‘Life on Mars’, but it is not suitable now' The Telegraph - Subscription at source 15/11/2020 News Islington baptism service halted by police due to lockdown rules Police halted a baptism service after about 30 worshippers gathered in breach of national lockdown restrictions. BBC 15/11/2020 News ‘It was terrifying’ Furious Scot blasts police after they did not respond to frantic 999 calls during home invasion Stephanie Cheape called Police Scotland four times within 50 minutes after spotting two men trying to break in to her home. Daily Record 15/11/2020 News I’ve been spied on by undercover police. The system is too open to abuse The new intelligence bill will do nothing to protect the innocent campaigners who’ve been wrongly targeted by covert officers The Guardian 15/11/2020 Feature, Opinion Prisons struggle to swat drug-smuggling drones AUSTRALIA: Prison authorities are fighting off an aerial invasion by drones being used to smuggle drugs and other contraband into Victorian jails while the system has been in lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic. Brisbane Times (Australia) 15/11/2020 News Does Perceived Cultural Discrimination Influence Immigrants’ Perceptions of the Police? Evidence From Married Immigrant Women Living in South Korea Although policing scholars have discussed possible relationships between discrimination and perceptions of the police, assessing the impact of perceived cultural discrimination on perceptions of the police among immigrants is virtually non-existent and deserving of empirical scrutiny. The current study addresses this gap in the literature by examining the effect of perceived cultural discrimination on perceptions of the police using a sample of 1,272 married immigrant women living in South Korea. Our results show that perceived cultural discrimination is negatively and significantly associated with perceptions of the police, supporting the expressive nature of perceptions of the police among immigrants. Crime and Delinquency - Registration at source 15/11/2020 Research article Extra police powers in place ahead of planned protests in city The order comes after people were warned not to come to Liverpool for protests Liverpool Echo 15/11/2020 News Traffickers supplying conflict zones with weapons and explosives disarmed in Spain Properties worth about €10 million seized and seven suspects arrested Europol 15/11/2020 News «286228632864286528662867286828692870Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events