Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98893 total results. Showing results 57281 to 57300 «286128622863286428652866286728682869Next ›Last » Covid: Bristol anti-lockdown marchers “a disgrace” – police chief A chief constable described protesters who took part in an anti-lockdown march as "selfish idiots" and "an embarrassment to Bristol". BBC 16/11/2020 News Forces use handheld cameras that upload details and send fines The cameras remove the need for officers to pull over a vehicle to issue a fine. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 News Report modern slavery as a first responder GUIDANCE; How you can report cases of modern slavery in the UK if you’re a first responder. Home Office 16/11/2020 News A new look for the Edmonton Police Service? Report on uniforms, vehicle livery goes to council Monday CANADA: The Edmonton Police Service is going under the microscope at council this week as city politicians examine how to reform local policing.But one thing that seems unlikely to change? The uniform. The uniform and police cruisers, to be precise. One of Monday’s seven police-related council agenda items deals with the overall look and feel of the EPS, motivated by concerns the police service, like some of its North American counterparts, looks too “militaristic.” Edmonton Journal (Canada) 16/11/2020 News While the ACT government plans to go all electric by 2030, ACT police say they are not yet ready to switch AUSTRALIA: Electric police cars will be part of the ACT's future law enforcement fleet - but not just yet. After a lengthy assessment process which included two Tesla electric vehicles, the ACT has stuck with convention and gone with internal combustion. The Canberra Times (Australia) 16/11/2020 News Proposed NSW police powers to search convicted drug dealers labelled ‘unjust’ AUSTRALIA: Proposed law would allow police to detain and search anyone convicted in the past 10 years without a warrant The Guardian 16/11/2020 News Investigating the impact of conducting police interviews during a pandemic Researchers are to examine how Covid-19 regulations have impacted police interviews. The 18-month study will examine what differences the use of telephone or video calls, as opposed to face to face participation, has on the fairness and effectiveness of police interviews, carried out with witnesses, victims and suspects of crime. De Montford University 16/11/2020 News Police officers now permitted to carry Taser in court Police officers are now permitted to carry Taser in court after years of campaigning for a change in legislation. From today (November 16), subject to local policy, members will no longer have to remove the equipment when attending court on routine business, such as giving evidence or delivering exhibits after the Lord Chief Justice amended the Criminal Practice Direction. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 16/11/2020 News The police role in vaccine distribution USA: For today’s COVID-19 Report, Chuck Wexler interviewed Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore, Norwood, MA Police Chief William Brooks, and Fairfax County, VA Police Chief Ed Roessler to get their perspectives on the role that local police agencies will play in vaccine distribution. Police Executive Research Forum 16/11/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion New training course helps officers make impact on wildlife crime Scotlands rural crime investigators have made a major breakthrough in tackling wildlife crime with a significant increase in detection rates. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 News Officers now permitted to being tasers into court buildings From today officers will be allowed to take their taser into court buildings thanks to an amendment made by Lord Ian Burnett, Lord Chief Justice. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 News Manchester Arena Inquiry: BTP ‘let people down’ on night of bomb A senior officer at British Transport Police has accepted the force let the public down on the night of the Manchester Arena attack. BBC 16/11/2020 News Blog: The stress of lengthy investigations As part of our month-long focus on conduct and performance, Adam Commons, a deputy Conduct and Performance Liaison Officer (CAPLO) from Leicestershire Police Federation discusses the highs and the lows of the role. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 16/11/2020 Feature, Opinion Preacher, 44, who was forcibly moved on by police for singing Amazing Grace in Dorset market town during lockdown wins £1,250 payout after it was found he didn’t breach Covid rules A preacher has been awarded £50 damages and £1,200 in legal costs by Dorset Police after an officer forcibly removed him from a van while he sang Amazing Grace to a crowd amid the coronavirus lockdown. Mail Online 16/11/2020 News Lidl shopper with asthma ‘who was restrained and handcuffed’ for not wearing mask in store has £200 fine quashed after appeal A Lidl shopper with asthma who claimed he was handcuffed for not wearing a face mask in the store has had a £200 fine quashed. Mail Online 16/11/2020 News How to count crime: The Cambridge Harm Index Consensus With policing resources under greater pressure than ever, prioritising police activity has never been more important; Professor Lawrence Sherman, Director of Research, Jerry Lee Centre for Experimental Criminology, at the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Criminology and crime harm index (CHI) pioneer, explains why the concept could be crucial for modern policing, ahead of a free, live CHI webinar tomorrow. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 Feature, Opinion Convictions involving Emergency Workers (Scotland) Act 2005: FOI release Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Scottish Government 16/11/2020 News Reports of wildlife crime almost double Wildlife crime reports have nearly doubled in six months, according to the latest figures from Police Scotland. Police Professional - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 News One in four male drivers has exceeded 100mph, survey finds More than a quarter of male drivers say they have driven on public roads at speeds above 100mph, according to new research from the road safety charity Brake. Police Professional 16/11/2020 News Research on street cannabis strength leads to warning on addiction Highrer THC concentrations in cannabis resin means more people entering treatment for addiction problems. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/11/2020 News «286128622863286428652866286728682869Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events