Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98790 total results. Showing results 57021 to 57040 «284828492850285128522853285428552856Next ›Last » L Division Reconciliation Strategy 2021-2025 CANADA: L Division RCMP values its relationship with the Indigenous people of Prince Edward Island. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 21/11/2020 Report Criminals are allowed to serve sentences ‘working from home’ Thousands of criminals have been let off unpaid work sentences and others are being allowed to “work from home”, The Times has learnt. The Times - Subscription at source 21/11/2020 News Supporting your career development – up or across CPD in focus: How the College can help you to progress in policing College of Policing 20/11/2020 News Force rolls out new ‘Winnie Protocol’ to help locate missing adults A new scheme to help locate missing adults more quickly is being rolled out across Northumbria. Police Professional 20/11/2020 News Use of reserve officers during the pandemic USA: For today’s Daily COVID-19 Report, PERF spoke with law enforcement officials who oversee reserve officer programs. Topics included how reserve officers’ work has been impacted by the pandemic, demonstrations, and increases in some categories of violent crime. Police Executive Research Forum 20/11/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Ottawa police scrap uniforms for dispatchers after spending $23K on purchase CANADA: What the service appears not to have factored in to costs to provide embroidered golf shirts and fleece vests to its dispatchers is the mandatory annual provision for dry cleaning costs for uniformed positions in the civilian collective agreement. Ottawa Citizen (Canada) 20/11/2020 News Peel police begin rollout of body-worn cameras CANADA: Peel Regional Police say they are set to begin the roll-out of body-worn cameras (BWC) for all officers on the front lines. The force’s Airport Division will be the first to wear BWCs beginning Nov. 23. Global News (Canada) 20/11/2020 News Critics see no difference between police street checks and now-banned carding CANADA: Some see no difference between the two and call for similar ban on street checks CBC News (Canada) 20/11/2020 News Removal of security screening at Australian regional airports attacked as ‘ludicrous’ by terrorism expert AUSTRALIA: Exclusive: At least eight more regional airports will no longer scan passengers or screen their luggage The Guardian 20/11/2020 News Scotland shuts down: Two million Scots are plunged into tough level 4 lockdown – as police say they WON’T set up patrol to enforce draconian plans to make crossing the border illegal Two million Scots were tonight plunged into a draconian Level Four lockdown, as police insisted they won't set up a patrol to enforce plans to make crossing the border illegal. Mail Online 20/11/2020 News Covid: Met Police ‘don’t want to stop Christmas meals’ The Met Police has "no interest in interrupting family Christmas dinners" to catch Covid-19 rule breakers, Dame Cressida Dick has said. BBC 20/11/2020 News New policing team will monitor commercial traffic – including those using Port of Felixstowe A new policing team will be dedicated to commercial vehicle use across the county - focusing on the strategic road network and the significant volume of goods vehicles generated by the Port of Felixstowe. East Anglian Daily Times 20/11/2020 News Officers detect more than 300 driver offences in ‘record-breaking’ operation Warwickshire Police says a “record-breaking” operation by its Commercial Vehicle Unit (CVU) to crack down on driver’s bad behaviour saw a “staggering increase in mobile phone usage while driving”. Police Professional 20/11/2020 News Where next for policing and technology? Forces have moved very quickly to much greater digital working during the pandemic. But more complex challenges lie ahead warns former deputy commissioner Sir Craig Mackey. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/11/2020 Feature Call for drug GHB to be re classified due to ‘concering increase’ in harm The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (AMCD) found 'evidence of a concerning increase in health and social harms' from the use of GHB and other related substances. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/11/2020 News Search wands and armour issued to more officers after Sgt Ratana The Metropolitan Police are issuing more officers with search wands and body armour after the murder of Sergeant Matt Ratana. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/11/2020 News Essex Cyber crime unit detectives recognised with award Two Essex officers have been recognised at the National Police Chief's Council cyber awards for their work. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/11/2020 News Federation blast pay freeze plans as ‘morally bankrupt’ The chancellor has been warned by police leaders not to freeze pay in order to fund the costs of COVID-19. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/11/2020 News The N8 PRP programme: Police and research collaborations in a COVID-19 world The UK’s N8 Policing Research Partnership will be holding a two-day conference next week, focusing on the Policing Vulnerabilities and the Future of Police/Academic Partnerships; in the first in a series of articles around the event, Prof Gloria Laycock, Chair of the N8 PRP Advisory Board, highlights the importance of police and research collaborations in the COVID-19 pandemic age. Policing Insight - Registration at source 20/11/2020 Feature, Opinion Predicting Mental Health Quality of Life in Policing: Officers and Civilians Law enforcement is commonly recognized as a high-stress profession that can impact the well-being of members, with higher rates of physical and psychological conditions in members compared with the general population. Effective interventions to support the health of law enforcement members must target factors negatively impacting their well-being. The current study is intended to identify factors that negatively impact sworn (i.e. officer) and civilian members’ quality of life (QOL) and attitudes toward accessing professional psychological help. Developing an understanding of significant predictive factors and their interactions can inform interventions that target the most impactful factors. Sworn (n = 173) and civilian (n = 143) members of an Eastern Canadian regional police service responded to an online survey measuring: operational stress, organizational stress, microaggressions, public stigma, self-stigma, psychological QOL, social relationship QOL, and attitudes toward accessing professional psychological help. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 20/11/2020 Research article «284828492850285128522853285428552856Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events