Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98786 total results. Showing results 56961 to 56980 «284528462847284828492850285128522853Next ›Last » Bugged lawyers’ conversations available to police thanks to ‘IT error’ AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police inappropriately handled confidential information from bugged phone calls between lawyers and their clients for a period of three years. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 23/11/2020 News The power in partnership CANADA: As we continue to work on implementing The Haven, a mental health treatment centre for our first responders and uniform personnel, I am reminded of the power we have in partnership. Partnership means we are never alone, always working towards filling gaps that pop up. Ongoing communication with our partners fosters discussion that brings to light overlap and areas where resources are needed. Blue Line (Canada) 23/11/2020 Feature Gassed in their cells, ‘begging’ for food at Auckland Women’s prison NEW ZEALAND: An asthmatic woman is repeatedly pepper sprayed and has to show her used sanitary products to male guards, while her seriously depressed girlfriend is left in isolation until she attempts suicide. Guyon Espiner reveals what's going on at Auckland Women's prison. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/11/2020 Feature Coronavirus: PSNI to extend its use of spit hoods The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has said it will "issue all operational police officers with spit and bite guards as a temporary measure for the duration of the pandemic". BBC 23/11/2020 News PSNI and Garda join forces for AI surveillance project Both forces policing Ireland have teamed up to help develop a sophisticated phone surveillance system. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/11/2020 News PSNI to roll out spit-guards to all frontline officers Spit and bite guards will be issued to all frontline PSNI officers, depsite the Northern Ireland Policing Board recommeding their use be stopped as soon as possible. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/11/2020 News Pension claim pay-outs by March 2022 predicts Federation The pensions compensation claim over bungled government reforms could be settled by Spring 2022 for all officers, according to the Police Federation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/11/2020 News Lockdown rule changes put even more pressure on policing Following the announcement of a return to the three-tier system on 2 December and a potential break in restrictions over Christmas by Prime Minister Boris Johnson today (Monday 23 November), the Police Federation of England and Wales has called for more clarity to enable fair policing of the restrictions. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 23/11/2020 News Police CyberAlarm monitoring tool rolls out across England and Wales The Home Office-funded service monitors a business’ internet traffic and provides regular reports on suspected malicious activity IT PRO 23/11/2020 News Facebook’s encryption plans could help child abusers escape justice, NCA warns Warning comes as man admits using Messenger to coerce children into sending explicit pictures The Guardian 23/11/2020 News NHS Test and Trace budget now bigger than police and fire combined The NHS Test and Trace budget has risen to £22 billion, making it bigger than the police and fire service funding combined. LBC 23/11/2020 News GMP’s Emily Burton: New DNA Futures group will “explore capability and innovations to improve criminal justice outcomes” A new group has been set up to progress the exploration of opportunities and innovations in DNA aiming to improve investigations and criminal justice outcomes. Forensic Capability Network 23/11/2020 News How ‘defensive profiling’ helped protect a rape victim when her attacker was released from prison When a convicted rapist admitted that he planned to hunt down and attack the same woman again once he was released from prison, defensive profiling helped to protect his terrified victim; Policing Insight Contributing Editor Tina Orr Munro reports from the first day of the UK’s Internet Intelligence and Investigations Conference on this invaluable internet-based approach to safeguarding victims and witnesses. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/11/2020 Analysis, Feature Exploring the Barriers to Policing Financial Crime in England and Wales The police service in England and Wales has been subject of much criticism in the past two decades over the policing response to financial crime. Many studies have reported failures in how the police investigate and prosecute financial crime, which have led to many victims being dissatisfied with the service provided by police. Yet, there has been little research into the barriers facing police investigators entrusted with tackling financial crime. This article reports on a study into such barriers, through surveys and interviews with investigators that aimed to better understand the challenges faced by police forces within England and Wales. It demonstrates several overriding practical and cultural issues that inhibit the success of investigations. The article concludes that police need a better appreciation of financial crime, to help improve the service delivered to victims, and to prioritize this often-undervalued field of policing. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 23/11/2020 Research article We spent seven years observing English police stop and search – here’s what we found Police use of stop and search has been widely scrutinised and regularly debated; but as Dr Mike Rowe of the University of Liverpool and Dr Geoff Pearson of the University of Manchester discovered during a seven-year study of two police forces, ‘stop and accounts’ and vehicle stops receive much less attention, yet can be just as damaging if used disproportionately. Policing Insight 23/11/2020 Analysis, Feature Interoperability and integration by design: A joined up approach to policing Harder to say and even harder to achieve, interoperability has long been the bugbear of many industries with policing perhaps at the top of the tree. Boyd Mulvey discusses what can be done to drive integration and interoperability forward for a more joined up approach to policing. Policing Insight 23/11/2020 Advertisement, Feature Victims and Suspects of Modern Slavery: Identifying Subgroups Using Latent Class Analysis We explored heterogeneity (subgroups) amongst victims and suspects of modern slavery offences using a cross-sectional extract of police data from a large metropolitan area in the UK with details of 540 victims and 380 suspects (reported to the police between April 2015 and June 2018). Latent class analysis was used to identify subgroups of victims and suspects based on the manifest demographic (age, sex, and place of birth) and exploitation type variables. Amongst suspects, classes distinguished between ‘Male sex traffickers’ (82%) and ‘Labour and domestic traffickers’ (18%). Amongst victims, four classes were identified as: ‘Sexually and domestically exploited women’ (30%) and ‘Sexually exploited girls’ (35%), ‘Men exploited in licit and illicit markets’ (26%), and ‘Criminally exploited boys’ (9%). These findings reveal trafficking as structured by gender, generation, and migration, but caution against defining the problem as one of exclusively male offenders exploiting women and children victims, even while this is commonplace. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 23/11/2020 Research article PM reveals GCHQ and military-run National Cyber Force Prime minister Boris Johnson has told Parliament that GCHQ and Ministry of Defence (MoD) are collaborating on hostile operations through a National Cyber Force (NCF). 23/11/2020 News The Policía de Investigaciones de Chile: How ‘investigating for the citizen’ made the PDI a trusted Chilean institution Chilean policing and society in general have undergone significant changes since the 1990s, and the country’s PDI police force is now regarded by citizens as one of the country’s must trusted and reliable institutions; in this two-part interview, Policing Insight spoke to PDI Director General Héctor Espinosa about the work of the force, the challenges it faces – nationally and internationally – and what the future may hold. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/11/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Shamima Begum: Supreme Court to consider whether she can return to UK to challenge deprivation of citizenship Shamima Begum was deprived of her British citizenship in February last year shortly after she was found in a refugee camp. Sky News 23/11/2020 News «284528462847284828492850285128522853Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events