Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98735 total results. Showing results 56661 to 56680 «283028312832283328342835283628372838Next ›Last » Macron tears up plan to outlaw the broadcast of police officers’ faces as French ruling party agrees to rewrite the law after violent protests Emmanuel Macron's party has agreed to rewrite a draft plan that would have curbed the freedom to share images identifying police officers, after large protests over the weekend against police violence. Mail Online 1/12/2020 News International COVID policing workshops highlight complacency, confused messaging and new crime threats A series of international workshops focusing on policing in the pandemic have highlighted officer wellbeing, new crime threats and a deluge of lockdown legislation as key concerns emerging from the COVID-19 crisis; ahead of a London Policing College conference next week to discuss the issues, Policing Insight editor Keith Potter talks to College President Rod Jarman about the key themes, and lessons for the future. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 Feature Calgary Police Commission employee engagement report 2020 CANADA: To provide good governance, the Calgary Police Commission must be in touch with the needs, experiences, concerns, and motivators of CPS employees. [pdf] Calgary Police Commission 1/12/2020 Report A police officer with a conscience who left Belarus Andrei Ostapovich was a high-flying young police investigator in Belarus when protests broke out earlier this year, in the wake of the country's disputed presidential election. He was so horrified by the beating and torture of demonstrators in custody that he left the country. He's one of hundreds of Belarusian police officers now in exile in Poland and the Baltic states. BBC 1/12/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion France drops controversial plan to ban filming of police after huge protests The French government has backtracked over plans that would have banned members of the public from sharing images of police officers after numerous protests over the weekend. The Independent 1/12/2020 News More Covid-19 fines handed out by police during lockdown The number of Covid-19 fines handed out by police has begun to rise amid tighter lockdown rules. The Yorkshire Post 1/12/2020 News The mystery of the Gatwick drone A drone sighting caused the airport to close for two days in 2018, but despite a lengthy police investigation, no culprit was ever found. So what exactly did people see in the Sussex sky? The Guardian 1/12/2020 Analysis, Feature Call for home secretary to sign off undercover crimes Lawbreaking by MI5 informants and covert police officers should be signed off by the home secretary to prevent abuses of power, Lord Blunkett has said. The Times - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 News Blog: “No-one is invincible” Sharing the load can make the world of difference to you and your colleagues - in every respect but especially when it come to dealing with the difficult and often harrowing nature of policing. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 30/11/2020 Feature, Opinion Interview with Denver Chief Paul Pazen about his agency’s participation in the Moderna vaccine study USA: This month has brought positive news about the effectiveness of three COVID-19 vaccines: Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Oxford University/AstraZeneca. The Denver Police Department participated in the Moderna vaccine trial by asking for volunteers to take part in the study. Denver Chief Paul Pazen, who was one of the department’s volunteers, spoke with PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler about how his agency became involved in the study, what their participation entailed, and what the experience was like for him and the other volunteers. Police Executive Research Forum 30/11/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Police body cameras cited as ‘powerful tool’ Aagainst Sstop-and-frisk abuses USA: City police officers who were assigned body cameras documented more stops than officers who did not wear the devices during a yearlong pilot program. The New York Times 30/11/2020 News Mark Pannone joins North Yorkshire Police as Assistant Chief Constable Mark Pannone has joined North Yorkshire Police as Assistant Chief Constable. He joined Essex Police in 1991, before moving to Cumbria. Harrogate Informer 30/11/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Macron’s party backtracks on plan to curb filming of police officers EUROPE: PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron’s ruling party agreed on Monday to completely rewrite a draft plan that would have curbed the freedom to share images identifying police officers, after large protests over the weekend against police violence. Reuters 30/11/2020 News Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants: Final Report AUSTRALIA: At 10.00am on 30 November 2020, Commissioner McMurdo delivered her final report and recommendations to the Governor of Victoria, thereby completing the Commission's work. Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants 30/11/2020 Report Policeman dies in suicide at NSW Police headquarters in Sydney AUSTRALIA: A police officer has taken his own life at the central Sydney offices of NSW Police. The apparent suicide occurred in an office at the Sydney Police Centre in Surry Hills on Monday morning. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 30/11/2020 News Former Chief of Victoria Police Graham Ashton speaks after Lawyer X royal commission AUSTRALIA: Graham Ashton spoke to ABC reporter Josie Taylor, following the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants. [VIDEO] ABC News (Australia) 30/11/2020 News Victoria Police Chief Commissioner apologises for conduct of officers AUSTRALIA: Chief Commissioner Shane Patton said the "ends did not, and do not, justify the means" in the case of using Nicola Gobbo as a police informant. [VIDEO] ABC News (Australia) 30/11/2020 News Four volumes, 1000 pages and $39.5m: Final Gobbo report slams Victoria Police AUSTRALIA: The Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants has recommended the establishment of a special investigator to consider whether criminal charges should be brought against current and former members of Victoria Police and barrister-turned-supergrass Nicola Gobbo. The final report, which is four volumes long and runs to more than 1000 pages, is a stinging indictment of the conduct of Victoria Police and their most prolific informer. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 30/11/2020 News Federation of Islamic Associations releases submission to Royal Commission into terror attack NEW ZEALAND: An investigation by a Muslim group suggests the country's security agencies downplayed the threat of a possible terror attack in New Zealand and misinformed the public. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 30/11/2020 News How Big Data improves police effectiveness | Interview with Dr. Lawrence Sherman We met with Director of the Jerry Lee Centre for Experimental Criminology and Wolfson Professor of Criminology Emeritus at the University of Cambridge, Dr. Lawrence Sherman, to talk about Big Data analysis and tracking in policing, evidence-based policing, the “defund the police” movement, and so much more. Academic Influence 30/11/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion «283028312832283328342835283628372838Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events