Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98735 total results. Showing results 56641 to 56660 «282928302831283228332834283528362837Next ›Last » Typologies and Correlates of Police Violence Against Female Sex Workers Who Inject Drugs At the México–united States Border: Limits of de Jure Decriminalization in Advancing Health and Human Rights Decriminalization of sex work is increasingly promoted as a structural measure to improve the health of vulnerable groups. In México, sex work is not illegal, but knowledge of policies’ street-level impact is limited. This study describes typologies of police violence against female sex workers who inject drugs (FSWID), identifying risk and protective factors for violence exposure to inform policy responses. Survey data were collected during 2008–2010 among HIV-negative FSWID in a behavioral intervention in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez (N = 584). Latent class analysis identified typologies of police violence in the past 6 months: asked for money, money taken, syringes taken, asked for sex, and sexually assaulted. Structural equation modeling (SEM) predicted latent class membership using sociodemographic, behavioral and risk environment factors, controlling for age, education, marital status, and city. Journal of Interpersonal Violence - Registration at source 1/12/2020 Research article Officer and Organizational Correlates With Police Interventions in Domestic Violence in China Although domestic violence has long been identified as a serious social problem in China, little is known about police officers’ attitudinal and behavioral tendencies toward such incidents. Drawing upon survey data collected from police officers in two Chinese provinces, this study assesses whether officer and organizational factors are correlated to police inaction and intervention in resolving family violence. More than a quarter of Chinese police officers often and sometime did not take any action when responding to domestic violence. Chinese officers favored most the least punitive approaches of mediation and separation, with the most punitive actions, written warning and criminal sanction as the least preferred interventions. We found that Chinese officers with low levels of knowledge about the domestic violence law, higher degrees of tolerance of violence and less supportive attitudes toward an active police role in handling domestic violence are less willing to take any action against the offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence - Registration at source 1/12/2020 Research article A Practical Approach to Evidence-Based Policing Evidence-based policing remains misunderstood and under-appreciated. This article clarifies what it is, emphasizing its value in informing police practices in conjunction with experience, judgment, and craft knowledge. It also argues for a broad framework simply because policing has a broad mission. In other words, evidence-based policing is more than evidence-based crime control. Data, analysis, and the other tools of science can help police increase their effectiveness across the multiple bottom lines of policing. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 1/12/2020 Research article Coronavirus, Crime and Policing: Thoughts on the Implications of the Lockdown Rollercoaster The coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on societies across the world. While much of the focus has been on the impact on health and financial wellbeing, crime patterns have also been affected. Correspondingly, police systems, policing, and the legal system within which the police operate, have also changed, less because of the changing crime pattern and more as the police have been empowered with policing health. This exploratory discussion looks at how crime and policing have been affected by the pandemic and speculates about the long-term impact when societies return to a new normal. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Registration at source 1/12/2020 Research article Tackling domestic violence: Police and polygraph testing Following a recent three-year pilot, provisions in a new UK Domestic Abuse Bill will pave the way for mandatory lie-detector testing of high-risk domestic abuse perpetrators; but Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth argues that new scientific test techniques would be more effective and appropriate than using outdated polygraph methods. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the UK's National Police Library. You do not need to be a member of the UK College of Policing to access its library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 News Online surveillance must increase to contain the spread of online extremism With online extremists migrating to increasingly niche platforms, law enforcement is having to work harder to monitor and tackle hate crime and extremist activity; but as online intelligence experts Franck Znaty and Dr Lewys Brace told delegates at this year's NPCC Internet, Intelligence and Investigation conference, targeting such activity may be challenging but can still be successful. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 Feature Integrating Evidence-Based Policing in police organisations In our continuing series supporting new police degree entry recruits, Policing Insight’s Academic Editor Dr Carina O’Reilly takes a final look at evidence-based policing, and the challenges of taking EBP forwards from research theory to embedded, applied practice within policing organisations. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 Feature Prosecution partnership between police and CPS is ‘under strain’ Inspection warns that disclosure improvements deals is 'starting to drift' and CPS has 'feedback fatigue'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 News Transnational access to electronic evidence for criminal cases: trends and latest developments within the EU and beyond Europol, Eurojust and the European Judicial Network publish today the second annual edition of the SIRIUS EU Digital Evidence Situation Report. The report outlines the status of EU authorities in retrieving electronic data held by foreign-based online service providers (OSPs) in 2019. Cross-border access to digital information is paramount to an ever-increasing number of investigations, ranging from economic crimes and drug trafficking to terrorism, cybercrime and child sexual exploitation. In one case mentioned in the report, law enforcement officers were able to find an abducted child after requesting GPS data from a social media platform. Europol 1/12/2020 News Artificial Intelligence and law enforcement: challenges and opportunities The disruption of AI-controlled systems, AI-authored fake news, and the use of driverless systems as weapons were identified as probable AI-enabled future crimes during the INTERPOL-UNICRI Global Meeting on Artificial Intelligence for Law Enforcement. INTERPOL 1/12/2020 News Police launch Operation Season’s Greetings The Police Service of Northern Ireland has launched their annual Season’s Greetings operation to keep people safe in the run up to Christmas. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 1/12/2020 News Police to crack down on drink and drug driving this Christmas Police chiefs warn that anyone getting behind the wheel after a festive drink or two faces the prospect of ending up behind bars this Christmas. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 1/12/2020 News #KeepingChristmasKind Shopworkers and their families speak out about abuse in moving Christmas campaign Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 1/12/2020 News Blog: Don’t deal with debt alone This time of year can be challenging for many and it is even more difficult to see light at the end of the tunnel during a global pandemic. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 1/12/2020 News Linking Body Worn Camera Activation With Complaints: the Promise of Metadata With the introduction of body worn cameras, new data types have emerged, including activation metadata, which is information on the extent of the implementation of body worn cameras, by whom, and under what conditions. In this paper, we propose an avenue of methodological interest: linking activation metadata with police-recorded behaviour. We take the case of complaints to examine the use of these data for investigations of officers’ misconduct. We used an observational approach, analysing 1.73 million body worn camera activations by more than 3900 frontline officers, juxtaposed with professional conduct data. We find a heterogeneous distribution of implementation, despite a ‘blanket’ body worn camera policy requiring activation. Specifically, distinct types of officers disproportionally under-activate body worn cameras. We show that body worn cameras activation rates are inversely correlated with complaints, although minimally when observed at the population level. We discuss the use of metadata for research as well as for policy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 1/12/2020 Research article Blog: Conduct and Performance Chair reflects on 2020 As conduct and performance month draws to a close, Phill Matthews, PFEW National Board member and Chair of the Conduct and Performance sub-committee, reflects on 2020 and looks ahead to what the committee will continue to strive for. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 1/12/2020 Feature, Opinion PC Andrew Harper’s killer should have had life sentence, court told Appeal judges hear that sentencing for Henry Long, 19, and two accomplices was unduly lenient The Guardian 1/12/2020 News Pandemic has left legacy of child abuse and neglect, Ofsted warns Schools unable to refer youngsters in need to local authorities during lockdown, says watchdog The Guardian 1/12/2020 News COVID-19: No fines issued for over 1,400 travellers who may have ignored coronavirus quarantine rules When police called at their homes to check they were isolating they got no response or there was no record of them at the address. Sky News 1/12/2020 News «282928302831283228332834283528362837Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events