Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98735 total results. Showing results 56621 to 56640 «282828292830283128322833283428352836Next ›Last » Prosecution partnership between police and CPS is “under strain”” Inspection warns that disclosure improvements deal is 'starting to drift' and CPS has 'feedback fatigue'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 News IOPC launches Victims’ Right to Review scheme The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has today (1 December, 2020) launched its Victims’ Right to Review (VRR) scheme which allows victims to request a review of our decisions not to refer matters to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 1/12/2020 News PC Harper’s price for his bravery ‘should be reflected in sentence’ PC Andrew Harper's killing was a serious case of manslaughter as it is possible to envisage, the Attorrney General has told the Court of Appeal. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/12/2020 News The Scottish Government has made the Hate Crime Bill controversial Controversial’ is probably not an adjective that governments wish to have associated with legislation they are trying to pass, but it is certainly an appropriate description of the Scottish Government’s Hate Crime Bill. Holyrood Magazine 1/12/2020 News Interview with San Diego County Sheriff William Gore about enforcing COVID public health orders USA: San Diego County Sheriff William Gore recently announced that his deputies would be joining county code compliance teams to ensure compliance with public health orders, including enforcement actions when necessary. PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler spoke with Sheriff Gore about why his agency is increasing enforcement and how the changes have been received. Police Executive Research Forum 1/12/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Will body cams work as police say they’re supposed to? Experts weigh in CANADA: The RCMP's body cam pilot project rolled out in Iqaluit on Monday CBC News (Canada) 1/12/2020 News Qld’s firearms register slammed for data failings, poor integration AUSTRALIA: Queensland’s firearms register has been labeled “inaccurate” and “outdated” by the state’s auditor-general, in part due to integration poor integration with the state’s core policing database QPRIME. In a damning audit released late last week, the Queensland Audit Office roundly criticised the system operated by Queensland Police Service (QPS) for the management of firearms and licence holders. IT News (Australia) 1/12/2020 News French interior minister outlines proposals for police reform amid outcry EUROPE: Amid a wave of anger and street protests in France over police violence, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin outlined proposals for police reform before a National Assembly committee on Monday evening. France 24 1/12/2020 News Police need more consultation over housing plans, says crime commissioner Policing is “not given enough weight” when long-term homebuilding plans are drafted, a crime commissioner has said. Shropshire Star 1/12/2020 News SIS ‘questionable’ for not reporting sex abuse to police – Inspector-General NEW ZEALAND: The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service behaved in a "questionable" way by deciding not to inform police it knew a serious crime was being committed, an investigation by the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security has found. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/12/2020 News Victims of alledged misconduct gain right to appeal IOPC prosecution decisions Victims of alleged police misconduct are to gain the right to appeal if the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) decides not to refer officers to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) following an investigation. Police Professional 1/12/2020 News Tackling fraud needs to be a priority at a local level Local police forces need to “step up” their efforts in tackling fraud according to the City of London Corporation’s Police Authority Board. Police Professional 1/12/2020 News Tough action from HMRC to tackle illicit tobacco trade welcomed The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has welcomed proposed action from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to clamp down on the illicit tobacco market, which costs the UK around £1.9 billion a year. Police Professional 1/12/2020 News Inspection of the CPS reveals ‘clear weaknesses’ in disclosure decisions A new report has highlighted “clear weaknesses” in how the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) makes decisions about the handling and management of disclosure. Police Professional 1/12/2020 News Disclosure of unused material in the Crown Court A follow up of the Jaunnuary 2020 review of the Crown Proscution Service's handling of the disclosure of unused material in the Crown Court. HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) 1/12/2020 Report Disclosure of unused material in the Crown Court – a follow-up This inspection is a follow-up to one we reported on in January 2020, looking at the CPS’s handling of the disclosure of unused material in the Crown Court. HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) 1/12/2020 News Prosecutors ‘losing heart’ with police over botched criminal case files, report finds Justice in crisis: The justice system in the UK is straining under the pressure of an unprecedented crisis. The Standard is looking into the problems and how they can be fixed The Standard 1/12/2020 News Investing in yet more prison places is not the way to cut crime The chancellor’s £4bn to imprison more criminals in England and Wales should be spent helping people live a life outside crime The Guardian 1/12/2020 Feature, Opinion ‘Extra funds needed’ to clear England and Wales court backlog Lord chief justice warns tackling disruption will cost more than £500m promised so far The Guardian 1/12/2020 News Lawyer X inquiry calls for sweeping change to Victoria Police, but is it enough to bring real accountability? In Australia, the recent Victorian Royal Commission into Police Management of Informants has highlighted concerns over police accountability, and called for major changes around oversight and transparency; but Professor Jude McCulloch and Professor Michael Maguire, both of Monash University, argue that real progress will require more extensive reform. Policing Insight 1/12/2020 Feature, Opinion «282828292830283128322833283428352836Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events