Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 56561 to 56580 «282528262827282828292830283128322833Next ›Last » Met chief defends ‘strong record’ after claims of race crisis Britain’s top police officer has denied her force’s leadership were too slow to realise it had race a problem and said its controversial tactics have not oppressed young black men but saved scores from being stabbed. The Guardian 3/12/2020 News Looked after children exploited by County Lines drug dealers Work with Offenders profile a new report by Crest Advisory. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/12/2020 News Former PCSO jailed for relationship with burglary victim A former West Midlands Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) was today (2nd December) jailed for 12-months for misconduct in public office. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/12/2020 News New national scheme to approve police interpretors and translators Leicestershire Police to hold master list of approved suppliers who are vetted and have appropriate qualifications. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/12/2020 News Buying sex should be criminalised, say two former prostitutes Former prostitutes have urged the Scottish government to change the law to make buying sex a criminal offence. Police Professional 3/12/2020 News New community taskforce to improve policing of ‘sensitive’ events in NI The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) is to establish a new Community Relations Taskforce to help improve its policing of “sensitive and contested matters”. Police Professional 3/12/2020 News Three more arrests as police continue ‘mammoth operation’ to infiltrate sophisticated encryption system used by gangs Three men are being held in custody on suspicion of firearm and drug offences. Manchester Evening News 3/12/2020 News We Need to Talk About Dialogue: Accomplishing Collaborative Sensemaking in Homicide Investigations In this paper, we explore the importance of dialogue for collaborative sensemaking during homicide investigation, focusing upon interactions between detectives, forensic scientists and other experts involved in managing and undertaking forensic work. Drawing on data from a 4-year ethnographic study of British homicide investigations, we provide insights from criminal justice actors about both the value of, and barriers to, inter-professional and cross-disciplinary dialogue. We explore how and why organisational arrangements may limit opportunities for forensic scientists and other experts to engage collaboratively with detectives and prosecutors. We conclude by considering ways to enhance collaborative sensemaking during the investigation of homicide. Police Journal - Registration at source 3/12/2020 Research article Limitations in Cross-National Comparative Research The Mass Media in Cyprus announced that, according to the Eurostat (2019) “Police, Court and Prison Personnel Statistics”, Cyprus has the highest ratio of police officers per 100.000 inhabitants among all EU member states. To examine this outcome, the Cyprus Police conducted cross-national research comparing the organization’s population and duties with those of other Law Enforcement Agencies in the European Union. This article will elaborate on the limitations of cross-national comparative research, which the authors came across during the aforementioned study. It will argue that even a subject as straightforward as the number of police officers is not directly comparable between countries in terms of necessity or efficiency, without taking into consideration the particular context of each given country. A quantitative comparison, which does not explore the background and contextual information on Law Enforcement Agencies in each country, can be questioned with regards to serious methodological issues, while its outcomes run the risk of being regarded as misleading. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 3/12/2020 Research article The European Code of Police Ethics 20 Years on This article reflects a conference contribution as presented by the author on behalf of CEPOL- the EU Agency for law enforcement training, to the Council of Europe conference on the role of police in democratic societies. After a historical examination of the context leading to the publication of the European Code of Police Ethics against the backdrop of the 2004 EU Enlargement after the decade of reforms in the countries of the former Eastern European block, the article examines the importance and the challenges of fundamental rights and police ethics from a training viewpoint ,against the backdrop of the changing landscape of policing in democratic societies. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 3/12/2020 Research article The 2019 Hong Kong Protests: A Role For Historical Sociology This article responds to Stott et al.’s ‘Patterns of disorder in the 2019 protests in Hong Kong’. In that paper, they offer a social psychological analysis of the Hong Kong events and, in so doing, draw upon the ‘Elaborated Social Identity Model’, and deploy it as the basis for understanding the escalating tensions and violence that occurred through 2019. This model has a number of positive features, not least that it foregrounds rationality and the organized and purposive nature of collective conduct while also paying careful attention to the wider context in which identity within large groups is formed and reformed. The aim in this article is simply to point to the importance of situating such an account within a wider historical sociology, in particular, considering the longer-term ‘life-cycle’ of riot and violent protest. Utilizing Sewell’s notion of ‘events’, the article seeks to point to the ways in which such signal phenomena may be considered to have laid the foundations for at least elements of what occurred subsequently. Such an approach provides a basis within which the growth of Hong Kong’s localism may be situated, as well as offering a longer-term context for understanding the rapidly shifting position occupied by Hong Kong’s police. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 3/12/2020 Research article MI5 and SO15: Collaboration in UK counter-terrorism The recent announcement by the UK Government that a new, world-leading counter-terror operations centre will be opened in London has been widely welcomed, and as Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth reports, the collaboration between policing and M15 will be crucial to the success of the ongoing fight against terrorism. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/12/2020 Feature, Opinion ‘No issue’ with PPE supply to forces since start of pandemic says chiefs The NPCC dispute claims that PPE supply and distribution to officers has been inadequate, while the Federation says that access has 'improved' despite its morale survey findings. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/12/2020 News BTP appoints Met DAC Lucy D’Orsi as new Chief Constable DAC D'Orsi will replace the current police chief Paul Crowther who is due to retire early next year. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/12/2020 News IOPC to investigate Norfolk Constabulary death in custody We have begun an independent investigation following the death in custody of a 51-year-old man, who had been arrested in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 3/12/2020 News Christmas message from APCC Chair Paddy Tipping Chair of the APCC and PCC for Nottinghamshire wishes everyone a safe Christmas and New Year. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 3/12/2020 News Dozens of drivers fined after detected by police’s new ‘game-changer’ speed camera Drivers are being caught out by new next-generation speed cameras which have been introduced at police forces across the UK. Express 3/12/2020 News Six police forces feature in list of UK’s most inclusive employers Six police forces have been named among the top 50 inclusive employers in the UK in recognition of their continued dedication to workplace diversity. Police Professional 3/12/2020 News Facing the camera GUIDANCE: Good practice and guidance for the police use of overt surveillance camera systems incorporating facial recognition technology to locate persons on a watchlist. Surveillance Camera Commissioner 3/12/2020 Report Surveillance Camera Commissioner releases guidance for police on use of Live Facial Recognition The guidance is for forces to follow when considering the deployment of Live Facial Recognition (LFR) surveillance camera technology. Surveillance Camera Commissioner 3/12/2020 News «282528262827282828292830283128322833Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events