Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 56501 to 56520 «282228232824282528262827282828292830Next ›Last » Police chief unveils radical plans for community panels to monitor race bias Exclusive: call for wider scrutiny of stop and search, handcuffing and use of force, and even intelligence The Guardian 6/12/2020 News Police cells are open to scrutiny. Now the same must happen with body cameras Rob Beckley is a police assistant commissioner based in the Home Office. The views expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Home Office or Metropolitan Police The Guardian 6/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Police chief unveils radical plans for community panels to monitor race bias New independent community panels in England and Wales should be given the power to inspect everything police do to root out bias, including their use of force and even where they deploy officers, under radical plans devised by a senior chief constable. The Guardian 6/12/2020 News Sexual Harassment of Law Enforcement Officers: Findings From A Nationally Representative Survey Sexual harassment continues to be a consistent destructive feature of American life and workplaces, especially in fields for which women are under-represented, such as law enforcement. We use one of the first nationally representative cross-sectional surveys (n = 2,867) of female and male law enforcement officers (LEOs) to assess the prevalence of workplace sexual harassment victimization. Next, we assess how risk factors are related to this harassment through multivariable modeling. We observed large differences between rates of sexual harassment for female compared to male officers on both our measures of non-physical and physical workplace sexual harassment (sexual assault). Our combined measure of non-physical sexual harassment and sexual assault of female officers (71%) was in the range found in prior research and our 41% rate for male officers is also not trivial and requires attention from law enforcement leaders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence - Registration at source 6/12/2020 Research article Alabama sheriff’s ‘thugshot’ Christmas tree draws complaints A sheriff's department in the US state of Alabama has come under fire over a Facebook photo showing a Christmas tree adorned with mugshots of suspects. BBC 6/12/2020 News Gardai ‘cancelled’ thousands of 999 calls An internal garda inquiry is under way into the discovery that officers “cancelled” thousands of incidents reported to the 999 emergency service by members of the public. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/12/2020 News Fewer victims of crime in Ireland told why their cases dropped The director of public prosections (DPP) last year refused one in eight requests by victims of crime for an explanation as to why their case was not pursued. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/12/2020 News Widow of detective Colm Fox sues ‘negligent’ gardai commissioner The widow of a detective who died in an apparent suicide in a garda station in 2018 is suing the garda commissioner and the state, alleging “negligence”. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/12/2020 News Spotting liars is hard – but our new method is effective and ethical It turns out liars and truth-tellers behave very differently when questioned says Cody Porter, Senior Teaching Fellow in Psychology and Offending Behaviour at the University of Portsmouth. Police Professional - Subscription at source 5/12/2020 Feature Europol predictions correct for fake COVID-19 vaccines Increased vigilance for criminal fraudulent activity is advised to all Member States Europol 5/12/2020 News Mets stop and search ‘not well targeted’ says study A study on the stop and search in London from July to September 2020 shows a quarter lead to a criminal justice outcome, with ethnicity making little distance as to whether further action was taken. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/12/2020 News France police security bill: Protests turn violent again FRANCE; Dozens of protesters have clashed with police in the French capital Paris in fresh demonstrations against a controversial draft security law. BBC 5/12/2020 News Thousands march over police violence and security bill in Paris FRANCE; Riot officers fire teargas and charge protesters in one incident after fireworks launched at their lines The Guardian 5/12/2020 News Police officers fear new pilot scheme for shops to report crimes will make it ‘too easy’ to record offences Police officers have voiced concerns a new pilot scheme for shops to report crimes will make it 'too easy' to record offences, a police commissioner has revealed. Mail Online 5/12/2020 News British women thought they’d found boyfriends who shared their beliefs. They were actually undercover police Two years ago, Queensland woman 'Ellie' got a call that changed her life. It was from her first love, a man named James. abc news (USA) 5/12/2020 News Police patrolling English county borders this weekend to prevent ‘non-essential’ travel Surveillance in North Yorkshire, Liverpool and Cornwall has been stepped up The Telegraph - Subscription at source 5/12/2020 News The benefits of digital tokenisation resilience in supporting organisational cyber security self-reform There is increasing pressure on public and private sector organisations to ensure data security, in an era of expanding and evolving cyber crime; Susan Brown, Founder and CEO of specialists Zortrex, believes the concept of tokenisation – already used widely in financial services – could bring benefits for policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Gove urged to put security access above Brexit ‘ideology’ Michael Gove has been urged to prioritise a Brexit deal which retains vital access to crime-fighting tools in Europe over ‘Brexit ideologies’. The Herald (Scotland) 5/12/2020 News Gangs rise up to hit lorries on run Gangs are mounting car bonnets to break into fast-moving lorries in a crime wave aimed at cashing in on pre-Christmas deliveries of expensive goods. The Times - Subscription at source 5/12/2020 News Police give 4G cameras to burglary victims People whose homes have been burgled will be given free solar- powered security cameras in a trial in the Nottinghamshire town of Newark aimed at preventing more crime. The Times - Subscription at source 5/12/2020 News «282228232824282528262827282828292830Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events