Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 56441 to 56460 «281928202821282228232824282528262827Next ›Last » Victims left unprotected as too many suspects released under investigation, report finds Victims of serious crimes including domestic abuse are being left at risk because too many suspects are released by police without restrictions, inspectors have found. Police Professional 8/12/2020 News Erosion of neighbourhood policing has hampered fight against terrorism Extremism appears to be on the rise and becoming more complex, but police do not have the right tools to tackle it effectively, according to a new report published today (December 8) by crime and justice consultancy Crest Advisory. Police Professional 8/12/2020 News Close to €13 million worth of cigarettes seized at EU’s eastern borders Law enforcement authorities seized 37 millions of illegal cigarettes and more than 3.5 thousand litres of illegal fuel this month in a ten-day operation led by Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency with the support of Europol. Europol 8/12/2020 News Pre-charge bail and released under investigation Striking a balance Police powers to release suspects on bail changed with the enactment of the Policing and Crime Act 2017. Before then, there was no limit to the amount of time bail could apply. But in April 2017, the new legislation significantly changed how bail could be used [pdf]. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 8/12/2020 Report Further changes to bail legislation must consider victim’s needs Changes to bail legislation in 2017 led to potentially increased risk to victims and uncertainty for suspects, a joint inspection by HMICFRS and HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 8/12/2020 News Police committed to protecting victims whilst respecting rights of suspects An inspection of the implementation of the Police and Crime Act 2017, which put changes around police use of bail into legislation, has been published. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 8/12/2020 News UK should ban use of spit hoods and Tasers on children, says Unicef UN humanitarian organisation says continued use runs counter to international rights standards The Guardian 8/12/2020 News Beware the new bang-to-rights blue speed gun Motorists beware, police forces around the country are trialling new handheld speed guns that will make it far easier for them to catch and fine road users who exceed limits. This is Money 8/12/2020 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the UK's National Police Library. You do not need to be a member of the UK College of Policing to access its library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/12/2020 News Pandemic lockdown prompts fears over increased risk of online radicalisation The pandemic lockdown may have led to a drop in many categories of crime, but it also introduced the right conditions for a significant increase in the risk of online radicalisation at a time when, as Met Police DAC Lucy D’Orsi explained, UK counter-terror investigations are already at their highest level; Policing Insight’s Contributing Editor Tina Orr Munro reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/12/2020 Feature Annual Report 2020 NEW ZEALAND: This annual report details our performance during the 2019/20 financial year in meeting our strategic priorities. New Zealand Police 8/12/2020 Report Bed of Lies: What goes on inside the mind of an undercover police officer? As bereaved families sue the Met Police for stealing the identity of their dead children, Bed of Lies episode five looks at how it works The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/12/2020 Analysis, Feature Scottish Police Federation rejects Dame Angiolini’s racism report The body that represents frontline police officers has shown a “depressing” refusal to accept the extent of racism, sexism and misogyny in the ranks, a former lord advocate has said. The Times - Subscription at source 8/12/2020 News How the Christchurch terrorist spent his final months before the March 15 attack The official probe into the mosque shootings has revealed how the gunman planned and prepared the attack that left 51 dead and dozens injured. Stuff (New Zealand) 8/12/2020 News Dorset Police more than £1.3 million over budget this year Dorset Police is more than £1.3 million over budget in its day to day spending so far this year – largely due to the pandemic and a higher than average number of large police operations. Dorset Echo 8/12/2020 News No legislative changes planned for hate crime in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND: The government is not considering the introduction of specific hate crime laws, a move that's been called for by the Police Association and justice advocates. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 8/12/2020 News Police bail reforms left crime victims feeling unsafe, finds report Changes intended to benefit innocent suspects kept some attackers at liberty until trial The Guardian 8/12/2020 News Preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls Organisations who work to tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG) are being invited to apply for a share of up to £13 million to help them develop and further their vital work over the next three years. Scottish Government 7/12/2020 News National Police to check cops’ search history on internal systems EUROPE: NETHERLANDS - The National Police will soon be checking exactly what confidential information police officers are searching the internal police systems for. Software that "detects striking search behavior at an early stage" will be gradually introduced at police stations nationwide, an an attempt to prevent information leaks to criminals, NRC reported. NL Times (Netherlands) 7/12/2020 News Seizing military weapons does not increase violent crime nor risk police safety USA: More local law enforcement agencies are using military equipment, such as tear gas, armored vehicles and rubber bullets, to handle social justice protests—calling into question police militarization. But if police no longer used weapons and tactics previously connected to the military, there is little evidence that this would impact violent crime or officer safety, according to a new University of Michigan study. Phys Org 7/12/2020 News «281928202821282228232824282528262827Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events