Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 56421 to 56440 «281828192820282128222823282428252826Next ›Last » Police forces are rolling out a ‘next-generation’ handheld camera that can read number plates from 750 metres away, day and night Motorists beware, police forces around the country are trialling new handheld speed guns that will make it far easier for them to catch and fine road users who exceed limits. A number of UK constabularies - including Northumbria Police and Warwickshire Police - in recent months have announced they are beginning to use the latest version of the blue cameras, which have been described as 'next generation' enforcement devices This is Money 8/12/2020 Feature France’s Macron calls for ‘urgent’ police reform following protests EUROPE: French President Emmanuel Macron has said there is an "urgent need" to reform the security forces, following weeks of protests over police violence. BBC 8/12/2020 News Christchurch mosque attacks report: Police have made ‘significant steps forward’ since attack – Coster NEW ZEALAND: The government has said sorry for the Christchurch terror attack, after the release of the 800-page report from the Royal Commission. The report noted NZ had under-resourced security agencies, a patchy system for information sharing and enforcement, lax practices for firearms licensing and too much of a focus on the threat of Islamic extremism. Despite these findings, the report says nothing could have been done to stop the attacks, which left 51 Muslims dead, and the agencies were not to blame. Police Commissioner Andrew Coster speaks to Susie Ferguson. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 8/12/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Mosque terror attacks report: Prime Minister, police, security agencies apologise NEW ZEALAND: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and New Zealand's security agencies have apologised to the victims, families and broader Muslim community for failings that created an environment in which the Christchurch mosque attacks could be carried out. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 8/12/2020 News New global hub to study factors driving radicalization and extremism A new United Nations (UN) office in Doha, Qatar will advance research into the factors that drive violent extremism and terrorism, UN counterterrorism chief Vladimir Voronkov said on December 7 during the soft launch held online. Homeland Security Today 8/12/2020 News Need for better detectives than counter-terrorism agency – security expert NEW ZEALAND: A security expert warns that creating a new counter-terrorism agency might just add to the confusion. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 8/12/2020 News Rethinking Policing in Aotearoa New Zealand: Decolonising Lessons From the Covid-19 Pandemic Notwithstanding the global praise directed to New Zealand’s approach to Covid-19, the pandemic has intensified harms and inequalities in many areas of national life. The racialised, classed and gendered inequities that percolate through this settler-state have intensified, especially within criminal justice settings. At the same time, the pandemic has illustrated other opportunities for protective and just measures – not least in terms of how Māori asserted self-determination by establishing checkpoints to prevent potential carriers of Covid-19 from reaching rural Māori communities. This article shows how these responses highlighted the fundamental limits of state protection for Māori on health or law and order grounds but they also offered pathways for greater policing autonomy for Māori. From here, and drawing on the examples of Watene Māori (Māori Wardens) and Te Pae Oranga (Iwi Community Panels), the article considers how self-policing within and among Māori communities might be more clearly determined and actioned in ways aligned to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi). Crime and Delinquency 8/12/2020 Research article Policing Biosecurity: Police Enforcement of Special Measures in New South Wales and Victoria During the Covid-19 Pandemic In this article we consider the enforcement of COVID-19 measures as an instance of security policing, characterised by a pre-emption paradigm. Whilst COVID-19 measures are directed towards the goal of ‘biosecurity’ to stop the spread of the disease, in practice, COVID policing appears to rely on long-standing criminalisation strategies at odds with public health. Drawing on a range of primary and secondary data sources, we provide a critical account of the policing practices used and the groups to which the special measures have been directed in the most severely affected states of Victoria and New South Wales. We consider the implications of the securitisation of public health through the use of policing. Although we identify the potential for expansion—whereby population groups that do not usually attract police attention are drawn into contact with police—our case studies reveal that COVID policing as practiced in those contexts intensifies existing patterns of public order policing directed towards the ‘usual suspects’ and reinforces a criminalisation rather than a public health paradigm. Crime and Delinquency 8/12/2020 Research article Full pay for 26 weeks after changes to maternity and adoption leave Police officers on maternity or adoption leave will be entitled to full pay for 26 weeks instead of 18 from 4 January 2021. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 8/12/2020 News Blog: Wellbeing must be more than just a poster on a wall Let’s be honest, police officers can be a cynical bunch; not surprising when you see what society throws at us! But when we talk about wellbeing you can often hear the moans and feel the scepticism. Yet the reality is, wellbeing in policing is very much on the agenda. It’s being talked about across all forces and there are pledges being thrown around all over the place. The fact it’s being talked about is a good thing, it’s important. But, does all this talk actually mean anything? Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 8/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Police struggling to tackle rising extremism because of ‘weak’ government response Call for ‘urgent’ action after government fails to respond to watchdog’s recommendations for over a year The Independent 8/12/2020 News The time for digital transformation is now Policing and criminal justice agencies share why 2020 has been the year of digital transformation. Police Oracle 8/12/2020 News Blurred and Confused: the Paradox of Police in Schools The get-tough era in juvenile justice ushered in significant changes to how schools respond to delinquency. One of the most visible changes has been the increasing presence of police officers who work in and patrol schools. The purpose of this article is to argue that this practice has blurred the boundaries between schools and police and, in turn, has created confusion about the roles of educators in safety efforts and of officers in education efforts, respectively. We draw on prior literature about school safety, school discipline, and law enforcement officers in school environments to describe this confusion and its consequences. This article contributes to literature aimed at understanding the changing landscape of policing and school safety and the challenges as well as opportunities facing the police and schools in educating youth, responding to misbehaviour, and maintaining safe school environments. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 8/12/2020 Research article Former Lord Advocate ‘depressed’ by police discrimination A former Lord Advocate has said she was left "extraordinarily depressed" after hearing accounts of discrimination within Police Scotland. BBC 8/12/2020 News UK access to EU police database hangs in balance The MEP who chairs the EU's border-free Schengen zone working group says the UK needs to be cut off from a major EU police and security database. eu observer 8/12/2020 News Beyond Brexit: The robot security surveillance system preparing to reinforce Fortress Europe Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth reports on a new EU border security and surveillance system which could see unmanned, automated robots becoming the eyes and ears of a new Fortress Europe Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Policing and criminal justice agencies share why 2020 has been the year of digital transformation On Tuesday 15th December at 11am EST / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET, NICE will be hosting a Global Digital Transformation of Policing and Criminal Justice Virtual Roundtable. It will be joined by senior Police and Criminal Justice representatives from the UK and the US who will each provide insight into their digital transformation journeys, during this free-to-attend event. Policing Insight 8/12/2020 Feature Report: Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain on 15 March 2019 NEW ZEALAND: Ko tō tātou kāinga tēnei is a comprehensive response to the Royal Commission's Terms of Reference. The report was presented to the Governor-General on 26 November 2020. The Minister of Internal Affairs presented the report to Parliament on 8 December 2020. The title Kō tō tātou kāinga tēnei means “This is our home”. This title represents an inclusive New Zealand, welcoming of people of all ethnicities and backgrounds. Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques 8/12/2020 Report Christchurch shooting: security agencies were focused on Islamist terror, inquiry finds NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern apologises for police and security failings but says they would not have stopped the attack The Guardian 8/12/2020 News RUI changes ‘unacceptable and rushed says Inspectorates Controversial changes to the bail system for suspects in criminal cases are 'unacceptable' according to Inspectors. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2020 News «281828192820282128222823282428252826Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events