Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98714 total results. Showing results 56281 to 56300 «281128122813281428152816281728182819Next ›Last » Met refers itself to watchdog over scuffle outside London school Footage appears to show officer swinging arm towards teenage boy during fracas that left four injured The Guardian 12/12/2020 News Brexit: Britain should be ‘very worried’ about no deal with EU, ex-Europol chief warns Britain will lose access to shared criminal intelligence when it automatically leaves Europol on 1 January 2021. Sky News 12/12/2020 News Visibly Better? Testing the Effect of Ethnic Appearance on Citizen Perceptions of the Police Ethnic minority officers continue to be underrepresented across UK police forces. Further, some ethnic minority groups consistently report lower levels of confidence in police compared to their White British counterparts. Although there is consensus that a more ethnically representative police service is a good idea, there is limited evidence in the UK on how the public perceives officers of different ethnic appearance, and how this relates to trust, confidence and legitimacy. This paper presents findings from an online experiment (n = 260) exploring how ethnic appearance affects perceptions of police. Our findings offer rare empirical support for a more ethnically representative police force. First, across respondents, we found that Black officers were perceived significantly more favourably than White or Asian officers. Second, we found that Black respondents had more negative responses to White officers, yet there was little evidence that Black officers elicited more negative reactions from White or Asian respondents. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the findings. Policing and Society - Registration at source 12/12/2020 Research article Social Development and Police Reform: Some Reflections on the Concept and Purpose of Policing and the Implications For Reform in the UK and USA The increase in calls for police reform following the death of George Floyd has led to renewed debate about social inequality and the role of policing in society. Modern bureaucratic police systems emerged from locally administered structures and Anglo-American policing models continue to be aligned, to varying degrees, with the political, socio-cultural, legal, and ideological aspects of contemporary liberal democratic society with its emphasis on democratic localism and decentralised accountability. However, at a time when society is reimagining itself and technology, government, and nations are radically re-shaping themselves, a critical question is whether there is a sufficiently common philosophical and conceptual understanding of policing to support its development rather than just a common understanding of police functions. This is profoundly important when considering the current calls for reform of policing in the USA and other western democratic states. The article argues that there is an urgent need to reconsider how we conceptualize policing and its relationship with social development. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 12/12/2020 Research article Police Training Revisited—meeting the Demands of Conflict Training in Police With An Alternative Pedagogical Approach While operational actions place high demands on police officers, conflict training aims to prepare them for the demands of deployment and thus forms the central hinge between professional practice and education. However, international data suggest a problem: the transfer of competence between training and deployment must be improved. The following article identifies pedagogical design and practice as the key factors in making this leap. To illustrate this point, the evidence-based constraints-led approach (CLA) is introduced. By dealing with key concepts as well as the practical implications of the CLA for conflict training in police, the article provides an orientation for police trainers and their practice as well as for the further professionalization of police training. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 12/12/2020 Research article Visibly Better? Testing the Effect of Ethnic Appearance on Citizen Perceptions of the Police Ethnic minority officers continue to be underrepresented across UK police forces. Further, some ethnic minority groups consistently report lower levels of confidence in police compared to their White British counterparts. Although there is consensus that a more ethnically representative police service is a good idea, there is limited evidence in the UK on how the public perceives officers of different ethnic appearance, and how this relates to trust, confidence and legitimacy. This paper presents findings from an online experiment (n = 260) exploring how ethnic appearance affects perceptions of police. Our findings offer rare empirical support for a more ethnically representative police force. First, across respondents, we found that Black officers were perceived significantly more favourably than White or Asian officers. Second, we found that Black respondents had more negative responses to White officers, yet there was little evidence that Black officers elicited more negative reactions from White or Asian respondents. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the findings. Policing and Society - Registration at source 12/12/2020 Research article Cops at Christmas: ’Tis the season to support the police family It’s been a tough year for policing – and for communities generally – around the world, but as Christmas approaches, the police family are digging deep to help each other as well as those less fortunate; Australian-based nurse and mental health champion Melissa Gole highlights some of the many fundraising efforts that those within policing can support this festive season. Policing Insight - Registration at source 12/12/2020 Feature Coronavirus in Scotland: Police to keep a close eye on people travelling over the holidays Police Scotland will monitor motorways and trains in central belt to try to prevent Christmas shoppers from breaking travel restrictions. The Times - Subscription at source 12/12/2020 News Navy to board French boats and arrest fishermen The Royal Navy Police will be given the power to arrest French and other EU fishermen who illegally enter Britain’s waters in the event of a no-deal Brexit. The Times - Subscription at source 12/12/2020 News Australian research from Deakin University finds police do not need to carry guns AUSTRALIA: Deakin University researchers in Australia say there is no need for police to be armed, after analysing data from around the world. They found that more civilians were in danger of being fatally shot in communities were police were armed. Dr Richard Evans who is an Honorary Research Fellow at Deakin University talks to Jesse about their work and findings. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 12/12/2020 Analysis, Feature, Interview Interpol operation targets migrant smuggling and human trafficking International operation brings down criminal networks involved in migrant smuggling and related crimes INTERPOL 11/12/2020 News Chief Constable contributes to Scottish Government coronavirus briefing Chief Constable Iain Livingstone today participated in the Scottish Government's coronavirus briefing. Below is a transcript of his opening remarks. Police Scotland 11/12/2020 News Improvement and stability at Scottish Police Authority An independent report published by the Auditor General today, Friday 11 December, highlights continued improvement at the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) in relation to financial planning and management, organisational governance, capacity, and stability in its leadership. Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 11/12/2020 News ‘Home ownership hopes are fading for officers,’ warns PAC Failures in England's housing policies means hopes of home ownership are fading for frontline officers, senior MPs have warned. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/12/2020 News Firearms licensing law 2016 GUIDANCE - Consolidated guidance on firearms legislation. Home Office 11/12/2020 Report Covid-19 travel restrictions New measures have been introduced by the Scottish Government to stop the spread of coronavirus. Police Scotland 11/12/2020 News Interview with Long Beach, CA Chief Robert Luna, Richmond, CA Chief Bisa French, and Santa Barbara, CA Capt. Marylinda Arroyo USA: For today’s Daily COVID-19 Report, three California police executives discussed how their agencies have responded to the recent increase in COVID cases. California saw a wave of cases during the summer, and cases have been spiking since the beginning of November. Police Executive Research Forum 11/12/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Used parts save South Wales Police £45k per year South Wales Police Force is saving £45,000 a year on fleet maintenance and has reduced its vehicle downtime by using ‘green’ parts supplied by Synetiq. Rather than relying on new parts and body panels, the force uses Synetiq’s MyGreenFleet portal to obtain recycled and salvage items. Fleet News 11/12/2020 News Victoria Police launch tallest helipad in Australia AUSTRALIA: Australia's tallest helipad was used for the first time today, with Victoria Police landing its first helicopter on the roof of its new city headquarters. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 11/12/2020 News California bill would require police officers be 25 years old or have a bachelor’s degree USA: A California legislator is proposing the state require people to get a bachelor's degree or turn 25 before becoming a police officer. USA Today 11/12/2020 News «281128122813281428152816281728182819Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events