Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97231 total results. Showing results 56121 to 56140 «280328042805280628072808280928102811Next ›Last » Police officers are spending too much time ‘policing relationships’ in domestic abuse and harassment complaints instead of fighting crime, West Midlands chief constable warns Police officers are spending too much time dealing with 'policing relationships' instead of fighting crime, the chief constable of West Midlands has warned. Mail Online 29/10/2020 News How police forces across the UK will enforce Covid rules over Christmas A number of police forces from across the UK revealed they will crack down on coronavirus regulations over Christmas if the rules are broken. Metro 29/10/2020 News UK police used more force in lockdown despite lower crime rates Figures from 32 forces show 15% fall in crime and 12.5% increase in use of force from April to June The Guardian 29/10/2020 News Police Scotland will break up family gatherings at Christmas where there is ‘persistent or flagrant’ breaches of rules Cops will break up family gatherings on Christmas Day if rules are repeatedly broken, we can reveal. The Scottish Sun 29/10/2020 News Brothers Liam and Dijon Joseph sue Met over ‘fist bump’ stop-and-search Two innocent brothers wrongly suspected of drug dealing after being seen "fist bumping" have begun legal proceedings against the Metropolitan Police. BBC 29/10/2020 News ‘Send Me Some Pics’: Performing the Offender Identity in Online Undercover Child Abuse Investigations This article presents a case study examining the performance of the offender identity in online child sexual abuse interactions between genuine suspected offenders and an undercover officer posing as an offender. Using a linguistic framework known as move analysis, the study describes and compares interactants’ use of rhetorical moves, as well as move frequencies and structures. Similarities and differences in the performance of offenderness between suspected offenders and the undercover police officer are discussed. Interactions are characterised by a high level of rapport-building, sharing stories, and exchanging support. While the undercover officer largely emulates the moves of suspected offenders, key discrepancies include his comparative reluctance to engage in abuse-related story-telling and an increased tendency to inquire about abusive images. This work highlights possible target areas for police training in the task of online identity assumption in online child abuse cases. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 29/10/2020 Research article Chorus and Simunix partner to enrich digital investigations with consented data New partnership delivers real-time data into intelligence and analysis tools to help law enforcement solve crime faster and protect the public. Chorus Intelligence 29/10/2020 Press release A force for change: Policing after the pandemic This Reform Perspectives sets out recommendations for the future of policing beyond the pandemic. It is authored by Dave Thompson QPM, Chief Constable, West Midlands Police. Reform Think Tank 29/10/2020 Report Almost 6,000 officers join police as coronavirus enforcement steps up The government’s campaign to recruit 20,000 additional officers over the next three years is ahead of schedule, with almost 6,000 new officers joining up to the end of September, statistics published today (Thursday 29 October) show. Home Office 29/10/2020 News Surveillance Arbitration in the Era of Digital Policing This article analyses adoptions of innovative technology into police surveillance activities. Extending the nascent body of empirical research on digital policing, the article draws on qualitative interview data of operational police uses of advanced surveillance technologies. Separate illustrative examples are drawn from social media intelligence gathering, digital forensics and covert online child sexual exploitation investigations. Here, surveillance governance mechanisms, often authored in the ‘pre-digital’ era, are deemed ill-fitting to the possibilities brought by new technologies. This generates new spaces of interpretation, where regulatory frameworks become renegotiated and reinterpreted, a process defined here as ‘surveillance arbitration’. These deliberations are resolved in myriad ways, including perceived licence for extended surveillance and, conversely, more cautious approaches motivated by perceived exposure to regulatory sanction. Theoretical Criminology 29/10/2020 Research article Thai Police Officers’ Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence and Victim Blaming: the Influence of Sexism and Female Gender Roles Police officers are typically the first responders when victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) report abuse. Therefore, police officers’ attitudes toward IPV and victim blaming are crucial. This study aimed to observe how police officers’ sexist attitudes affect their perspectives on IPV and their victim-blaming attitudes, depending on the gender role exhibited by the victim. The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory was used to classify 139 Thai male police officers into four groups of sexism: hostile sexist, benevolent sexist, ambivalent sexist, and nonsexist. Then, the participants were randomly assigned to watch a simulation video, in which a victim of IPV filed a report after being abused by her husband. There were two versions of the video, one in which the victim played a traditional gender role and the other a nontraditional role. Multivariate analysis of variance was employed for data analysis. The results demonstrated statistically significant effects of ambivalent sexism and victim’s gender role on attitudes toward IPV and victim blaming. This study contributes to the growing body of research on police officers’ performances in the context of IPV in Thailand and contributes to existing scholarship. It provides Thai police precincts with information that can equip them to develop new sensitivity training programs and can help legislators improve the effectiveness of victim protection acts. Journal of Interpersonal Violence - Registration at source 29/10/2020 Research article Police officer uplift, quarterly update to September 2020 OFFICIAL STATISTICS: Quarterly update on progress with the recruitment of an additional 20,000 police officers in England and Wales. Home Office 29/10/2020 Report Belarusian police brutalise anti‑government protesters in homes President Lukashenko has said that he ordered the Belarusian security services to raid homes where protesters were taking refuge after a video emerged of riot police brutalising the occupants of a flat. The Times - Subscription at source 29/10/2020 News Police call on public to report breaches of Covid rules Police chiefs have called on the public to report breaches of lockdown restrictions, saying it was their “civic duty”. The Times - Subscription at source 29/10/2020 News Covid in Scotland: police to act if punters flee for pubs in lower tier People who leave coronavirus hotspots to drink in more lightly regulated areas will face police action, a Scottish minister has said. The Times - Subscription at source 29/10/2020 News Right-wing extremism: The new wave of global terrorism The UN reports a 320% increase in right-wing terrorism globally in the five years prior to 2020; as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic provides a fertile breeding ground for fanaticism, Sean Spence, doctorate student in security risk management at the University of Portsmouth, explains why any current 'fifth wave' of terrorism is likely to come from the far right. Policing Insight 29/10/2020 Feature, Opinion The Suspicious Activity Report NEW ZEALAND: The Suspicious Activity Report is produced by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), part of the New Zealand Police Financial Crime Group, led by Detective Superintendent Iain Chapman. This report is comprised of FIU holdings and open source media reporting collected within the last month. [pdf] New Zealand Police 29/10/2020 Report Metropolitan Police plans for single applications service London’s Metropolitan Police Service has outlined plans for an applications service as part of its Pegasus Programme to reduce its IT procurement from six ‘towers’ to two. 29/10/2020 News Crime is lower than a year ago, and more fines given to the public under Coronavirus regulations Provisional data from police forces in England and Wales shows police recorded crime is six per cent lower than in the same period as 2019. Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) given to the public for breaches of Coronavirus Regulations are rising as restrictions are reapplied. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 29/10/2020 News Evaluation of the Child Trafficking Protection Fund RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS: An analysis of the monitoring and research from projects supported by the Child Trafficking Protection Fund [pdf]. Home Office 29/10/2020 Report «280328042805280628072808280928102811Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events