Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98694 total results. Showing results 56081 to 56100 «280128022803280428052806280728082809Next ›Last » HMI puts Greater Manchester into special measures as chief goes sick Greater Manchester Police have been put into special measures after inspectors revealed the force had failed to record 80,000 crimes. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/12/2020 News Former officer who sent ‘sexually explicit messages’ to female colleague guilty of gross misconduct A former detective sergeant who sent “racially and sexually explicit messages” to a female officer has been found guilty of gross misconduct. Police Oracle 18/12/2020 News Supervision of terrorists reinforced with new powers and closer collaboration The monitoring of convicted terrorists and others who pose a terror risk will be strengthened under new plans drawn up by the Government. Police Professional 18/12/2020 News Greater Manchester Police to be placed in special measures Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is to be placed in special measures after concerns were raised over its failure to record more than 80,000 crimes in the space of a year. Police Professional 18/12/2020 News Europol and the European Commission inaugurate new decryption platform to tackle the challenge of encrypted material for law enforcement investigations This week Europol launched an innovative decryption platform, developed in close cooperation with the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. It will significantly increase Europol’s capability to decrypt information lawfully obtained in criminal investigations. Europol 18/12/2020 News Supervision of terrorists reinforced with new powers and closer collaboration The monitoring of convicted terrorists and others who pose a terror risk will be strengthened under plans laid out today (17 December 2020). Home Office 18/12/2020 News Police use force against black people “five times more often” than white people Black people are also more likely to be hit with non lethal force by police, using weapons like Tasers, according to Home Office data Mirror 18/12/2020 News I’m an ex-copper who worked during the first lockdown – it reminded me of the desperate need for more police Initial stay-at-home orders caused an unexpected drop in crime, and I was able to catch up on paperwork and progress with investigations. It didn’t last of course, and I was soon praying for the 20,000 new recruits we were promised The Independent 18/12/2020 News With one in five officers expected to suffer from PTSD, mandatory mental health support is crucial Being a police officer was Sam Smith’s dream job, but when his mental health began to suffer as a result of his career choice, the lack of resilience training and minimal support meant the dream turned sour; now the former Hertfordshire PC has launched the Green Ribbon Policing campaign, calling for a mandatory national standard for mental health within policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Brexit: Public at risk from losing crime data, police chiefs warn The anticipated loss of data on 40,000 fugitives and dangerous criminals from next month has prompted concerns over public safety and investigations into gangsters and terrorists, police and National Crime Agency chiefs have warned. The Times - Subscription at source 18/12/2020 News I’m the victim, argues burglar injured by homeowner’s sword A burglar confronted by a woman waving a samurai sword after he broke into her house almost bled to death when he grabbed the blade — and then claimed he had been the victim of an assault. The Times - Subscription at source 18/12/2020 News Toronto’s interim police chief on officer accountability CANADA: Interim Police Chief James Ramer, in a year-end interview, talks about the importance of neighbourhood policing and officer accountability. [VIDEO] The Globe and Mail (Canada) 18/12/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Police use of force statistics, England and Wales: April 2019 to March 2020 OFFICIAL STATISTICS; Statistics on incidents where police officers use force; including type of force, reason, outcome, injuries, and person details (such as age, gender). Home Office 17/12/2020 Report 29% reduction during first fortnight of anti-drink and drug drink drive operation According to preliminary figures released today (17 December), police have detected 129 people on suspicion of drink or drug driving between 1st and 16th December, a 29% reduction compared to the same time last year. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 17/12/2020 News Disproportionality in Police Use of Taser: Independent Panel Chair Announced The National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Less Lethal Weapons and the College of Policing have announced Junior Smart OBE as the Panel Chair of an Independent Review into Disproportionate Effects of Use of Taser - a new project set up to identify, understand and tackle the root causes of racial disproportionality in police use of Taser. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 17/12/2020 News Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements review POLICY PAPER: Independent review of the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) used to supervise terrorist and terrorism-risk offenders Home Office 17/12/2020 Report Victoria’s crime rate rises on the back of 32,000 lockdown breaches AUSTRALIA: New coronavirus lockdown offences fuelled a 2.7 per cent jump in Victoria’s crime rate in the past year but police say they’re particularly concerned about a steep rise in child sexual offences, with a sharp increase in the use and transmission of online abuse material. The Age (Australia) 17/12/2020 News UK Police still the most restrained despite increasing assaults PFEW National Vice-Chair emphasises incidents must be seen in light of steady increase in assaults on officers PoliticsHome 17/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Greater Manchester police to be placed in special measures Inspectors had expressed ‘serious cause for concern’ after force failed to record a fifth of all reported crimes The Guardian 17/12/2020 News Cambridgeshire police force cuts to go ahead despite objections The candidates for Police and Crime Commissioner said the redundancies needed to be stopped until after the May elections Cambridgeshire Live 17/12/2020 News «280128022803280428052806280728082809Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events