Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97231 total results. Showing results 56041 to 56060 «279928002801280228032804280528062807Next ›Last » Anti-lockdown protesters turn on the police in Spain and Italy Anger about coronavirus restrictions has turned to violence in Spain and Italy, where demonstrators battled police and looted shops in several cities. The Times - Subscription at source 2/11/2020 News NSW police strip-searched 96 children in past year, some as young as 11 AUSTRALIA: Exclusive: new data reveals 21% of those searches were performed on Indigenous children The Guardian 1/11/2020 News Police in England fear flouting of lockdown rules after breaking up weekend raves Senior source says officers as well as public are weary after so many changing restrictions The Guardian 1/11/2020 News Frontline police get funding boost in SA AUSTRALIA: South Australian frontline police will be equipped with 3000 new stab proof vests following a multi-million-dollar budget announcement. [VIDEO] The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 1/11/2020 News Māori Council calls for police to address discrimination in cannabis arrests NEW ZEALAND: The New Zealand Māori Council has called on the police to use their powers of discretion to stop sending Māori to prison for low-level drug offences now the cannabis referendum looks unlikely to pass. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/11/2020 News America’s Cup proposes funding for new police patrol boats NEW ZEALAND: America's Cup organisers have offered police four new boats to help them patrol the races on Waitematā harbour. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/11/2020 News Bristol illegal rave attended by 700 people Police say they were attacked as they tried to break up an illegal rave at a warehouse near Bristol. BBC 1/11/2020 News APCC Response to quarterly Operation Uplift statistics In response to today’s Quarterly Uplift statistics APCC Workforce Lead, Kim McGuiness, and APCC EDHR Lead, Hardyal Dhindsa, said the following: "We are pleased to see that as recruitment of new police officers continues, our forces are increasingly becoming more representative of the communities they serve when it comes to ethnicity and gender. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 1/11/2020 News Prime Minister announces four-week England lockdown Prime Minister announces a second national lockdown for England APCC Chair and PCC for Nottinghamshire, Paddy Tipping said: “We have just heard the Prime Minister announce a second national lockdown for England to prevent mortality cases rising to higher levels than we witnessed in April with the subsequent pressure that would have on the NHS. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 1/11/2020 News Coronavirus: Police vehicles’ tyres slashed at illegal Halloween rave as officers disperse hundreds of people The event was reported to police by the owner of a farm who returned to the 320-acre site to find the partygoers. Sky News 1/11/2020 News Police services will be heavily stretched in second lockdown, Police Federation chief warns The Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales welcomed the Government's tighter restrictions on England, but feared police will face the wrath of disgruntled citizens. LBC 1/11/2020 News Report into deaths in custody in England and Wales ‘kicked into long grass’ QC behind 2017 inquiry says government has failed to act on many of her key recommendations The Guardian 1/11/2020 News Stop and search ‘makes it harder to hire black police officers’ Peer warns racial profiling is thwarting measures to boost diversity of force in Britain The Guardian 1/11/2020 News Expectations, Effectiveness, Trust, and Cooperation: Public Attitudes Towards the Israel Police During the Covid-19 Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected the work of police agencies worldwide. Within a short period of time, the police were assigned new responsibilities and were required to change their priorities and focus on enforcing unusual emergency orders. These new tasks, as well as the emergency atmosphere and its socio-psychological implications, raise a series of questions about public expectations from and trust in the police during the pandemic period. In this article, we report the views of majority communities in Israel (non-Orthodox Jews), as expressed in a survey carried out in the midst of the pandemic. We find that this population supports police enforcement of the new orders and trusts them to do so with integrity, believes the police have been successful in this arena, and is willing to report violations of emergency regulations. Overall, responses indicate more favourable attitudes towards the police, echoing previous findings on policing emergencies. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 1/11/2020 Research article Report to the community 2020 third quarter CANADA: On Sept. 21, Chief Dale McFee announced a commitment to action by EPS to engage with the city’s Black, Indigenous, racialized, and underserved communities in improving policing. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 1/11/2020 Report Police chief slams ‘deeply unhelpful’ leak of second lockdown plan amid fears over ‘blurred lines or confusion around rules’ The chairman of the Police Federation has slammed a 'deeply unhelpful' leak of the Government's plan for a second lockdown which forced Prime Minister Boris Johnson to announce the new measure on Saturday, days earlier than planned. Mail Online 1/11/2020 News Outcome and impact – October 2020 edition Twelve forces reach the full-rollout milestone, the programme gets a green rating from the police tech community and more benefits delivered. Read more about how the National Enabling Programmes are making a difference in policing. National Enabling Programmes 31/10/2020 News Leicestershire sets recruitment target of 25 percent BAME Leicestershire's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Lord Willy Bach has set a target of 25 percent new BAME recruits. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 31/10/2020 News PFEW chair issues warnings over lockdown speculation The National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales has warned that speculation about a potential national lockdown announcement has the potential to increase the pressure on the emergency services. Police Professional 31/10/2020 News ‘Halo effect’ protected Greville Janner from child abuse claims, inquiry told Alleged victims’ lawyers accuse police, CPS and social services of ‘perfect storm of failure’ The Guardian 31/10/2020 News «279928002801280228032804280528062807Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events