Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 55961 to 55980 «279527962797279827992800280128022803Next ›Last » Special constables to be paid for walking the beat For decades the volunteers who patrol as special constables have been as synonymous with policing as a helmet and truncheon. The Times - Subscription at source 23/12/2020 News IPCA to take ‘very good look’ at police photography policy NEW ZEALAND: The police watchdog has launched a nationwide probe after the police in Masterton admitted illegally photographing young Māori in the district. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/12/2020 News Serving from the top The coronavirus pandemic has proved that British policing can cope with the most extreme of crises, but the next generation of police leaders may need to acquire a very different skillset if they want to meet and overcome the challenges of the future. Police Professional reports. Police Professional - Subscription at source 22/12/2020 Feature N Ireland police chief apologises over handling of Black Lives Matter protests Chief constable admits BAME community ‘frustrated, angry and upset by our policing response’ The Guardian 22/12/2020 News Department of Justice establishes community of practice for law enforcement mental health and wellness USA: The Department of Justice’s Oce of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Oce) has established the rst-ever Community of Practice for state, local and tribal grantees to connect, learn, share experiences, and network in an eort to continue the growth of law enforcement mental health and wellness work. Good mental and psychological health is just as essential as good physical health for law enforcement to be eective in keeping our country and our communities safe from crime and violence. The Community of Practice recently launched its work with a virtual meeting establishing short and medium term goals National Police Foundation (USA) 22/12/2020 News Interview with agencies that will be requiring employees take the vaccine USA: In PERF’s survey published yesterday, only 3% of respondents told PERF that they would require officers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. For today’s report, PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler spoke with law enforcement executives from three agencies that said they are planning to mandate the vaccine: the San Marino, CA Police Department; the Salisbury, NC Police Department; and the Dane County, WI Sheriff’s Office. Police Executive Research Forum 22/12/2020 Feature, Interview, Opinion Police may have to enforce strict environmental laws as part of Government’s ambitious Green agenda Police officers could have to enforce unpopular environmental laws as part of Britain’s increasingly radical Green agenda, a senior officer has suggested. The Telegraph 22/12/2020 News Lockerbie bombing – statement by Chief Constable Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said: “This announcement by the US Department of Justice is a significant development for the families of the victims, and my thoughts remain with them, particularly today, the 32nd anniversary of the bombing. Police Scotland 22/12/2020 Greater Manchester Police: Failing force to get ‘refresher training’ Greater Manchester Police will get "refresher training" in recording crime and victim care following a damning report, the region's mayor has said. BBC 22/12/2020 News Lessons learnt College of Policing CEO Mike Cunningham applied all the lessons he learnt from his time as a chief constable and Her Majesty’s Inspector to make the college more relevant to frontline officers. Now, just days before he is due to step down, he has turned his attention to getting the best out of leaders. Police Professional - Subscription at source 22/12/2020 Feature PSNI chief apologises for BLM march response The PSNI's Chief has apologised for it's handling of a Black Lives Matters protest. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/12/2020 News Chiefs must step up on CPD and support, warns Cunningham Chief constables must work harder on supporting professional development, the College of Policing's outgoing head has warned. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/12/2020 News France bans use of drones to police protests in Paris France's top administrative court has backed privacy campaigners by imposing a ban on police use of drones for covering public protests in Paris. BBC 22/12/2020 News Police chief warns English cars will be stopped to enforce travel ban Police officers will stop and may take action against drivers of cars from England, Scotland's chief constable has warned as part of his plan to enforce a strict travel ban across the country. The National 22/12/2020 News Greater Manchester Police: Failing force to get ‘refresher training’ Greater Manchester Police will get "refresher training" in recording crime and victim care following a damning report, the region's mayor has said. BBC 22/12/2020 News A Merry Christmas and (please) a Happy New Year to all our readers… Our Publisher, Bernard Rix, reflects on Policing Insight’s last 12 months, sets out our Christmas and New Year schedule, and takes a look on what we’re planning for 2021... Policing Insight 22/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Here’s hoping for a lockdown-induced, relatively crime-free Christmas For those still having to deal with the pandemic and police the latest round of COVID-19 restrictions, festive good wishes seem strangely out of place; perhaps, as Policing Insight Editor Keith Potter suggests, the best we can hope for is a lockdown-induced, crime-free Christmas, and – when it finally arrives – a well-deserved break. Policing Insight - Registration at source 22/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Policing Insight’s 2020 highlights: Our team select their favourite articles Policing Insight Editor Keith Potter leads the team in selecting their favourite articles published in 2020. The editorial team have each selected their ‘Top 10’ picks and we have made them freely available during the Christmas period for all users with at least a free registered account. We hope you enjoy our selections! Policing Insight 22/12/2020 Feature, Opinion An investigation into police policy and practice of protests in Northern Ireland The challenges arising from the Coronavirus pandemic have been experienced by humanity on a global scale. These are unprecedented times and the response from governments and locally the Northern Ireland Assembly (the Assembly) correctly had focused on the public health measures needed to ensure we are all safe. The Northern Ireland Executive’s response has been to bring forward the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (the Regulations). These new regulations were enacted as emergency legislation made by the Assembly without consultation or legislative debate, such was the nature of the global crisis and the need for urgency [pdf]. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland 22/12/2020 Report Advancing the Study of Police Innovation: Toward An Empirical Definition and Classification of Contemporary Police Innovations Police innovation is frequently referenced in the policing literature, but it is less frequently defined, applied, or operationalized by scholars. This situation has led to definitional ambiguity and variation, which limits the development of innovation as a scientific construct. We present a conceptualization of innovation and classification of innovations through exploratory factor analysis with data collected from chiefs of police. Our findings suggest that chiefs weigh newness or novelty only partially when judging innovativeness. Chiefs also appear to classify innovativeness in terms of the utility that innovations provide to organizational operations. Our findings suggest a disconnect between prior literature and practitioners in how innovation is viewed, which hampers its conceptual development in the literature. Crime and Delinquency - Registration at source 22/12/2020 Research article «279527962797279827992800280128022803Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events