Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98684 total results. Showing results 55861 to 55880 «279027912792279327942795279627972798Next ›Last » Dorset Police launch new sign language service Dorset Police have launched a new service to help residents and visitors to the area who are Deaf or hard of hearing to contact the police in a non-emergency. Dorset Echo 29/12/2020 News Police to stop and check cars after crowds gather at beauty spots and beaches Police forces in Wales are stepping up patrols and stopping cars as crowds flock to beauty spots and beaches despite lockdown travel rules. Yahoo! 29/12/2020 News Number of thefts from Metropolitan Police buildings soars during pandemic More than £43,000 in cash stolen from Met buildings since 2015 as data shows rising number of thefts The Independent 29/12/2020 News Covid: Police turn away Londoners visiting Brecon Beacons Police are turning away visitors to the Brecon Beacons from as far away as London. BBC 29/12/2020 News Saudi women’s driving pioneer Loujain al-Hathloul jailed on terrorism charges MIDDLE EAST: The activist who became the face of protests demanding women’s right to drive in Saudi Arabia has been jailed for five years and eight months, a sentence that will further test support among the country’s allies in the West. The Times - Subscription at source 29/12/2020 News Mayhem and mystery: Preventing the chaos caused by rogue drones When drones piloted by rogue operators targeted Gatwick Airport in 2018, the costs of the resulting disruption, delays, closures and investigations are estimated to have exceeded £50 million; the incident also acted as a wake-up call for the aviation and security industries, as Policing Insight's Andrew Staniforth reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 29/12/2020 Feature, Opinion Andre Hill: white Ohio police officer who shot dead Black man is fired USA: Authorities call killing ‘a tragedy’ after Hill, 47, was shot while holding a cellphone and then denied aid The Guardian 29/12/2020 News European pandmic and riot policing win photo awards The winner's of Europol's annual poice photo competition have been announced with a focus this year on policing the pandemic. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/12/2020 News Prisoners highly vulnerable to coronavirus Work with Offenders looks at a renewed risk to people in prison from COVID. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/12/2020 News Shining a light on the service’s suicides The National Police Suicide Prevention working group wants to create a clearer picture on officer suicides to better understand influencers and inform prevention strategies. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/12/2020 Feature Restitution orders send a ‘clear message’ on police assaults In his Christmas message to Scottish officers Justice Secretaty Humza Yousaf says that new restitution orders that come into force in February will provide a deterrent to those who assault officers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/12/2020 News ‘Memory Man’ police officer has identified 2,100 suspects including ones in masks A police officer known for his ability to spot wanted faces has been undeterred by the challenges of the pandemic - reaching a record 2,100 identifications earlier this year. Mirror 29/12/2020 News Police Brace For Thousands of Illegal New Years Eve Parties in The UK Britain’s top cops have warned their forces to brace for thousands of illegal New Years Eve parties to be held across the country despite Boris Johnson urging Britons to have a quiet celebration. euronews 29/12/2020 News Taser use on children ‘alarming’ as Cheshire Police details revealed Police in Cheshire recorded using Tasers on children on dozens of occasions last year, figures reveal. Guardian (Northwich) 29/12/2020 News F Division Reconciliation Strategy 2019-2022 CANADA: Reconciliation between the RCMP and the Indigenous people of Saskatchewan is a top priority for F Division. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 29/12/2020 Report Sussex Police drew tasers on children dozens of times Police drew tasers on children on dozens of occasions last year. The Argus 29/12/2020 News Ex-police chief Jon Boutcher urges ‘extreme caution’ over closing Troubles investigations A senior officer who investigated the British Army’s top agent within the IRA has urged extreme caution over closing down inquiries into unsolved murders in Northern Ireland. The Times - Subscription at source 29/12/2020 News PC Timothy Brehmer kept on payroll after admitting he killed his lover A police officer who strangled his married lover to death in a pub car park was paid for two months after admitting the killing. The Times - Subscription at source 29/12/2020 News Does personality matter in investigative interviewing? CANADA: Training, work experience, and evidence-based methods are key factors that can lead police officers to conduct effective investigative interviews. But what about personality? Blue Line (Canada) 28/12/2020 Feature The science behind the fallibility of eyewitness testimony CANADA: Assessing the knowledge and beliefs of students studying policing. Blue Line (Canada) 28/12/2020 Feature «279027912792279327942795279627972798Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events