Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 55761 to 55780 «278527862787278827892790279127922793Next ›Last » Derbyshire police pan ‘stupid’ hikers for defying Covid rules and getting stuck in snow Force that shamed walkers with drones in first lockdown decries antics in Pennines The Guardian 4/1/2021 News Police Officers’ Preferences For Gender-Based Responding to Domestic Violence in China This study examines Chinese police officers’ preferences for different formations of responders to domestic violence. Specifically, it assessed the connections between Chinese officers’ gender and gender-based attitudes and their perceptions of whether female officers, male officers, or mixed-gender officers are more suited for responding to battered women, offenders, and domestic violence overall. Survey data were collected from 1052 officers, including 278 females and 774 males from four provinces in China. Frequency distributions, cross-tabulations, and multivariate regression were used as data analysis methods. Chinese officers, in general, were more likely to believe that female officers are more suited to work with battered women, the male officer is more apt to handle offenders, and a combination of male and female officers are more adapted to deal with “domestic violence overall”. Female officers preferred male officers over themselves in investigating “domestic violence overall.” Officers who have more support for gender equality or more tolerance for domestic violence are more likely to believe that, compared to male officers, female officers are more suitable to work with batter women, and a combination of male and female officers is better to provide service to battered women and to respond to “domestic violence overall.” Policymakers and police administrators should strive to promote the value of a more gender-balanced police force and involve more female officers to work in responding to domestic violence. Journal of Family Violence 4/1/2021 Research article Singapore COVID-19 contact-tracing data accessible to police Singapore said on Monday its police will be able to use data obtained by its coronavirus contact-tracing technology for criminal investigations, a decision likely to increase privacy concerns around the system. Reuters 4/1/2021 News Operational independence ‘at risk from long term budget cuts’ Former deputy chief constable warns that 'over zealous' civil servants had doubled cuts to national force budget. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/1/2021 News Prison throughcare programme remains closed months after temporary suspension A programme designed to support inmates when leaving prison has not resumed more than a year after it was “temporarily suspended”. Holyrood Magazine 4/1/2021 News Nothing like the Mafia: Cybercriminals are much like the everyday, poorly paid business worker There's a common belief that cybercriminals are typically operating in organised crime groups, and are well rewarded for their efforts; but new research by Dr Roberto Musotto of Edith Cowan University and Professor David Wall of the University of Leeds suggests that in reality they are more like business workers, usually achieving relatively low returns. Policing Insight 4/1/2021 Analysis, Feature 2020 Commissioner of Firearms Report CANADA: The Canadian Firearms Program (CFP), under the purview of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), is responsible for administering the Firearms Act and its associated regulations, maintaining national firearm safety training standards, and assisting law enforcement agencies with an overarching goal of enhancing public safety, in support of the Government of Canada's priorities. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 4/1/2021 Report Kellie Sutton: Family calls for police to share abuse reports The family of a mother who killed herself after being bullied by a boyfriend has called for UK police forces to share information on allegations of abuse. The Times - Subscription at source 4/1/2021 News Hundreds wrongly charged or convicted in virus cases Nearly 350 people have been wrongly charged under laws covering coronavirus restrictions and some have been wrongly convicted. The Times - Subscription at source 4/1/2021 News Probation failings leave public at risk from freed sex offenders The public are being regularly placed at risk from sex offenders and other criminals because of serious probation failings, according to a damning report. The Times - Subscription at source 4/1/2021 News Putin fires police chief Colonel Yuri Droganov for using Whatsapp President Putin has sacked the chief of Moscow’s traffic police amid a scandal over protection of the Russian leader’s motorcade. The Times - Subscription at source 4/1/2021 News Police should prioritise missing adults over children, new study suggests Analysis of more than 90,000 missing person reports found adults were four times more likely to come to harm than children The Telegraph - Subscription at source 3/1/2021 News ‘A truly heroic act’: NSW police officer dies trying to save woman sucked into Blue Mountains whirlpool AUSTRALIA: An off-duty police officer is believed to have died while trying to save the life of another woman dragged into a whirlpool while canyoning in the NSW Blue Mountains yesterday. 9 News (Australia) 3/1/2021 News Coronavirus Scotland: Police launch new online form for public to report covid-19 breaches Police Scotland have launched a new online form for members of the public to report covid lockdown breaches Glasgow Live 3/1/2021 News Priti Patel to give police ‘stronger powers’ to ‘keep the UK safe’ post-Brexit Meanwhile, the EU has made clear the UK’s access to some security and policing ‘facilities’ will be downgraded The Independent 3/1/2021 News Policeman pays for family’s Christmas dinner instead of charging them for shoplifting USA: Matt Lima said the children reminded him of his kids and he could not charge the women for wanting to give them Christmas dinner. Sky News 3/1/2021 News Cumbria Police officers praised for their hard work throughout ‘challenging’ 2020 The chairman of the Cumbria Police Federation has reflected on the “challenging” year that has now drawn to an end. The Mail (North West) 3/1/2021 News Naturists criticise Durham police over Facebook post about arrest Naturist group say post suggested public nudity was illegal and could put them at risk of harassment The Guardian 3/1/2021 News ‘Doing Ethics’: The impact on officers, learning and others The balance between professional judgement in policing and following an ethical framework is a delicate one. However, Dr Emma Williams argues that too much focus on consistent professional standards can not only stifle discretion, but can lead to moral distress when officers find that guidance challenges their own moral judgements. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/1/2021 Opinion Three quarters of police officers say they are not paid enough to deal with coronavirus hazards New responsibilities have been created for the police, such as enforcing lockdown, while trying to stay safe. Gloucestershire Live 3/1/2021 News «278527862787278827892790279127922793Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events