Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97188 total results. Showing results 55681 to 55700 «278127822783278427852786278727882789Next ›Last » Beyond the Quantitative and Qualitative Divide: the Salience of Discourse in Procedural Justice Policing Research The dominant methods of studying police have involved quantitative analyses of surveys and systematic social observations of police behavior or qualitative methods such as ethnographies and interviews. The same trend applies to procedural justice research in policing. In prior works, the question of how police officers and citizens interact in situ is absent. We argue that procedural justice police research should move beyond the quantitative/qualitative distinction and consider other ways to collect and analyze data. We begin by providing a methodological critique of procedural justice research, and demonstrate the assumptions of discourse in extant works before we provide a blueprint for how to incorporate discourse analytic methods in the study of procedural justice and policing. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 12/11/2020 Research article MPS Commissioner says criminals awaiting trial may be released due to Covid-19 backlog Criminals who should have been kept in custody may have to be released while awaiting trial due to the coronavirus backlog, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service has warned. Police Professional 12/11/2020 News ICO provide toolkit to forces for FOI requests to improve timeliness The ICO have published a report into the performance of forces in responding to information access requests within statutory time limits, alongside a time limit to help them improve. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/11/2020 News NCA and regional organised crime teams need more money, says HMI Funding restrictions are the biggest barriers to fighting serious and organised crime, according to inspectors. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/11/2020 News Roll out of BWV to all officers ‘crucial’ to reform of complaints system Superintendents warn that service should be 'discerning' on adopting best of other complaints oversight systems. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/11/2020 News MPs call for review of age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales Ministers also urged to explain disproportionate number of BAME children in custody The Guardian 12/11/2020 News ‘ndrangheta Dynasties: A Conceptual and Operational Framework For the Cross-Border Policing of the Calabrian Mafia Attention to the Calabrian mafia, the ‘ndrangheta, has been increasing across law enforcement authorities around the world. This paper aims at bringing forward a theoretical and operational conversation on how to best approach, from a policing perspective, what is a complex clan-based criminality able to operate simultaneously in different states. The paper will therefore formulate a preliminary framework for strategies focusing on the policing of mafia dynasties. It will do so by identifying how ‘ndrangheta clans can be studied as family dynasties, including in their assessment also the factors of family life (familiness) that can facilitate or obstruct the dynasty’s success. By looking at ‘ndrangheta clans as family dynasties, we can inform a framework that cuts through the most common policing aims and strategies against organized crime, as shared by states involved in current anti-mafia efforts. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 12/11/2020 Research article Crime returning to pre-lockdown levels, say Police Scotland Many types of crime are returning to normal rates after falling “significantly” during lockdown, according to latest figures. Evening Express (Aberdeen) 12/11/2020 News How Covid-19 related crime infected Europe during 2020 While the COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a global public health crisis, it has also proven to have a significant and potentially long-lasting impact on the serious and organised crime and terrorism landscape in Europe as well as the ability of Member State law enforcement authorities to counter security threats. Europol 12/11/2020 Report Covid-19: West Mercia Police issues third of face mask fines A third of police fines for not wearing face masks since use became mandatory were issued by the West Mercia force, figures reveal. BBC 12/11/2020 News ‘Serious’ CPS errors led to data security breaches Prosecutors made a series of “serious errors” leading to a “significant” number of data security breaches, an inspection has found. Police Professional 12/11/2020 News PSNI told to stop using spit and bite guards by end of year The Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) has recommended that the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) phase out the use of spit and bite guards by the end of this year. Police Professional 12/11/2020 News NEP shortlisted in two UK IT Industry Awards for project excellence The National Enabling Programmes has narrowly missed out having received a double nomination in the Police/Defence Forces Project of the Year award in the Project Excellence category at the prestigious UK IT Industry Awards. National Enabling Programmes 12/11/2020 News An inspection of the National Crime Agency’s relationship with regional organised crime units HMICFRS is required under the Crime and Courts Act 2013 to inspect the National Crime Agency (NCA). Following an inspection, we must report to the Home Secretary on the efficiency and effectiveness of the NCA. We inspected the NCA as part of our PEEL inspections. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 12/11/2020 Report Inspectorate publishes report on National Crime Agency’s relationship with regional organised crime units Today we published a report into the National Crime Agency’s (NCA) relationship with the regional organised crime unit (ROCU) network. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 12/11/2020 News 355 protected reptiles saved in Spain in hit against wildlife traffickers The criminal group forged certificates to sell legally protected animals Europol 12/11/2020 News Inquest guidance booklets published as a further support for loved ones The Police Service of Northern Ireland, working with partner agencies such as the Coroners Service NI, have produced an ‘Inquest Guidance Booklet’ for bereaved families. The booklet is designed to be a source of information for loved ones whose family member’s death is to be investigated at inquest. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 12/11/2020 News Statistics at Home Office Producing Home Office statistics that count [PDF]. Home Office 12/11/2020 Report Jermaine Baker public inquiry INDEPENDENT REPORT; The public inquiry into the death of Jermaine Baker has a separate website [PDF]. Home Office 12/11/2020 Report Jermaine Baker public inquiry: terms of reference GUIDANCE; Terms of reference relating to the public inquiry into the death of Jermaine Baker. Home Office 12/11/2020 Report «278127822783278427852786278727882789Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events