Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98646 total results. Showing results 55641 to 55660 «277927802781278227832784278527862787Next ›Last » Digital Evidence Experts in the Law Enforcement Community: Understanding the Use of Forensics Examiners By Police Agencies Mobile phones are often used in criminal enterprises as well as by individual offenders. In criminal cases, almost 80–90% of the cases criminal computer forensic examiners work on are related to child pornography (Nodeland et al. J Crim Justice Educ 30:71–90, 2018). In an effort to fight electronic crime and to collect digital evidence for criminal acts, law enforcement agencies are incorporating the collection of tools for analysis of digital evidence, also known as computer forensics, into their law enforcement infrastructure. Police agencies are challenged with the need to train officers to collect digital evidence and keep up with large and evolving technologies such as computer operating systems and cell phone technologies. Digital evidence is now being used to prosecute all types of crimes. Skilled officers and examiners are needed to examine this critical need in the criminal justice system. This research surveyed 59 (N = 59) Texas police agencies in their use of digital forensic examiners. The findings reflect that numerous agencies often use a part-time police officer/examiner to investigate the digital evidence that comes into the agency that can limit the expertise in the agency. Implications for this research are discussed. Security Journal - Registration at source 7/1/2021 Research article Multisource Evaluation of Policing Competence: the Development of Self- and Supervisor-Rating Scales For Police Recruits Some police departments are responding to changing community needs by promoting a departmental cultural shift, which may involve their training programs. Reliable evaluation tools are needed to capture policing preparedness of graduating probationary officers (P1s) in line with evolving policing theory. The current study examines a multisource evaluation tool that includes P1 self-report and the observed ratings from their field training officers (FTOs) for 679 dyads. Results indicated that both raters grouped items into analogous factor structures, allowing for direct comparisons. P1’s and FTO’s ratings neither agreed nor covaried, and P1s tended to over-rate their preparedness. The psychometric properties of the developed scales were discussed as well as implications for program evaluations. Specifically, P1s and FTOs functioned as unique sources of information who could provide non-redundant perspectives on police preparedness and competency resulting from training. Review of both raters in concert may provide an additional level of potentially useful interpretation. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 7/1/2021 Research article NAACP leads anger at double standards of police as AmeriKKKa trends: ‘And you thought taking a knee was bad’ Recent treatment of BLM protesters compared to response to Trump supporters roaming around Capitol building The Independent 7/1/2021 News Online Canadian Police Recruitment Videos: Do They Focus on Factors That Potential Employees Consider When Making Career Decisions? Given their potential to reach a large audience, online recruitment videos are likely a useful way for police services to recruit applicants. To increase the likelihood of people applying, these videos should focus on issues potential employees consider when making career decisions. A literature review revealed six job factors that people consider when contemplating a potential career. A coding framework focusing on these factors (and their respective sub-categories) was developed and applied to all available recruitment videos created by Canadian policing organizations (N = 37). The coding dictionary could be applied reliably and it revealed that only 23% of the job factors that emerged from the literature review are addressed in the videos and when they are, they are not particularly salient. Ways of using this study to develop more effective, data-driven, police recruitment videos are discussed. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 7/1/2021 Research article Tenuous Relations: Ethnic–racial Cultural and Police Disrespect in Finland The relationship between ethnic–racial cultural communities and the Finnish police is evolving, and relatively little research is available within the criminal justice system that highlights police practices and behaviour towards ethnic and racial cultural in Finland. There is also a lack of scientific certainty about how to assess ethnic and racial cultural’ experiences of fair, unfair and impolite treatment by the police. The available research suggests that the experiences of Black and other ethnic–racial cultural groups in the criminal justice system differs from that of the ethnic majority population, and this tends to increase the tense relationship between the police and ethnic–racial cultural communities. The data on which this article is based were collected between April 2013 and July 2015 among ethnic and racial cultural groups from three different sites to explore ethnic cultural perceptions of legal authority in Finland. The experiences of 205 people with a cultural ethnic background were used to examine ethnic–racial cultural views on four types of police behaviour—respect, fairness, politeness and courtesy—in deciding whether to trust or distrust the police. We compared adverse encounters between members of ethnic and racial cultural communities and the police using a mixed-methods approach to procedural justice in a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews. The study indicates that hostile police humour contributes to a negative attitude, fear and lack of trust towards the police, whereas every respectful interaction brings about a positive attitude. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 7/1/2021 Research article Battered Immigrant Women and the Police: A Canadian Perspective Since the 1970s, the state response to intimate partner violence (IPV) has increasingly become one of criminalization—particularly police intervention. Little is known, however, about marginalized women’s experiences with the police within a context of intimate partner violence in Canada. Drawing on interviews with 90 battered immigrant women, this study examines which women contact the police, why some do not, and what characterizes their experiences when the police are involved in an IPV incident. This study demonstrates that while the women who called the police were demographically similar to those who did not call, the women who called reported much greater levels of physical abuse. Findings indicate that general fear of the police and fear of police being racist or culturally insensitive continue to be important reasons why women do not call the police. Notably, the majority of women who had contact with the police reported the encounter as positive. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology - Registration at source 7/1/2021 Research article From threat to threat: UK community policing and counter-terrorism The announcement in November of a multi-million pound counter-terror centre for the UK which brings together police and the security services was rightly welcomed; but as Policing Insight's Andrew Staniforth reports, moving forwards the relationship between community policing and counter-terrorism will be crucial to negating the wide array of terrorist and extremist threats. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/1/2021 Feature, Opinion Police round up democracy activists behind Hong Kong election China faced international condemnation last night after a mass arrest of leading democracy advocates in Hong Kong that critics said was a purge. The Times - Subscription at source 7/1/2021 News Met police take hard line on Covid rule breakers Britain’s biggest police force is taking a new hardline approach to coronavirus lockdown breakers by actively stopping people on the street and requiring them to explain themselves. The Times - Subscription at source 7/1/2021 News Public order – Policing another anti lockdown protest Has the impetus of visible support on the street for the anti - Lockdown protests started to disappear? Chris Hobbs walks alongside the TSG serials to gauge the mood and tactics on both sides during yet another demonstration. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/1/2021 Feature University police prepare for the spring semester USA: Colleges and universities remain a focal point in managing the spread of COVID-19, both on campuses and in the communities where the schools are located. For today’s report, PERF spoke with three college and university police chiefs about lessons they learned during the fall semester and their plans for the spring semester. PERF previously interviewed campus police chiefs for the October 19 and July 30 Daily COVID-19 Reports. Police Executive Research Forum 6/1/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Trump supporters break into US Capitol building after getting past riot police Extraordinary footage shows protesters inside the US Capitol building after forcing their way past police. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 6/1/2021 News Police fired sponge bullets at men during Waikeria Prison standoff NEW ZEALAND: Officers fired sponge rounds at the men on the roof of the burning high-security building during the standoff at Waikeria Prison, police have confirmed to RNZ. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 6/1/2021 News Police discipline system breaks promise of accountability CANADA: The recent case of a Toronto officer illustrates how police tribunals are barely able to enforce employee training, even to the most basic standards Now Magazine (Canada) 6/1/2021 News Police chief wants to put stronger focus on crime prevention CANADA: Lethbridge Chief of Police Shahin Mehdizadeh says he wants to bring a stronger focus on crime prevention to the City of Lethbridge during his time at the Lethbridge Police Service, and create a new partnership between police and community members to work on a crime reduction strategy together. Lethbridge Herald (Canada) 6/1/2021 News A New York police department took delivery of a Tesla Model Y police car, sparking backlash USA: A police department in New York State took delivery of its first Tesla Model Y cruiser, fueling calls on social media to slash police budgets. The Hastings-on-Hudson Police Department announced the new addition to its fleet on Facebook late last month, calling the vehicle "the first Model Y that has been outfitted with lights, sirens and radio for police use - in the whole country (maybe even the world!)." Business Insider 6/1/2021 News How the coronavirus pandemic disrupted drug importation and distribution across Tasmania AUSTRALIA: Twice as much ice was seized by Tasmania's northern police during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic but less made it into the state form the mainland. The Standard (Australia) - Subscription at source 6/1/2021 News Supervisory body: Policy on police use of drones lacks clarity BELGIUM: The existing policy governing the use of drones by police to gather information lacks clarity and is likely to clash with the rules on the protection of privacy, according to a report by the Supervisory Body for Police Information (COC). The Brussels Times (Belgium) 6/1/2021 News French police to add extra data to intelligence files FRANCE: The Conseil d’Etat has authorised police to collect data such as political opinions and religious beliefs, causing concern among critics of the new law The Connexion (France) 6/1/2021 News Police regain control of US Capitol after violent protests leave one dead Law enforcement have regained control of the US Capitol building after clashes with invading Trump protesters led to one woman’s death. Metro 6/1/2021 News «277927802781278227832784278527862787Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events