Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 55481 to 55500 «277127722773277427752776277727782779Next ›Last » Police under fire for outdoor coronavirus clampdown Police were accused of trying to stop people enjoying themselves during the lockdown yesterday as members of the public said it was “incredibly unclear” what they were allowed to do outside. The Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 News Daily UK Government Covid-19 briefing – Speech from the Chair of the NPCC, Martin Hewitt Police are emphasising the importance of people’s personal decisions if we are to stop the NHS from being overwhelmed by coronavirus. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 12/1/2021 News Interviews with Austin, TX Chief Brian Manley, Janesville, WI Chief David Moore, and New Castle County, DE Major Wendi Feeser about vaccine distribution USA: For today’s Daily COVID-19 Report, PERF spoke with police executives from three agencies in which employees have started receiving the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Employees in all three agencies started receiving the vaccine on December 28, and these officials spoke with PERF on January 6. Police Executive Research Forum 12/1/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Death of Cardiff man after night in police custody ‘deeply concerning’ Welsh first minister calls for ‘proper investigation’ into death of Mohamud Mohammed Hassan The Guardian 12/1/2021 News Officers require ‘tougher’ Covid regulations to police lockdown, says PFNI The Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) says officers “must be given full enforcement powers” to help them police the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions. Police Professional 12/1/2021 News Online child sexual abuse material soars to record levels Predatory online groomers are now a “grave and widespread threat” to children in their bedrooms as new figures reveal the record-breaking scale of child sexual abuse imagery on the internet. Police Professional 12/1/2021 News Detective shortage leads forces to target January blues for recruits Forces have launched a fresh drive to recruit more detectives to make up for a shortfall in the senior ranks. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/1/2021 News Met officers to drive ambulances as COVID-19 depletes crews Met officers are being re-trained to become temporary ambulance drivers due o the COVID-19 virus. Firefighters are also set to join them. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/1/2021 News Almost 45,000 fines given across UK as police ramp up Covid patrols Home Secretary Priti Patel issued a stark warning to those who are flouting rules and ‘putting the health of the nation at risk’ that officers are ‘now moving more quickly’ to issue fines to those blatantly breaching guidelines. Metro 12/1/2021 News Tougher police Covid crackdown on the way as UK faces ‘most dangerous stage of pandemic’ Flouters have been condemned at a Downing Street press conference Wales Online 12/1/2021 News Harness the cloud to build modern police services Policing in the UK is regarded as a benchmark for the rest of the world. So dealing effectively with evolving criminality and cybercrime, along with increasing complex digital evidence, is vital if the UK is to remain a beacon of excellence. Policing Insight 12/1/2021 Advertisement, Feature Police shut down ‘eBay of the dark web’ in Germany The largest illegal bazaar on the global dark web, likened to an eBay for criminals, has been shut down after its alleged mastermind was arrested in Germany. The Times - Subscription at source 12/1/2021 News Racial Differences in Co-Offending: Correlations With Concurrent Juvenile Police Contacts and Predictions of Future Adult Police Contacts The purpose of this study was to determine whether the relationship between co-offending and offense seriousness varied by race and whether similarities in age (juvenile, adult) and race (white, non-white) augmented the frequency and severity of future offending in co-offending males. Analyzing 15,059 incidents of police contact involving male juvenile participants from the Second Philadelphia Birth Cohort (PBC II) and the records of 7,420 male participants from the PBC II, a stronger co-offending–offense seriousness relationship was noted in the juvenile police contacts of non-white participants, whereas similarity between co-offenders led to increased adult police contacts in non-white but not white participants. These results suggest that juvenile co-offending may operate along social learning lines in non-white, if not white, youth. Crime and Delinquency - Registration at source 12/1/2021 Research article Derbyshire FPNs recinded following internal review into reservoir walkers Two women who received £200 fixed penalty notices (FPNs) after travelling to a reservoir around five miles from their homes for a walk have had their fines rescinded following a review of the case by Derbyshire Constabulary. Police Professional 12/1/2021 News Police officers should be promoted in jab priority list, says MPS Commissioner Frontline police officers should be “properly recognised” in the prioritisation list for Covid-19 vaccines, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Commissioner has said. Police Professional 12/1/2021 News Less serious criminal cases paused as COVID cases rise The Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service is to focus on only the most serious criminal cases throughout the lockdown period, the Lord President has announced. Holyrood Magazine 12/1/2021 News Understanding The Social Care Support Needs Of Scotland’s Prison Population This study used statistical modelling to generate a range of estimates for the percentage of the prison population with social and personal care needs, using combinations of existing social care, health, demographic and prisons data. Scottish Government 12/1/2021 Report Changes to criminal court business Justice Secretary responds to Lord President announcement. Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has responded to the Lord President’s decision to reduce the number of criminal trials as part of efforts to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). Scottish Government 12/1/2021 News Stalking Protection Act: statutory guidance for the police STATUTORY GUIDANCE: What police need to do under the Stalking Protection Act, which introduced Stalking Protection Orders. Home Office 12/1/2021 Report Covid-19: Rule-breakers ‘increasingly likely’ to be fined – Cressida Dick Lockdown rule-breakers are more likely to be fined as Covid laws will be enforced "more quickly", the UK's most senior police officer has said. BBC 12/1/2021 News «277127722773277427752776277727782779Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events