Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 55461 to 55480 «277027712772277327742775277627772778Next ›Last » Fire services consortium renews network deal with Capita The East Coast and Hertfordshire Control Room Consortium has renewed its contract with Capita to manage its shared wide area network. 13/1/2021 News IOPC investigates Nottingham death in custody We are independently investigating the death in custody of a 35-year-old man following his arrest at an address in Nottingham. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 13/1/2021 News UK Government Covid-19 briefing – Speech from the Chair of the NPCC, Martin Hewitt Police are emphasising the importance of people’s personal decisions if we are to stop the NHS from being overwhelmed by coronavirus. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 13/1/2021 News DarkMarket: world’s largest illegal dark web marketplace taken down DarkMarket, the world's largest illegal marketplace on the dark web, has been taken offline in an international operation involving Germany, Australia, Denmark, Moldova, Ukraine, the United Kingdom (the National Crime Agency), and the USA (DEA, FBI, and IRS). Europol supported the takedown with specialist operational analysis and coordinated the cross-border collaborative effort of the countries involved. Europol 13/1/2021 News Role of grooming of women involved in violent crime examined as part of new gangs guidance Prosecutors working on gang-related cases which involve women and girls should consider if there is evidence they have been forced or groomed into committing crime, according to new legal guidance published today. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 13/1/2021 News Response to an inspection of the Home Office’s use of sanctions and penalties POLICY PAPER; A response to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration’s report on the Home Office’s use of sanctions and penalties. Home Office 13/1/2021 Report Five country statement on the temporary derogation to the ePrivacy Directive to combat child sexual exploitation and abuse POLICY PAPER; The UK, alongside members of the Five Countries, welcomes the progress made so far on the temporary derogation and urges a swift adoption of the legislation to ensure essential work carried out by service providers to shield endangered children in Europe and around the world can continue. Home Office 13/1/2021 Report TikTok to tackle grooming with safeguards for young users NSPCC welcomes changes as it says abusers are taking advantage of pandemic to target children online The Guardian 13/1/2021 News Prejudice against drill music is harming Black men in court Drill music is increasingly being used as evidence in trials, it has been reported. The Voice 13/1/2021 News World’s largest dark web market disrupted in major police operation DarkMarket – thought to be the world’s largest illegal dark web marketplace – has been taken offline following an international law enforcement operation involving forces from Australia, Denmark, Germany, Moldova, the UK, Ukraine and the US, supported by Europol, which provided specialist operational analysis and co-ordination between the various agencies. Computer Weekly 13/1/2021 News Almost 45,000 fines handed out for Covid-19 breaches across UK Almost 45,000 fines have been issued to people across the UK for breaching Covid-19 laws, the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) chair has said. Police Professional 13/1/2021 News Forensic Science Regulator annual report 2020 The Forensic Science Regulator annual report for 2019 to 2020. Forensic Science Regulator 13/1/2021 Report Forensic Science Regulator calls for change in final report The Forensic Science Regulator has warned that parts of the sector remain in a precarious position and there is an urgent need for fundamental change. Forensic Science Regulator 13/1/2021 News Forensics regulator signs off with call for ‘fundamental change’ The Forensic Science Regulator has signed off with a call for better scrutiny of evidence and increased laboratory capacity. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 News Cleveland chief constable says police should be a priority for Covid-19 vaccinations A police chief has called for front-line officers to be vaccinated as soon as possible. Richard Lewis, Chief Constable of Cleveland Police, said officers should be a priority so they can work in the community safely. The Northern Echo 13/1/2021 News The uncomfortable questions facing Capitol Police over the security breach by MAGA mob Coverage of protesters storming the Capitol Building in Washington DC was watched around the world, with many questioning the ease with which rioters gained entry to the heart of federal government; Tom Nolan, Associate Professor of Sociology at Emmanuel College, Boston, believes the events of the day will be viewed by many experts as ‘an international embarrassment for American law enforcement’. Policing Insight 13/1/2021 Feature, Opinion It is not the police’s job to enforce the lockdown whims of ministers There is a difference between law and guidance - but the two are being dangerously conflated The Telegraph - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 Feature, Opinion Ireland must quit EU police project that includes Israel, says Palestinian group The garda force should withdraw from an EU-backed law-enforcement project because of Israel’s involvement, a Palestinian advocacy group has said. The Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 News Public figures should lead way in obeying Covid rules, says police chief after Boris Johnson bike ride Senior police have criticised Boris Johnson for his seven-mile bike ride, saying it would encourage the public to push the boundaries of lockdown rules. The Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 News Reforms to police bail that left victims at risk will be scrapped The Home Office will reverse controversial bail reforms after an overhaul intended to speed up the system instead made police investigations longer and left victims at increased risk. The Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 News «277027712772277327742775277627772778Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events