Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 55441 to 55460 «276927702771277227732774277527762777Next ›Last » Peel Regional police selects Motorola Solutions’ integrated software and video solutions to help keep communities safe CANADA: Peel Regional Police is teaming up with Motorola Solutions (NYSE:MSI) to deploy mission critical end-to-end software and video solutions to enhance officer and community safety and wellbeing for the nearly 1.4 million residents and visitors of the cities of Brampton, Mississauga, and at Pearson International Airport. Business Wire 13/1/2021 News Toronto Police Services Board approves $1B budget for 2021 CANADA: The $1.076 billion budget request put forth by Chief Jim Ramer at a special meeting of the Board on Wednesday amounts to a zero per cent increase from the 2020 approved budget. City News (Canada) 13/1/2021 News Montreal police now using naloxone in fight against deadly drug overdoses CANADA: Drug-related overdose are on the rise in the city, according to Montreal police. In the last year alone, overdose deaths have more than doubled from 28 fatalaties in 2019, to 64 in 2020. Global News (Canada) 13/1/2021 News Driving offences most common among 63 prosecutions of police officers NEW ZEALAND: Sixty-three police officers, mostly constables, have been prosecuted in the past five years. Figures obtained under the Official Information Act show the most common offences committed by officers from 2016 to 2020, were either ‘’driving offences'’ or ‘’offences against a person’’. Stuff (New Zealand) 13/1/2021 News Merseyside Police Chief Constable and city MP clash after figures show use of force on Black people Merseyside's top police officer has clashed with a city MP over the use of force on Black people in policing. Chief Constable of Merseyside Police Andy Cooke directly criticised Liverpool Riverside MP Kim Johnson for her comments to the ECHO on figures which show that Black people in Merseyside are more than three times as likely as white people to have force used on them by the region's police officers. Liverpool Echo 13/1/2021 News Lords inflict two defeats on government over ‘spy cops’ bill Amendments pass to curtail use of children and stop informants participating in murder and rape The Times 13/1/2021 News Groundhog Day on the lockdown line A third anti-lockdown protest in just eight days once again was followed by former Special Branch officer Chris Hobbs. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 Feature, Opinion Forensic Science Regulator warns ‘fundamental change’ is needed The outgoing Forensic Science Regulator has warned there is an urgent need for “fundamental change” with parts of the sector in a “precarious position”. Police Professional 13/1/2021 News Covid-19 police lead warns of ‘invisible enemy’ as he recovers from virus The officer in charge of two police forces’ responses to the pandemic has issued a stern warning about the “invisible enemy” as he recovers from the virus himself. Police Professional 13/1/2021 News Durham Constabulary commits to equality, diversity and inclusivity in all areas of work Durham Constabulary Chief Constable Jo Farrell has signed a commitment to enshrine equality, diversity and inclusivity in everything the force does. Police Professional 13/1/2021 News PSA secures programme of CPD events for superintendents Members of the Police Superintendents’ Association (PSA) are to gain access to an extensive series of continuing professional development events thanks to a new partnership with the College of Policing. Police Professional 13/1/2021 News Notts student among first to pay £10,000 Covid-19 fine A Nottinghamshire student has become one of the first people in the country to pay a £10,000 Covid fine. Police Professional 13/1/2021 News Cressida Dick: It ‘doesn’t feel right’ to get Covid vaccine before frontline Metropolitan Police officers Metropolitan Police commissioner Cressida Dick has questioned why she and her entire Scotland Yard management board are scheduled to receive the Covid-19 vaccine before frontline officers. The Standard 13/1/2021 News Policing the Corona Crisis: A Comparison Between France and the Netherlands The policing of measures to control the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a core aspect of the current corona crisis. This article concentrates on differences in policing the corona crisis in France and the Netherlands. There are huge differences in policing the corona crisis between the two jurisdictions: France with a very strict, repressive approach, and the Netherlands with a more pragmatic, communicative and responsibilizing style. These differences can be understood by looking at the underlying frames about the relationship between state and citizens. The differences in frames about the relationship between police and citizens are more or less similar between the two countries. In France, the dominant frame is of policing as a matter of ‘force’ and ‘war’; the Dutch policing style is framed in terms of responsibilization, communication and persuasion. Despite these important differences, there are also similarities. In both countries there have been fundamental criticisms of the legal basis of the corona measures and of the way that these have been policed. The issues of protest and criticism are often related to the specific dominating frames, in a paradoxical way. International Journal of Police Science & Management 13/1/2021 Research article Styles of Policing and Police–public Interactions: the Question of Stop-and-Search By Police Units in France Styles of policing are reflected in the methods, decisions and priorities of law enforcement agencies. Based on an ethnographic study of police work in two major French metropolitan areas, this article identifies the styles of policing enforced in France, based on the use of discretionary stop-and-search. Despite nuances due to the variety of units, places and watch commanders, policing is delivered in a mostly proactive and confrontational way, which is reflected in a proliferation of units having an aggressive mandate. Stop-and-search is used to detect criminal activity, ‘take over’ territories and assert police authority, especially when the latter is challenged. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 13/1/2021 Research article How assistive AI is revolutionising policing and public safety Police and governments are investing heavily in public safety technology, but as result frontline responders are often faced with vast amounts of data when trying to assess ongoing incidents; Kalyn Sims of computer-aided dispatch specialists Hexagon believes assisted artificial intelligence could be the key to rapid, real-time analysis of data. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 Feature, Opinion Covid-19 police lead warns of ‘invisible enemy’ as he recovers from virus The officer in charge of two police forces’ responses to the pandemic has issued a stern warning about the “invisible enemy” as he recovers from the virus himself. Police Professional 13/1/2021 News Police chiefs in talks with government about tightening lockdown exercise rules Police chiefs are in talks with the Home Office and the Department of Health about tightening lockdown rules around exercise, a senior officer has said. Police Professional 13/1/2021 News Groundhog day on the lockdown line A third anti-lockdown protest in just eight days once again was followed by former Special Branch officer Chris Hobbs. Police Oracle 13/1/2021 News Absence levels lower in second wave thanks to PPE, says NPCC National Police Chief Council's strategic lead on COVID-19 said despite absence rates creeping up they are considerably lower than the first wave due to force's proper use of PPE. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/1/2021 News «276927702771277227732774277527762777Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events