Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 55281 to 55300 «276127622763276427652766276727682769Next ›Last » New funding to tackle drug misuse ‘a drop in the ocean’, say experts Government announces £80m for treatment including rollout of overdose medicine naloxone The Guardian 20/1/2021 News Lost From the Conversation: Missing People, and the Role of Police Media in Shaping Community Awareness Media as a public health messaging tool can shape community perception. In missing persons’ investigations Police utilise media to assist in location and recovery of absent people. This study, of Australian media in 2019, revealed that the statistical evidence of who goes missing, and returns, revealed that is not replicated in news articles. Content analysis of 2,400 media items highlighting a disconnect between statistical rate of return from being missing (up to 98%) and the media profiling those who return (17% of media articles including returned missing persons narratives). In addition, Police and family dominate media conversations paying minimal attention to the reasons why people vanish or including comment from those who return. Recommendations for Police media strategies, that include an accurate portrayal of the experiences of returned missing persons, as a public health tool, is required. Police Journal - Registration at source 20/1/2021 Research article Empowering communities through intensive engagement Former senior police officer Richard James of community engagement specialists Intensive Engagement shares the company’s methodology on working with communities to reduce crime, and how the approach can be applied to a range of other social issues. Policing Insight - Registration at source 20/1/2021 Analysis, Feature Yukon RCMP Quarterly Report – October to December, 2020 CANADA: Yukon RCMP, M Division, aims to keep the peace and uphold the law by providing Territorial, First Nation, Specialized, and Federal policing. It has been our privilege to serve in partnership with our communities providing policing services since 1895. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 20/1/2021 Report £80m for treatment services in drug crackdown Drug treatment services in England are to receive an extra £80m as part of government's efforts to cut crime. BBC 20/1/2021 News £148m to target county lines drug gangs and treat addiction Police have shut down more than 550 county lines and arrested nearly 3,500 people connected with the drug dealing gangs in just over a year. The Times - Subscription at source 20/1/2021 News Specialist prosecutors work to overcome cultural barriers associated with rape and serious sexual offences Removing cultural barriers that may prevent people from ethnic minorities in pursuing a rape or serious sexual offence (RASSO) prosecution is the focus of an ongoing programme of work at the Crown Prosecution Service. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 19/1/2021 News NYPD commissioner defends police response at MLK march USA: "This is actions caused by people that want to destroy our way of life and our city and we're not going to let it happen,” New York City's police commissioner said. NBC 19/1/2021 News Tāneatua’s new police station: No cells, no barriers NEW ZEALAND: Work should begin in the next few months to replace Tāneatua Police Station, destroyed by fire two years ago. Police unveiled the first designs of the new building this week. It will be a police station like no other; there will no holding cells, no barriers in front of the counter, instead, there will be space for community hui and a cup of tea with police staff. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 19/1/2021 News Police launch internal review into policy of taking photos of young people NEW ZEALAND: Police have launched a national review into a policy of taking photos of young people after it was revealed officers in Wairarapa took illegal photos of rangatahi. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 19/1/2021 News Ontario government announces digital evidence management system for police CANADA: TORONTO — Ontario plans to implement a digital evidence management system for police that it says will allow officers to focus on crimes and prevention rather than pushing paper. Solicitor General Sylvia Jones said the cloud-based system will allow police to securely capture, store, manage and share digital evidence. Global News (Canada) 19/1/2021 News More than 70 new gardaí graduate after modified training REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Seventy-one new gardaí graduated on Tuesday after completing a modified training programme which focused on on-the-job experience rather than training in the Garda College. A further 69 members of the Garda Reserve were also attested to aid in the policing of Covid-19. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 19/1/2021 News Equality body welcomes Police Scotland’s ‘transformational’ action on flexible working Police Scotland has been praised for its “transformational” progress in preventing sex discrimination against female officers who request flexible working arrangements. Police Professional 19/1/2021 News Helicopter ‘may have been targeted by dissidents seeking to attack police’ A security alert is under way in Co Fermanagh over claims made by a person purporting to speak for the Continuity IRA. Belfast Telegraph 19/1/2021 News ‘Eye watering’: top police officer laments rate of stop and search on young black men Exclusive: Mike Cunningham, who has just retired as head of College of Policing, calls for ‘humility’ from former colleagues The Guardian 19/1/2021 News Digital Technology in Prisons Work with Offenders on a new report from the Centre for Social Justice. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/1/2021 News Digital Technology in Prisons: Unlocking relationships, learning and skills in UK prisons Digital Technology in Prisons: Unlocking relationships, learning and skills in UK prisons Centre for Social Justice 19/1/2021 Report Criminal Justice System at breaking point Inspectorate warns The four HM Inspectorates for policing and criminal justice have 'expressed grave concerns' over the case backlog created by COVID-19 and urged ministers to step up. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/1/2021 News Offers get ‘left over’ vaccine while others told to turn down offers Officers from some forces are taking up local NHS trusts on their offer for spare vaccines. The Metropolitan Police is however reportedly instructiong officers to decline if offered externally. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/1/2021 News The time has come to have an open and honest debate about short term solutions Speaking after the Criminal Justice Joint Inspection published its report Impact of the pandemic on the Criminal Justice System today, the APCC's Lead for Criminal Justice David Lloyd said: “Police and Crime Commissioners have had concerns about the backlog of cases in the criminal justice system for some time - even before Covid-19. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 19/1/2021 News «276127622763276427652766276727682769Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events