Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98644 total results. Showing results 55201 to 55220 «275727582759276027612762276327642765Next ›Last » A National Study of Police Mental Health in the USA: Stigma, Mental Health and Help-Seeking Behaviors Policing is a high risk, high stress occupation involving repeated exposure to distressing situations. High levels of emotional and physical exhaustion lead to increased prevalence of psychological disorders such as post-traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety. Mental health stigma is prevalent among police and is one of the most significant barriers to seeking mental health services. The current study contributes to the limited body of existing empirical research examining stigmatization and help-seeking behavior in policing. The research involves a nationwide study of USA law enforcement personnel, giving a snapshot of mental health stigma on a large scale and with national representation. It was found that over 90% of officers perceive stigma as negatively influencing help-seeking behavior. Even when officers do seek help and find it effective, stigma remains at alarmingly high levels and is not reduced by help-seeking behaviors. This study has important implications for police agencies. Regardless of the efforts of police agencies in increasing mental health literacy and offering greater and better access to mental health services, if stigma remains, such efforts will be rendered ineffective, or at the very least, severely limited. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 23/1/2021 Research article Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy POLICY PAPER: The Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy sets out our whole-system response to all forms of child sexual abuse. Home Office 22/1/2021 Report Serving MPS officer dies after testing positive for Covid-19 A serving Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has died after testing positive for Covid-19. Police Professional 22/1/2021 News How support for modern slavery victims is helping police to target traffickers The work of modern slavery support charity Justice and Care with victims at home and abroad is helping those who have been trafficked to engage more easily with police, leading in turn to more targeted action against organised crime; now the charity is hoping to expand its Victim Navigator programme to more forces, as Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/1/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Joint training packages for RASSO investigators part of action plan Plans include developing a knowledge hub to share best practice with CPS staff and investigators and launch of national conference. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/1/2021 News NPCC welcomes tougher fines in crackdown on illegal gatherings The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has welcomed the Government’s crackdown on “irresponsible and totally unacceptable” house parties and large gatherings. Police Professional 22/1/2021 News ‘Lack of clarity’ on police powers under Domestic Abuse Bill, warns Justice Committee The Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee has warned that “serious practical concerns” in Scotland’s new domestic abuse legislation still need to be addressed. Police Professional 22/1/2021 News New child sexual abuse strategy launched as 320 of the ‘most dangerous’ offenders arrested More than 300 of the UK’s most dangerous child sex offenders have been arrested since the first coronavirus lockdown following a joint operation by police and the National Crime Agency (NCA). Police Professional 22/1/2021 News Tougher sentences needed for coughing and spitting attacks The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has called for tougher prison sentences after the release of CPS statistics revealed that assaults on emergency workers had become the most common coronavirus-related crime. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 22/1/2021 News Merseyside Police’s Chief Constable to retire Merseyside’s Police Commissioner has announced today that Andy Cooke QPM has informed her of his decision to retire as Chief Constable of Merseyside Police to take up a new appointment, details of which will be released in due course. Merseyside OPCC 22/1/2021 News Covid: 400-person wedding party in Stamford Hill broken up by police Police broke up a wedding party in north London where they said about 400 people had gathered. BBC 22/1/2021 News Met Police officer dies after positive Covid test amid calls to vaccinate rank and file PC Michael Warren, 37, died on Tuesday after shielding at home when he was deemed to be vulnerable to the virus The Telegraph - Subscription at source 22/1/2021 News Europol and EPPO establish working relationship The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) and Europol, the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, have set the basis of their future cooperation, in the form of a working arrangement. The working arrangement was approved late 2020 by EPPO’s College and Europol’s Management Board and signed in Luxembourg by the European Chief Prosecutor, Laura Kövesi, after Europol’s Executive Director Catherine De Bolle signed it in The Hague. Europol 22/1/2021 News CPS and police collaboration to drive up performance on rape and serious sexual offences Efforts to reduce the disparity between the number of rape and serious sexual offence (RASSO) cases being reported and those going to court have taken a step forward, as a blueprint to drive even closer working between police and prosecutors has been published today. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 22/1/2021 News NPCC Chair Martin Hewitt joins Home Secretary Priti Patel for Downing Street press conference Police are emphasising that house parties, and other large gatherings, should not be happening, with the news that attendees of such events can now be fined £800. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 22/1/2021 News Police welcome national strategy to protect children from sexual abuse A strategy has been released by the Home Office which aims to tackle all forms of child sexual abuse. This builds on work already being carried out by police forces across the country. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 22/1/2021 News Responding to the pandemic: The fire and rescue service’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 In August 2020, the Home Secretary commissioned us to inspect how fire and rescue authorities in England responded to the COVID-19 outbreak and the numerous challenges it presents. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/1/2021 Report Too many firefighters prevented from fully supporting public during COVID-19 pandemic Dedicated fire and rescue staff stepped up to support the communities they serve during the COVID-19 pandemic, but working arrangements between fire and rescue service National Employers and the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) prevented some firefighters from maximising the support they could provide to the public, a report published today has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/1/2021 News ‘Report shows how modernisation of the fire service and how it’s governed is long overdue’ The APCC’s Lead on Fire - Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis – comments on HMICFRS’ Fire and Rescue Services COVID-19 response inspection report. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 22/1/2021 News Response to an IICSA report on the sexual abuse of children outside the UK POLICY PAPER; Government response to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) Report into the protection of children outside the United Kingdom, phase 2. Home Office 22/1/2021 Report «275727582759276027612762276327642765Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events