Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 55201 to 55220 «275727582759276027612762276327642765Next ›Last » Police Scotland Workforce plan considered at Authority meeting Police Scotland Workforce plan considered at Authority meeting Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 25/1/2021 News Russia police violence in spotlight after 3,500 protesters detained Police clashed with demonstrators in Moscow as tens of thousands took to the streets across the country Yahoo! 25/1/2021 News New national competition for police innovation Do you have a good idea to improve policing? Do you have personnel or students who have innovative insights? Get your ideas in to this new national competition to find the very best innovations for UK policing. Police Professional 25/1/2021 Feature Covid: Police and protesters clash during Dutch curfew demo Riot police in the Netherlands have clashed with protesters angry at new coronavirus restrictions. BBC 25/1/2021 News The future of crime and criminal justice Work with Offenders looks at an interesting prediction of future crime trends. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/1/2021 News PCC calls for smart motorways to be scrapped The police and crime commissioner of South Yorkshire has written to the Secretary of State for Transport calling for smart motorways to be scrapped because they are “inherently unsafe and dangerous”. Police Professional 25/1/2021 News COVID-19: Calls to NSPCC child welfare hotline jump by 50% during pandemic The NSPCC is calling for the UK government to make extra provisions for child victims in its Domestic Abuse Bill. Sky News 25/1/2021 News SEPA ‘will not engage with criminals’ as it continues to deal with cyber attack SEPA has said it “will not engage with criminals intent on disrupting public services and extorting public funds”, as it continues to deal with a ransomware attack that has been ongoing since Christmas Eve. Holyrood Magazine 25/1/2021 News Drink-drive limit should be cut by a third and be zero for those who have just passed their test because motorists no longer see if as a serious deterrent, says report Young motorists and those who drive for a living could be punished if they have any alcohol in their blood at all, according to a new government report. Mail Online 25/1/2021 News Commissioner highlights DNA retention concerns and ‘missed opportunities’ that may have increased risk of crime The UK Biometrics Commissioner has highlighted variations between forces in the retention of DNA, software inadequacies in the fight against terrorism, and missed opportunities for the international exchange of samples that may have put the public at greater risk of crime, reports Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/1/2021 Analysis, Feature Why women make better witnesses Women are more helpful than men at catching crooks because they pay more attention, according to Scotland Yard’s only e-fit officer. The Times - Subscription at source 25/1/2021 News Police chief warned about smart motorway dangers in 2013 The government was warned seven years ago by a chief constable that smart motorways would lead to more deaths, it has emerged. The Times - Subscription at source 25/1/2021 News Gardaí in Kerry solve almost seven out of ten crimes REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí in Kerry have the highest success rate in solving crime within the force, while their colleagues in Dublin have the lowest detection rates in the state. The Times - Subscription at source 25/1/2021 News Police force turns to public for help forging mental health strategy CANADA: Ottawa's police force has outlined how it will approach consultations with professionals and the public on its new mental health strategy. The details are found in a report, submitted by Ottawa Police Service (OPS) Chief Peter Sloly, that's slated to be presented to the city's police board Monday. CBC News (Canada) 24/1/2021 News WA Government launches police recruitment drive as Liberals pledge millions for trade AUSTRALIA: The State Government has launched a $1.8 million advertising blitz to recruit police officers following its budget commitment to add an extra 800 police if re-elected in March. ABC News (Australia) 24/1/2021 News Glasgow cops ‘poisoned’ in police BMW patrol car during night shift The two officers were taken to hospital and treated for suspected carbon monoxide poisoning after becoming unwell. Glasgow Live 24/1/2021 News North Wales PCC says police officers should stop enforcing Covid regulations as row over vaccine priority continues Police in North Wales should stop enforcing the Covid regulations unless they’re included on the priority list for vaccines, the region’s police and crime commissioner has said. The comments were made on Twitter by Plaid Cymru’s Arfon Jones after he accused the Welsh Government of ignoring pleas for officers to be immunised against the coronavirus during the current stage of vaccinations. 24/1/2021 News Police were potentially put at risk due to missing firearms information in iOPS An audit found hundreds of markers flagging addresses with licensed firearms were missing from the troubled new computer system, a year after it launched Manchester Evening News 24/1/2021 News To Serve and Protect Whom? Using Composite Counter-Storytelling to Explore Black and Indigenous Youth Experiences and Perceptions of the Police in Canada Research based in the US and Britain have established that perceptions of the police are particularly low among youth and racialized communities. However, by contrast, little is known about racialized youth perceptions of the police within Canada. Due to formal and informal bans on the collection of race-based data, Canada maintains its international reputation as a tolerant multicultural society. Using the critical race methodology of composite counter-storytelling, this paper will highlight the perspectives of Black and Indigenous youth and explore their experiences with law enforcement. This aims to counter Canada’s international status as a multicultural utopia and demonstrate how legal criminal justice actors, such as the police, perpetuate the marginalized status of Black and Indigenous youth through the process of criminalization. Crime and Delinquency 24/1/2021 Research article Survive. Recover. Rebuild. Justice post Covid-19 Unless radical action is taken by the government, the CJS may cease to function effectively Crest Advisory 24/1/2021 Report «275727582759276027612762276327642765Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events