Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 55061 to 55080 «275027512752275327542755275627572758Next ›Last » Brexit: Police monitoring ‘growing unionist discontent’ Police are monitoring "stress" and "growing discontent" within unionist communities over the Irish Sea border. Assistant Chief Constable Mark McEwan told MPs the health pandemic may be "moderating people's behaviour in terms of the desire to protest". BBC 27/1/2021 News Not meant to make it alone CANADA: When we perceive a significant threat to our lives or the lives of others, our sympathetic nervous system is activated. All parts of the body respond to maintain life at all costs and the body’s sole focus is on surviving the crisis at hand. Blue Line (Canada) 27/1/2021 Feature Predictive policing is just racist 21st century cyberphrenology Opposition is building against the ethically dubious practice of predictive or algorithmic policing, but in Australia and elsewhere it's something that the cops just don't want to talk about. ZDNet 27/1/2021 Feature, Opinion Calls for police to return to Melbourne as COVID response triggers station closures AUSTRALIA: The police union is demanding the Victorian government dramatically cut the number of officers working at border checkpoints after police stations were forced to close over the weekend due to widespread staffing shortages. The Age (Australia) 27/1/2021 News Surveillance and local police: How technology is evolving faster than regulation USA: Your local police department may know more about you than you think. Journalist Jon Fasman says local police are frequently able to access very powerful surveillance tools — including publicly accessible CCTV cameras, automatic license plate readers and cell phone tracking devices — with little oversight. npr 27/1/2021 Feature, Interview MPS officer pleads to guilty to child sex offences A serving Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has pleaded guilty to attempting to have sex with an underage girl. Police Professional 27/1/2021 News MPS loses five officers and staff to Covid-19 in the space of 15 days Five serving officers and staff from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) have lost their lives to Covid-19 in recent weeks, the force has revealed. Police Professional 27/1/2021 News Federation lobbying for sanctions on lengthy police misconduct investigations The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is lobbying MPs for a 12-month time limit on police disciplinary investigations and sanctions when they overrun. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 27/1/2021 News Blog: Seeing justice done makes being a detective incredible We spoke to career Detective Chief Inspector from City of London Police, Gary Robinson, who has been in the police service for over 20 years. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 27/1/2021 Feature, Opinion Paving ways for interoperability in the UK Police Plans seem solid for future UK police technology enhancements, with paths for development over the past three years being paved by new public policies and NPCC guidelines. Strategic planning documents such as Police vision 2025 and National Digital Policing Strategy 2020 helped to show possible ways of working to achieve better police efficiency through technology. However, are UK police investing in the right technology? Are current guidelines allowing police officers to work on a wider approach to exchange data across many forces? Or are they missing out on more cooperation, and cost-saving scalability? Government Computing 27/1/2021 Feature, Opinion Emotet botnet taken down by international police swoop Police have seized thousands of computers running one of the most dangerous hacking networks worldwide. BBC 27/1/2021 News Police to bar Britons from overseas travel unless ‘essential’ under new Covid-19 rules Britons will be banned from leaving the country and could be fined by police if they fail to provide valid reasons for travel, the home secretary has announced. The Times - Subscription at source 27/1/2021 News Ex-charity regulator chief William Shawcross to review Prevent strategy The former chairman of the Charity Commission is the new independent reviewer of the government’s counter-radicalisation strategy Prevent. The Times - Subscription at source 27/1/2021 News Inside France’s pioneering deradicalisation programme Other governments fear that imprisoning extremists gives them the opportunity to convert other inmates. The French claim to have devised the best system of prevention, largely because of their greater experience of terrorist attacks The Times - Subscription at source 27/1/2021 Analysis, Feature London assembly ups the ante over officer vaccinations Frontline Met officers should be prioritised for vaccination against COVID-19 and be given access to unused jabs, London Assembley members have said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/1/2021 News IOPC ‘state sanctioned risk’ to officer welfare, says GMP Fed The Independent Office for Police Conduct is a 'state sanctioned risk' to the welfare of police officers and their families' the Greater Manchester Police Federation Chair has said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/1/2021 News IOPC rebuts Police Federation claims The IOPC has made significant achievements in improving the timeliness of investigations and many of the delays which can occur are outside of our control. It is disappointing and misleading that the Police Federation has chosen not to reflect this in the information they have provided. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 27/1/2021 News How spies think: Developing analytic skills for the next generation of police officers A new book by the former Director of GCHQ the UK’s first Security and Intelligence Co-ordinator outlines some of the key skills and attributes required of spies; but as Policing Insight's Andrew Staniforth reports, the book includes approaches and attitudes that would benefit any police officer involved in intelligence gathering and analytical thinking. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/1/2021 Feature, Opinion William Shawcross to lead independent review of Prevent Government announces the appointment of the new Independent Reviewer of Prevent. Home Office 27/1/2021 News Lockdown may have played part in rise of domestic child killings, says Met Force says strains on mental health during pandemic have likely contributed to an increase in cases The Guardian 27/1/2021 News «275027512752275327542755275627572758Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events