Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 54861 to 54880 «274027412742274327442745274627472748Next ›Last » A nose for profit: Cocaine trafficking in the coronavirus pandemic Policing Insight’s Chris Allen examines how the pandemic has forced drug traffickers to change tried and tested smuggling routes, and explores how this will impact on the new transit countries as well as the wider European cocaine trade. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Garda prostitution unit will enforce laws dangerous for sex workers, activists say The establishment of a prostitution investigation unit only tasks gardaí further with the enforcement of laws that are “dangerous” for sex workers, an activist group has said. The Times - Subscription at source 4/2/2021 News Formation agents facing crackdown over organised crime links The government and the National Crime Agency are planning a crackdown on company formation agents amid growing alarm at the industry’s links to serious organised crime and money laundering. The Times - Subscription at source 4/2/2021 News Clearview AI broke Canadian privacy laws by selling software to police, watchdogs say CANADA: The country's three biggest police forces - the RCMP, OPP and Toronto Police - all acquired copies of the software as had several municipal forces. The Globe and Mail (Canada) - Subscription at source 3/2/2021 News Toronto to pilot non-police led safety and crisis support service CANADA: Toronto has approved a pilot project for community safety and crisis support services that will test a non-police led approach to non-emergency and non-violent calls including those involving wellness checks. Radio Canada International (RCI) 3/2/2021 News Almost 200 gardaí injured in line of duty in 2020 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Almost 200 gardaí suffered injuries in the line of duty last year with nearly one in eight cases taking place in a single county. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 3/2/2021 News New Garda unit established to target organised prostitution REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda National Protective Services Bureau has formally established Organised Prostitution Investigation Unit, to police all aspects of organised criminality within the sex trade, including the enforcement of legislation criminalising the purchase of sexual services. Offaly Live 3/2/2021 News Contract for police protection signed AUSTRALIA: South Australia Police will provide 2,983 personal issue Multi-Purpose Load Bearing Vests (MPLBV) to protect uniformed police officers and Protective Security Officers from edged weapons and firearms attacks in the coming years. South Australia Police 3/2/2021 News ‘Leave on Monday, dead on Tuesday’: Cops coach fleeing bikies AUSTRALIA: A new program launches today which will see Queensland police provide support to members of outlaw motorcycle gangs who want to trade in their colours. The Courier Mail (Australia) - Subscription at source 3/2/2021 News Police ICT Company sets out priorities The Police ICT Company is making plans for a change of name and to step up its activities. 3/2/2021 News WA Police eyes new govt-wide infringement solution, data lake AUSTRALIA: WA Police is set to replace the state’s 15-year-old infringement processing system with a new cloud-based solution that could potentially be reused across all government agencies. The force issued a request for information (RFI) for the new system late last month after receiving $13.7 million in the 2020-21 state budget to kick off the project. IT News (Australia) 3/2/2021 News Queensland police operations overhauled after damning report finds myriad of issues AUSTRALIA: Queensland Police Service is undergoing a massive overhaul of its operations after a damning report revealed officers were struggling to keep up with soaring demand and abandoning calls for service. 7 News (Australia) 3/2/2021 News Paris attack: Police respond as man steals van from town hall and smashes into pedestrians FRANCE: The male suspect reportedly stole the vehicle from the town hall of Nanterre and hit pedestrians on the forecourt of La Défense. One person has been killed in the horror attack, while another was injured. The suspect fled on foot but was later arrested by the police. Express 3/2/2021 News Manchester Arena attack: Police commanders fall out with bosses over tactics used on night of bombing Chief Inspector Dale Sexton and Superintendent Mark Dexter have complained that their force is withholding documents. Sky News 3/2/2021 News Police contact 2,000 numbers on drugs supply phone More than 2,000 numbers found on a suspected drug dealer's phone have been messaged by police and asked to seek help for addiction. BBC 3/2/2021 News More than 1,000 young black men removed from controversial police gang database Analysis by City Hall showed that most of the black males taken off the list had very low rates of offending and victimisation. Sky News 3/2/2021 News APD launches cutting-edge Maps technology to support seamless emergency services response Pioneering mapping technology has been launched to optimise emergency services’ response to incidents and enable blue light teams to reach locations rapidly with pinpoint accuracy. APD Maps is a cutting-edge cloud-based software platform which supports emergency services to deploy the right resources, to the right locations, at the right time. APD Communications 3/2/2021 Press release Activate Compliance: A Multilevel Study of Factors Associated With Activation of Body-Worn Cameras Body-worn cameras (BWCs) have quickly become popular tools in law enforcement. In theory, BWCs have the capacity to record all the time. However, due to privacy, legal, and practical concerns, cameras must be activated by officers in most jurisdictions. Early comments have raised concerns that officers would not activate their cameras in situations where there was a possibility that an intervention would not “look good” or when a situation might involve unnecessary or excessive use of force—posing a clear threat to transparency. The current study aims (1) to examine activation trends during a 10-month pilot to better understand officers’ compliance with departmental policies over time and (2) to identify situational and individual factors related to activation in situations where, based on a detailed policy, cameras should have been activated. Using generalized linear mixed models, camera activation was found to be significantly related to the nature of police–civilian encounters and officers’ personal characteristics such as experience and gender. Because suspicions of voluntary nonactivation in controversial situations can greatly affect police–citizen relations, this article concludes on a discussion of automatic activation. Criminal Justice Review - Registration at source 3/2/2021 Research article Police team forced to isolate after being spat at renew call for vaccine priority A police officer who is self-isolating after being spat at by a suspect claiming to have Covid-19 is calling on the Government to urgently place officers on the priority list for the vaccine. Police Professional 3/2/2021 News Prolonged police misconduct investigations ‘costing taxpayers millions’, says Federation Protracted police misconduct investigations could cost taxpayers millions of pounds each year, research conducted by the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has found. Police Professional 3/2/2021 News «274027412742274327442745274627472748Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events