Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 54841 to 54860 «273927402741274227432744274527462747Next ›Last » Frontline policing should be prioritised for COVID-19 vaccination 'Vital that the safety of police officers and staff is factored into the recovery plan' College of Policing 4/2/2021 Feature New HM Inspector announced The Home Office has announced the appointment of Andy Cooke as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Constabulary and Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Fire & Rescue Services. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 4/2/2021 News Police must show stop & search and use of force is fair or risk losing public trust Police forces must explain the disproportionate use of police powers such as stop and search and use of force on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people or risk losing the trust of the communities they serve, a report published today has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 4/2/2021 News City of London Police officers and staff join the thousands who have FREE access to Policing Insight! – Find out how Policing Insight welcomes officers and staff from City of London Police, who now have FREE access with the start of a new organisation wide subscription. They join a community of officers and staff from many other UK and international police forces with an interest in progressive policing. Read on to find out how to use your FREE subscriber access. Policing Insight 4/2/2021 News Crime outcomes in England and Wales, year to September 2020: data tables OFFICIAL STATISTICS; Outcomes assigned to offences recorded to September 2020 and the total number of outcomes recorded, by outcome type and offence type. Home Office 4/2/2021 Report Police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables Official statistics; Police recorded crime and outcomes detailed figures and supplementary material including a user guide. Home Office 4/2/2021 Report The motivations of offenders who carry and use acid and other corrosives in criminal acts RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS; Findings from a study that explored the motivations of offenders who carry and or use acid and other corrosive substances. Home Office 4/2/2021 Report Harry Dunn: Suspect Anne Sacoolas ‘worked for US intelligence’ The woman accused of killing Harry Dunn was "employed by an intelligence agency in the US" at the time of the crash, a court has heard. BBC 4/2/2021 News BAME people in North Wales remain underrepresented in police force Figures show that people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds in North Wales continue to be underrepresented by their police force - despite the recruitment of dozens of new officers. The Leader 4/2/2021 News Coronavirus: Police list excuses given for breaking lockdown Buying a pair of headphones and holding a photo shoot are among the reasons people have given for breaching coronavirus lockdown rules, Sussex Police has said. BBC 4/2/2021 News A nose for profit: Cocaine trafficking in the coronavirus pandemic Policing Insight’s Chris Allen examines how the pandemic has forced drug traffickers to change tried and tested smuggling routes, and explores how this will impact on the new transit countries as well as the wider European cocaine trade. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Garda prostitution unit will enforce laws dangerous for sex workers, activists say The establishment of a prostitution investigation unit only tasks gardaí further with the enforcement of laws that are “dangerous” for sex workers, an activist group has said. The Times - Subscription at source 4/2/2021 News Formation agents facing crackdown over organised crime links The government and the National Crime Agency are planning a crackdown on company formation agents amid growing alarm at the industry’s links to serious organised crime and money laundering. The Times - Subscription at source 4/2/2021 News Clearview AI broke Canadian privacy laws by selling software to police, watchdogs say CANADA: The country's three biggest police forces - the RCMP, OPP and Toronto Police - all acquired copies of the software as had several municipal forces. The Globe and Mail (Canada) - Subscription at source 3/2/2021 News Toronto to pilot non-police led safety and crisis support service CANADA: Toronto has approved a pilot project for community safety and crisis support services that will test a non-police led approach to non-emergency and non-violent calls including those involving wellness checks. Radio Canada International (RCI) 3/2/2021 News Almost 200 gardaí injured in line of duty in 2020 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Almost 200 gardaí suffered injuries in the line of duty last year with nearly one in eight cases taking place in a single county. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 3/2/2021 News New Garda unit established to target organised prostitution REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda National Protective Services Bureau has formally established Organised Prostitution Investigation Unit, to police all aspects of organised criminality within the sex trade, including the enforcement of legislation criminalising the purchase of sexual services. Offaly Live 3/2/2021 News Contract for police protection signed AUSTRALIA: South Australia Police will provide 2,983 personal issue Multi-Purpose Load Bearing Vests (MPLBV) to protect uniformed police officers and Protective Security Officers from edged weapons and firearms attacks in the coming years. South Australia Police 3/2/2021 News ‘Leave on Monday, dead on Tuesday’: Cops coach fleeing bikies AUSTRALIA: A new program launches today which will see Queensland police provide support to members of outlaw motorcycle gangs who want to trade in their colours. The Courier Mail (Australia) - Subscription at source 3/2/2021 News Police ICT Company sets out priorities The Police ICT Company is making plans for a change of name and to step up its activities. 3/2/2021 News «273927402741274227432744274527462747Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events