Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 54581 to 54600 «272627272728272927302731273227332734Next ›Last » New research to explore police-public engagement through technology The project, led by researchers from Napier University, will look into types of engagement, response and contact technology in policing. Digit 12/2/2021 News Police clash with PSNI Chief Constable Simon Byrne over ‘public shaming’ Northern Ireland’s under-pressure police chief has been directly challenged by his officers in a no-holds-barred confrontation, Belfast Live can reveal. Belfast Live 12/2/2021 News Supporting officers’ mental health and well-being during the pandemic USA: In our 2019 report, An Occupational Risk: What Every Police Agency Should Do to Prevent Suicide Among Its Officers, PERF recommended that law enforcement leaders make employees’ mental health care a priority and provide robust officer wellness programming. The need for such programs has increased dramatically over the past 11 months. The COVID-19 pandemic and the often violent protests following the killing of George Floyd have increased the stress on police officers and sheriffs’ deputies in countless ways. And the deaths by suicide of two officers following the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol were tragic reminders of the consequences of traumatic events in policing. In response to these new stressors, many agencies are taking steps to help their members and ensure they receive needed support in this difficult environment. Today’s Critical Issues Report summarizes what some agencies are doing and provides resources that departments may find helpful. Police Executive Research Forum 12/2/2021 Report Why Did You Become A Police Officer? Entry-Related Motives and Concerns of Women and Men in Policing As police agencies in the United States suffer declining applications and struggle to recruit women, the National Institute of Justice has identified workforce development as a priority research area. To recruit more effectively, we must understand what attracts people to policing and what deters them. We surveyed officers in two Midwestern police departments (n = 832) about entry motivations and concerns and examined gender differences. Serve/protect motivations were most important for men and women, though women rated the category significantly higher. Women and non-White officers rated legacy motives higher than did males and White officers. Women reported more concerns overall and scored higher on job demands and acceptance concerns; officers of color also reported more acceptance concerns than White officers. The largest gender differences were associated with gender-related obstacles and stereotypes (e.g., discrimination; being taken seriously; physical demands), indicating recruitment reform necessarily includes improving systemic issues. Criminal Justice and Behaviour - Registration at source 12/2/2021 Research article Officers near retirement need advice on pension claim, Fed warns Officers retiring soon need clarity on pension options, the Federation has warned. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/2/2021 News Half of officers have considered quitting due to ‘increasing challenges and stressors’ More than half of the serving police officers taking part in a study about character and virtues by the University of Birmingham said they had considered quitting their jobs in the past year. Police Professional 12/2/2021 News England-Scotland border checks on cards as talks falter Border checks at Berwick and Gretna have moved a step closer after negotiations to convince UK ministers to enforce Scotland’s tough quarantine broke down. The Times - Subscription at source 12/2/2021 News PM backs Met chief Cressida Dick after Priti Patel refuses to express confidence Boris Johnson was forced to say he had confidence in Britain’s most senior police officer over a bungled VIP abuse inquiry after the home secretary repeatedly failed to back Dame Cressida Dick. The Times - Subscription at source 12/2/2021 News Forces to receive £60m to cover Covid-19 costs Police forces across England and Wales are to be reimbursed with £60 million to cover the cost of increased enforcement of coronavirus rules, Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced. Police Professional 12/2/2021 News Police drivers to get greater protection in law Police drivers will be afforded long overdue legal protections as part of a bill which is expected to become law later this year. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 12/2/2021 News Cressida Dick: PM has ‘complete confidence’ in Met Police chief Boris Johnson has backed Metropolitan Police boss Dame Cressida Dick amid criticism of her force's handling a sex abuse investigation. BBC 12/2/2021 News Police to receive £60 million to support COVID-19 response Police forces in England and Wales will be reimbursed with £60 million to support increased enforcement of coronavirus rules, Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced today. Home Office 12/2/2021 News Local police federations call for Covid-19 vaccine priority The Health Secretary said this week officers won't be vaccinated until after groups 1-9 Free Radio 12/2/2021 News Combatting global cybercrime: The rise of public-private partnerships The financial impact of global cybercrime is growing at an alarming rate, yet the role of the chief information security officer in both public and private organisations is still largely undervalued and unrecognised; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the growing importance of public-private partnerships in the battle against cybercrime. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/2/2021 Feature, Opinion The role of officer race and gender in police-civilian interactions in Chicago USA: Diversification is a widely proposed policing reform, but its impact is difficult to assess. We used records of millions of daily patrol assignments, determined through fixed rules and preassigned rotations that mitigate self-selection, to compare the average behavior of officers of different demographic profiles working in comparable conditions. Relative to white officers, Black and Hispanic officers make far fewer stops and arrests, and they use force less often, especially against Black civilians. These effects are largest in majority-Black areas of Chicago and stem from reduced focus on enforcing low-level offenses, with greatest impact on Black civilians. Female officers also use less force than males, a result that holds within all racial groups. These results suggest that diversity reforms can improve police treatment of minority communities. Science - Subscription at source 12/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Why Did You Become A Police Officer? Entry-Related Motives and Concerns of Women and Men in Policing As police agencies in the United States suffer declining applications and struggle to recruit women, the National Institute of Justice has identified workforce development as a priority research area. To recruit more effectively, we must understand what attracts people to policing and what deters them. We surveyed officers in two Midwestern police departments (n = 832) about entry motivations and concerns and examined gender differences. Serve/protect motivations were most important for men and women, though women rated the category significantly higher. Women and non-White officers rated legacy motives higher than did males and White officers. Women reported more concerns overall and scored higher on job demands and acceptance concerns; officers of color also reported more acceptance concerns than White officers. The largest gender differences were associated with gender-related obstacles and stereotypes (e.g., discrimination; being taken seriously; physical demands), indicating recruitment reform necessarily includes improving systemic issues. Criminal Justice and Behaviour - Registration at source 12/2/2021 Research article Officers teaching in schools has long term impact on trust, study finds Police-led lessons on drugs in schools can boost engagement and trust among pupils and have a 'robust and long lasting effects on young peoples attitudes', a study suggests. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/2/2021 News Sergeants are ‘overloaded by uplift’ More sergeants will leave the service unless they get better support 'tutoring' the influx of new recruits, the Police Federation has warned Chief Constables. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/2/2021 News Cabinet Office consults on extending data matching under National Fraud Initiative The Cabinet Office has begun a consultation on the expansion of data matching as part of the National Fraud Initiative (NFI). 12/2/2021 News Statement from the Chief Constable Simon Byrne “This morning I had a constructive meeting with the Northern Ireland Policing Board where I provided members with an update on the post incident challenges and their management arising from the incident at Ormeau Road on 5 February and an overview of the current challenges faced by the Police Service. As the incident itself is under investigation by Police Ombudsman I was unable to discuss any of the detail nor am I in a position to make any further public comment. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 12/2/2021 Feature, Opinion «272627272728272927302731273227332734Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events