Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 54421 to 54440 «271827192720272127222723272427252726Next ›Last » West Midlands update vehicle safety training after near miss West Midlands Police made changes to their vehicle safety training after a PCSO was dragged for nearly 30 metres after he tried to grab the driver's keys. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/2/2021 News Another serving police officer dies following Covid-19 diagnosis A serving police officer has died after testing positive for Covid-19, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has confirmed. Police Professional 18/2/2021 News Police facing ‘increasing resistance’ to Covid-19 enforcement Greater Manchester Police has dealt with more than 1,200 Covid-related incidents in a single week with a “resurgence” of large group gatherings despite lockdown rules. Officers say there is evidence of greater “resistance” to police enforcement. Police Professional 18/2/2021 News Recorded Crime in Scotland: January 2021 Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for January 2021. Scottish Government 18/2/2021 Report Emergency Services Network GUIDANCE; The Emergency Services Network will replace the existing Airwave communications network used by the police, fire and rescue, and ambulance services in the UK. Home Office 18/2/2021 Report Metropolitan Police detective dies after testing positive for Covid Detective Sergeant Darren Barker joined Scotland Yard in 1992 The Standard 18/2/2021 News Filming in Public: How should the police respond to UK Auditors? Within the UK there is a growing trend of members of the public and citizen-focused journalists turning up at police stations and public spaces to film the interaction with the staff and the police. Police Hour 18/2/2021 News COVID-19 and fire: Two views from police, fire and crime commissioners In January, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) published its COVID-19 inspection of fire and rescue services across England and Wales. Catherine Levin talks to two police, fire and crime commissioners to see whether having oversight of both police and fire makes a difference when it comes to responding to a global pandemic. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/2/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Susan Manheimer discusses her stint as the interim chief in Oakland USA: Susan Manheimer served as Interim Chief of the Oakland Police Department from April 2020 through January 2021. She spent the first 17 years of her career with the San Francisco Police Department, then was chief of the San Mateo, CA Police Department for 20 years. She spoke with PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler about her time leading the Oakland Police Department. Police Executive Research Forum 17/2/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Changing how police departments respond to overdose calls could save lives CANADA: Many people aren't seeking help during overdoses due to fear of repercussions from law enforcement CBC News (Canada) 17/2/2021 Feature, Opinion 25,000 corruption claims against state’s cops AUSTRALIA: Accusations of excessive force and a failure to perform duties are among thousands of claims levelled at police. The Courier Mail (Australia) - Subscription at source 17/2/2021 News German police are using fake child abuse images to catch abusers, but critics warn of dangers GERMANY: We are only just beginning to confront the problems posed as computer-generated images become ever more photo-realistic The Telegraph - Subscription at source 17/2/2021 News Babcock celebrates launch of training programme for London’s police recruits Together with the Metropolitan Police Service (@MetPoliceUK), @BabcockTraining and its university partners have welcomed the first cohort of 196 new officer recruits who are embarking on the Met Police’s new Police Education Qualification Framework (PEQF) training programmes, which began on 25 January 2021. FE News 17/2/2021 News Packs for domestic abuse victims delivered by Bedfordshire’s PCC Funding from the Ministry of Justice has allowed Bedfordshire's OPCC to pay for kits containing items that could help a victim of domestic abuse who is fleeing their home. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/2/2021 News Pandemic policing deputy chief constable to retire in May DCC Paul Netherton spent the last six months seconded to Home Office to help with the national response to COVID-19 Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/2/2021 News Biden vows to end jail time for drug offences but says he will not defund police USA: Joe Biden vowed to end jail time for drug offences but told a TV town hall he will not defund police. The Independent 17/2/2021 News Metropolitan Police’s top black female officer: My brother was stopped and searched The UK’s most senior black female police officer has revealed her brother was stopped-and-searched by colleagues as she defended the controversial tactic. The Standard 17/2/2021 News BLM UK to fund ‘people’s tribunal’ for deaths in custody United Families and Friends Campaign receives £45,000 in BLM’s first round of funding The Guardian 17/2/2021 News New research to help police support stalking victims Academics have been asked to evaluate a new stalking screening tool being used by police to try to establish how effective it is in identifying and supporting victims of crime. De Montford University 17/2/2021 News Almost 30 modern slavery victims found every day in the UK last year, figures reveal Almost 30 potential victims of modern slavery were referred to UK police forces every day on average during the first nine months of 2020. The Yorkshire Post 17/2/2021 News «271827192720272127222723272427252726Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events