Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 54401 to 54420 «271727182719272027212722272327242725Next ›Last » Ottawa police receive fewer calls for service during COVID-19 pandemic year CANADA: OTTAWA -- Ottawa police officers received fewer requests for service last year, as demand declined "dramatically" at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. A report for the Ottawa Police Services Board shows there were 314,000 requests for service in 2020, compared to 369,000 requests in 2019. CTV News (Canada) 18/2/2021 News Domestic abuse law ‘hard to police’ AUSTRALIA: The NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions says new laws to ban coercive control would help to deter oppressive behaviour. The Australian - Subscription at source 18/2/2021 News Targeting of criminal networks reinvented under new Raptor Squad AUSTRALIA: The NSW Police Force is bolstering its targeting, disruption and dismantling of organised criminal networks with the expansion of resources for the establishment of the new stand-alone Raptor Squad. As part of ongoing modernisation and the adaptation of policing models to effectively respond to the ever-changing crime environment, Strike Force Raptor will separate from the Criminal Groups Squad and become the Raptor Squad from Monday (22 February 2021). Since its launch in March 2009, Strike Force Raptor or the name ‘Raptor’ has been synonymous with the disruption and targeting of organised criminal networks, including OMCG, crime families and other gangs. New South Wales Police Force 18/2/2021 News Victoria police have now saved 100 people from suspected overdoses CANADA: VICTORIA -- Victoria’s police chief is speaking out after his officers saved a man suffering from a suspected overdose. CTV News (Canada) 18/2/2021 News Rise in police stop and searches in West Midlands despite pandemic West Midlands Police conducted more stop and searches from March to December in 2020 than in the same period in 2019 Birmingham Live 18/2/2021 News Police to spray nuisance motorcyclists in North East Lincs as they pass to track them The spray is fired directly at suspects and their vehicles and has a unique signature which can be traced Grimsby Live 18/2/2021 News MSP writes to senior police officer over drone use An MSP has written to a senior officer saying Police Scotland’s intended use of drones goes significantly beyond what was agreed. Evening Express (Aberdeen) 18/2/2021 News Criminal justice system statistics quarterly: September 2020 NATIONAL STATISTICS: Trends in the use of out of court disposals, defendants prosecuted, offenders convicted, remand and sentencing decisions, and offender histories in England and Wales. Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 18/2/2021 Report Data lays bare strain on criminal justice system in England and Wales The pressure put on the criminal justice system during the Covid-19 pandemic has been laid bare by official statistics that show the number of people dealt with in England and Wales fell by nearly a quarter amid evidence that the bottleneck has forced staff to carefully select which cases can be heard. The Guardian 18/2/2021 News Europol and the World Anti-Doping Agency to tackle doping together Today, 18 February 2021, Europol and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) sign a Memorandum of Understanding to reinforce the cooperation in the fight against the illegal production and distribution of doping substances and their use for the manipulation of sports competitions. Europol 18/2/2021 News Prison recall perp hands himself in for change of scenery in lockdown A man subject to a prison recall handed himself into Sussex Police rather than spend any more time in lockdown with the people he lives with. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/2/2021 News Former Met officer loses appeal over indecent image conviction The senior Met officer convicted of having an image of child abuse on her phone has lost her court appeal. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/2/2021 News Assessing UK law enforcement data adequacy Data protection experts discuss the consequences of achieving data adequacy between the UK and EU for the UK’s intelligence services and criminal justice sector Computer Weekly 18/2/2021 News How COVID has reopened sectarian tensions over policing in Northern Ireland Applying and enforcing COVID-19 legislation has been a difficult balancing act for many police forces, but in Northern Ireland the added context of sectarian conflict and discrimination has proved particularly challenging; Dr Kevin Hearty of Queen’s University Belfast believes the recent actions of the Police Service of Northern Ireland could reopen long-standing divisions. Policing Insight 18/2/2021 Feature, Opinion Ex-police chief loses appeal over child abuse video on phone Robyn Williams was sacked and given community service after being sent unsolicited video via WhatsApp The Guardian 18/2/2021 News Technological Innovation in A Police Organization: Lessons Learned From the National Police of the Netherlands Police organizations internationally explore and experiment with new technologies to improve their performance and in response to new forms of crime. The police in the Netherlands experiment with various forms of innovative technology. Previous research has shown that social, organizational, and technological factors are important for effective use and deployment of technology by the police. However, the precise factors and mechanisms underlying the promotion or inhibition of technological innovations within the police are not clear. This study aims to provide empirical knowledge about these mechanisms by providing insight into the processes through which technological innovation develops within the police in the Netherlands. From January 2017 to February 2018, 13 technological innovation projects were subjected to a longitudinal process study. The results show that innovation processes within the police organization are often inhibited by organizational factors, whereas social factors can stimulate and promote these processes. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 18/2/2021 Research article Coping Strategies and Physical Health in Police Units Dealing With Serious Crime: Does Work Experience Count? Police work is stressful and can lead to absenteeism, withdrawal, and impaired physical health. However, the stress brought by work can be reduced by effective coping strategies. The aim of our study is to explore the relationship between health and coping strategies of officers in three different units dealing with serious crime (homicide and sexual offences, juvenile crime, and crime scene investigation). The moderating role of work experience in this relationship is also explored. We used the Coping Responses Inventory questionnaire to assess coping strategies and the Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness to measure physical symptoms. Overall, the sample included 104 respondents. The approach coping strategies prevail among all three units. However, avoidance-coping strategy use is associated with more frequent somatic symptoms (P= 0.005). These are particularly linked to the emotional discharge (P < 0.001), especially in the group of officers with longer years of service (P = 0.01). Still, when this strategy is used rarely or not at all, more experienced officers report fewer symptoms than their younger colleagues. Preventive programmes promoting adaptive coping strategies would benefit police officers since avoidance-coping strategies are linked to more frequent physical symptomatology. More experienced police officers with somatic complaints should be focused on in particular. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 18/2/2021 Research article Fears minister has jeopardised effort to stop military trying UK rape cases Women accuse Johnny Mercer of backtracking on promise made to campaigners in parliamentary debate The Guardian 18/2/2021 News ‘Devastated GMP mourn PC after another COVID-19 death Greater Manchester officers have been left devastated after a popular PC died from COVID-19. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/2/2021 News College backs findings of ‘better coordination’ during pandemic The pandemic has sped up changes in IT and national coordination, according to the College of Policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/2/2021 News «271727182719272027212722272327242725Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events