Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 54281 to 54300 «271127122713271427152716271727182719Next ›Last » South Wales uses AFR to identify sex offender who tried to abduct women DC in case said use of technology meant suspect was in custody within 48 hours of attack Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 News Survey launched to measure public perception of dog theft, enforcement, and the prosecution of offenders Sussex's Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, in partnership with the APCC, has created an online survey designed to understand the public’s perception of dog theft, enforcement, and the prosecution of offenders. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 23/2/2021 News Met Police: Racist attacks on officers double, new figures show Racist attacks on police officers nearly doubled in a year, according to new figures. BBC 23/2/2021 News Dating apps scam committed by criminal from inside prison "It's one of the easiest ways to get money to be honest. If you've got a girl and she works and she's into you, why not ask her to send over money? Lawyers are the best obviously." BBC 23/2/2021 Feature, News Lockdown party crash: South Wales PC Tasia Stephens’ gross misconduct A police officer who broke lockdown rules to go to a party before crashing her car while over the drink-drive limit has admitted gross misconduct. BBC 23/2/2021 News SNP blow: Police chief hits out at Nicola Sturgeon’s strict Scottish border plot Police officers have slapped down SNP demands to impose checks at the Scottish Border to combat COVID-19. Express 23/2/2021 News Jailed: Paedophile worked with West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner’s office A man who worked with the office of the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has been jailed for two years and eight months over child sexual offences. Express & Star 23/2/2021 News Digital transformation in UK policing – the road ahead Digital transformation within policing and the criminal justice system has gathered pace in recent years, and the pandemic in particular has been a key driver; but Raj Singh, CEO of digital transformation specialists Innotatio, warns that successive waves of future transformation will bring with them fresh challenges. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 Feature, Innovation Experiences of domestic violence among women with restrictive long-term health conditions AUSTRALIA: Women with restrictive long-term health conditions reported high levels of physical and non-physical domestic violence during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 23/2/2021 Report Bank-funded police arrest 122 fraudsters A specialist policing unit funded by banks arrested 122 fraudsters last year amid a huge rise in money launderers using members of the public as so-called “money mules”. The Times - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 News Baltimore Commissioner Michael Harrison discusses his agency’s new stop-and-search policy and training USA: The Baltimore Police Department, which is under a federal consent decree, recently released a new policy and training on stops, searches, and arrests. The 371-page document provides legal guidance, lesson plans, and scenario-based training about a wide range on situations that officers encounter on a daily basis, including voluntary contacts, field interviews, investigative stops, and arrests. Police Executive Research Forum 22/2/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Police union files complaint over violence by police BELGIUM: The Brussels branch of the public service union CGSP has written to Brussels-City mayor Philippe Close to complain about violent behaviour at a demonstration on 24 January. But what is particular about this complaint is that it takes aim at fellow police officers The Brussels Times (Belgium) 22/2/2021 News Union chief insists gardai need to be prioritised in Ireland’s vaccine rollout REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai should be treated as a priority group and vaccinated after medically vulnerable people like police in London, the vice president of the Garda Representatives Association has insisted. Garda Brendan O’Connor blasted the planned rollout here which he stressed could leave officers waiting until May for protection and facing increased danger. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 22/2/2021 News Garda powers on dangerous weapons including knives to be reviewed as part of 2021 Justice Plan, McEntee announces REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Department of Justice is to review existing Garda powers on dangerous weapons including knives. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 22/2/2021 News Police Commissioner Andrew Coster wants to test ‘fit and proper’ licence criteria after it emerges 12 people on gang list can buy guns NEW ZEALAND: Questions from Act MP reveal that 12 people on national gang list can legally buy firearms, although Police Commissioner says work already underway to revoke firearms licence - if they are actually gang members - to create new case law. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 22/2/2021 News The definition of coercive control is crucial, domestic violence groups tell inquiry AUSTRALIA: While some experts in the domestic violence sector argue it's a matter of 'how and when' coercive control is criminalised in NSW, others are calling on all alternatives to be considered. SBS News (Australia) 22/2/2021 News NSW Police open digital forensics lab for cybercrime investigators AUSTRALIA: The New South Wales (NSW) Police Force in Australia has unveiled a digital forensics facility for Cybercrime Squad investigators. The purpose-built facility is the first of its kind in Australia and enables officers to securely conduct investigations into sophisticated technology-enabled crime. Homeland Security Today 22/2/2021 News Here’s why Montreal Police still don’t have body cams CANADA: In a meeting on December 9, 2020, the Montreal City Council voted down an amendment that would have funded body cameras for Montreal police officers. The defeat of the proposal — by a vote of 34 to 27 — was just the latest turn of events in the years-long, zigzagging effort to make the cameras part of the SPVM uniform. MTL Blog (Canada) 22/2/2021 News Police drone ‘worth its weight in gold’ as officers solve crimes from the air CANADA: 'Obviously, we don’t have the ability of having our own helicopter. This provides us that ability,' says Barrie sergeant Barrie Today (Canada) 22/2/2021 News After top female deputies leave, what’s next in the lengthy search for Toronto’s next police chief? CANADA: Shortly after it was given the rubber stamp by the Irish government earlier this month, Toronto police sent out a press release congratulating deputy police chief Shawna Coxon — second in command to the chief — for being named to a high-profile role as a commissioner in Ireland’s national police force. The same day, the city’s police board echoed the congrats to Coxon and also to deputy chief Barbara McLean, who has left the service on what’s expected to be a lengthy secondment to the Mass Casualty Commission, the inquiry into the April 2020 mass shooting in Nova Scotia. Toronto Star (Canada) 22/2/2021 News «271127122713271427152716271727182719Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events