Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98575 total results. Showing results 54241 to 54260 «270927102711271227132714271527162717Next ›Last » Covid: Scarborough woman jailed for coughing at police A woman who deliberately coughed at police investigating a breach of coronavirus restrictions has been jailed for four months. BBC 23/2/2021 News Giving emergency services control rooms the head start in the fight against resourcing pressures and demand As one of the UK's leading control room software experts, APD Communications has been working hard behind the scenes on developing new technologies to help against the fight of the ever-increasing demands experienced with the control room. Policing Insight 23/2/2021 Advertisement, Feature, Innovation Cryptocurrency and future crime: Identifying and assessing the emerging risks The criminal use and manipulation of cryptocurrencies has been a growing threat over recent years, brought into sharper focus by the financial disruption of the pandemic; Eray Arda Akartuna of the Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science at UCL highlights some of the key emerging risks and trends, as well as the steps to be taken to tackle them. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 Analysis, Feature “At Least I Tried”: Swedish Police Officers’ Experiences of Meeting With Women Who Were Raped Interactions with police officers are of great importance as to how the reporting raped woman continues to process what has happened. The focus of this study was on police officers’ experiences regarding contact with women who report rape. Sixteen officers participated in focus groups, and the data were subjected to inductive thematic analysis. Participants stressed their wish to be supportive and empathic, but also their lack of support and prerequisites, e.g., lack of amenities in interrogation rooms. They felt frustrated and described their work as “trying” rather than succeeding. If unaddressed, such shortcomings risk negatively affecting both police officers and victims. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 23/2/2021 Research article Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the UK's National Police Library. You do not need to be a member of the UK College of Policing to access its library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 News Bravery and excellence celebrated at Police Scotland Police Scotland has recognised and celebrated the outstanding achievements and bravery of its officers and staff and members of the public. Police Professional 23/2/2021 News RUI cases and backlogs mean more youths tried in adult court Bill attempts to end 'arbitrary cut off date' of someone turning 18 during criminal justice process. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 News Training and CPD vital for forces in the future, chiefs told Improving the quality of professional development and training is critical, the Police Foundation has warned. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 News South Wales uses AFR to identify sex offender who tried to abduct women DC in case said use of technology meant suspect was in custody within 48 hours of attack Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 News Survey launched to measure public perception of dog theft, enforcement, and the prosecution of offenders Sussex's Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, in partnership with the APCC, has created an online survey designed to understand the public’s perception of dog theft, enforcement, and the prosecution of offenders. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 23/2/2021 News Met Police: Racist attacks on officers double, new figures show Racist attacks on police officers nearly doubled in a year, according to new figures. BBC 23/2/2021 News Dating apps scam committed by criminal from inside prison "It's one of the easiest ways to get money to be honest. If you've got a girl and she works and she's into you, why not ask her to send over money? Lawyers are the best obviously." BBC 23/2/2021 Feature, News Lockdown party crash: South Wales PC Tasia Stephens’ gross misconduct A police officer who broke lockdown rules to go to a party before crashing her car while over the drink-drive limit has admitted gross misconduct. BBC 23/2/2021 News SNP blow: Police chief hits out at Nicola Sturgeon’s strict Scottish border plot Police officers have slapped down SNP demands to impose checks at the Scottish Border to combat COVID-19. Express 23/2/2021 News Jailed: Paedophile worked with West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner’s office A man who worked with the office of the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has been jailed for two years and eight months over child sexual offences. Express & Star 23/2/2021 News Digital transformation in UK policing – the road ahead Digital transformation within policing and the criminal justice system has gathered pace in recent years, and the pandemic in particular has been a key driver; but Raj Singh, CEO of digital transformation specialists Innotatio, warns that successive waves of future transformation will bring with them fresh challenges. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 Feature, Innovation Experiences of domestic violence among women with restrictive long-term health conditions AUSTRALIA: Women with restrictive long-term health conditions reported high levels of physical and non-physical domestic violence during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 23/2/2021 Report Bank-funded police arrest 122 fraudsters A specialist policing unit funded by banks arrested 122 fraudsters last year amid a huge rise in money launderers using members of the public as so-called “money mules”. The Times - Subscription at source 23/2/2021 News Baltimore Commissioner Michael Harrison discusses his agency’s new stop-and-search policy and training USA: The Baltimore Police Department, which is under a federal consent decree, recently released a new policy and training on stops, searches, and arrests. The 371-page document provides legal guidance, lesson plans, and scenario-based training about a wide range on situations that officers encounter on a daily basis, including voluntary contacts, field interviews, investigative stops, and arrests. Police Executive Research Forum 22/2/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Police union files complaint over violence by police BELGIUM: The Brussels branch of the public service union CGSP has written to Brussels-City mayor Philippe Close to complain about violent behaviour at a demonstration on 24 January. But what is particular about this complaint is that it takes aim at fellow police officers The Brussels Times (Belgium) 22/2/2021 News «270927102711271227132714271527162717Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events