Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98523 total results. Showing results 54141 to 54160 «270427052706270727082709271027112712Next ›Last » Audit of Policy Management– Phase Two CANADA: The management of operational and administrative policy is an important function within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to support effective decision-making, operational performance and officer safety. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 25/2/2021 Report Interview with retiring Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission Executive Director Sue Rahr USA: Sue Rahr has been the Executive Director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission since 2012, and recently announced that she would be retiring at the end of the month. Before leading the Training Commission, she was a member of the King County, WA Sheriff’s Office for 33 years, serving as Sheriff from 2005 to 2012. Director Rahr was a member of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Director Rahr spoke with PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler about her career, how she transformed training during her time at the Training Commission, and her plans for the future. Police Executive Research Forum 24/2/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Children’s Rights and Police Questioning: A Qualitative Study of Children’s Experiences of being interviewed by the Garda Síochána REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Policing Authority has today published ‘Children’s Rights and Police Questioning: A Qualitative Study of Children’s Experiences of being interviewed by the Garda Síochána’ by Professor Ursula Kilkelly and Dr Louise Forde, Centre for Children’s Rights and Family Law at the School of Law, University College Cork. This is the first of two pieces of research funded by the Policing Authority’s inaugural Research Bursary Scheme in 2019. Policing Authority (Republic of Ireland) 24/2/2021 Report Occasional cocaine use drives drug’s increased popularity, funding violent gangs AUSTRALIA: A record one in 24 Australians say they used cocaine in 2019 and police are warning the growing number of young recreational users that their habit is funding and fuelling violent organised crime on city streets. Research from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, released on Thursday, found cocaine use has continued to surge, with the jump in reported use between 2016 and 2019 the highest on record. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 24/2/2021 News Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick staying put as she declares: I love my job Cressida Dick brushes off speculation she could be forced out as she praises Met efforts to reduce violent crime The Standard 24/2/2021 News Glock ‘n roll: Pakistan unveils its new ROLLER-BLADE armed police response unit PAKISTAN: Police in Pakistan's largest city, Karachi, are deploying a rollerblading unit armed with Glock pistols to curb theft and harassment on its teeming streets. Gliding in a circle with their weapons pointed inwards, and lifting and lowering the guns in unison, the 20-member unit was filmed undergoing rigorous training. Mail Online 24/2/2021 News Police uplift programme still not attracting enough Black recruits Forces have improved the number of female and Asian officers joining but are still struggling with Black, African and Caribbean recruits The Telegraph - Subscription at source 24/2/2021 News Pioneering a New National Security: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence [PDF] GCHQ 24/2/2021 Report GCHQ to use AI to tackle child sex abuse, disinformation and trafficking We publish a first-of-its kind paper outlining how we could use AI to help protect the UK GCHQ 24/2/2021 News TVP officer assaulted child in police custody A Thames Valley Police officer has been found guilty of battery after he struck a child in custody in the face. Police Professional 24/2/2021 News Deletion of thouands of crime records has ‘not hindered’ police, says Home Secretary Police have not been “hindered” by thousands of crime database records being accidentally deleted, the Home Secretary has insisted. Police Professional 24/2/2021 News More chief constables back calls for vaccine priority There is a “powerful case” for police officers and other key workers such as teachers to get priority for Covid-19 vaccines, Scotland’s most senior police officer has said. Police Professional 24/2/2021 News Leaning for assessments not skills is over, chiefs told Training to pass tests rather than develop skills is holding forces back, experts have warned. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/2/2021 News ‘Reset’ Airwave replacement project ‘will be signed off next month’ Home Secretary says Home Office is dominated by neglected legacy ICT projects. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/2/2021 News Action needed to end 104% rise in resignations, experts warn Better leadership and support is needed to stem the tide of officers quitting, chiefs have been told. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/2/2021 News Over and out: Understanding the rise of voluntary resignations from the police service Policing in the UK is witnessing a ‘steep and troubling’ rise in the number of officers resigning early in service, citing poor leadership and management, organisational injustice and exhausting working patterns among the reasons for leaving: Dr Sarah Charman – a panellist at this week's Police Foundation workforce conference – and Dr Stephanie Bennett, both of the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth, explore the key reasons why officers leave mid-service. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Developing the workforce, culture and capabilities for the future in a post COVID-19 environment – People, tech and resources Cityforum is delighted to announce the publication of ‘Developing the workforce, culture and capabilities for the future in a post COVID-19 environment – People, tech and resources’. Following a programme of virtual events in 2020, David Shaw, former Chief Constable; Home Office Adviser and Cityforum Associate, provides us with his reflections on the series that gave one of the first opportunities to look at the impact of COVID-19 on the public services and how those in charge can re-shape the culture, workforce and technology of their organisations City Forum 24/2/2021 Report Thief taker role ‘difficult to do’ online where most crime occurs Policing think tank says that almost half of all crime is now internet based. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/2/2021 News Victims’ Commissioner says culture change needed to support victims A new law is needed to give more rights to victims of crime and a 'change of culture' is 'long overdue' the Victims Commissioner for England and Wales has said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/2/2021 News Policing minister pledges to help MP’s campaign to honour Yvonne Fletcher Policing minister Kit Malthouse has pledged to work with MPs on a campaign to award a murdered policewoman a posthumous George Medal for bravery. Police Professional 24/2/2021 News «270427052706270727082709271027112712Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events