Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98523 total results. Showing results 54081 to 54100 «270127022703270427052706270727082709Next ›Last » Action to address findings of first employee-led assessment of workplace culture Analysis of a survey of more than 34,000 police officers and staff found evidence of inclusive teams and endorsement of efforts to tackle bias, as well as a need to address concerns about career progression and derogatory comments. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 26/2/2021 News PFEW supports stop and search but working to help tackle underlying issues The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is continuing to advocate stop and search while working with key stakeholders to address the issues surrounding the use of the tactic on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 26/2/2021 News PFEW condemns Phase 2 plans as ‘utter betrayal’ Today’s (26 February) announcement from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on phase 2 of the Coronavirus vaccination programme has been branded ‘a deep and damaging betrayal that will not be forgotten’ by the National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, after the plans did not include any provision for police officers. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 26/2/2021 News NPCC figures show urgent need for officer protection when policing Covid-19 breaches Figures issued by National Police Chiefs’ Council show police in England and Wales have issued a total of 68,952 fixed penalty notices for breaches of Coronavirus restrictions up to 14 February. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 26/2/2021 News We need to turn the violence around – we cannot afford to wait Levels of violent crime across America saw an unprecedented increase in 2020; in this latest essay from the Violence Reduction Project, former Baltimore City Police Deputy Commissioner Tony Barksdale highlights the urgent need for policing to be able to confront the violence that is devastating some of the most vulnerable sections of the community. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/2/2021 Feature, Opinion Traditional Male Role Norms, Social Support, and Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Male Polish Police Officers Police officers’ work involves the exposition to traumatogenic stimuli. The aim of the research is to investigate potential associations between post-traumatic stress disorder and the traditional masculinity norms and social support. Three questionnaires were used: the Impact of Event Scale-Revised adapted by JuczyÅ„ski and OgiÅ„ska-Bulik (2009), the Social Relations Scale (SkarżyÅ„ska 2002), and the Male Role Norms Scale translated by the authors of this paper. The sample comprised 111 male active service members of the Polish Police. The analysis shows statistically significant, mildly negative associations between post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology variables and social relations/support (− .312 to − .386), and mild-to-moderate positive associations between the traditional male role norms and post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology variables (.361–.506). The intergroup differences between the police officers that probably meet the PTSD criteria and those that do not meet the criteria were mainly observed in complying with the traditional masculinity norms, in which the police officers with probable post-traumatic stress disorder had higher results than those without it; the reverse was observed in the case of social relations/support. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 26/2/2021 Research article Disproportionate use of police powers A spotlight on stop and search and the use of force HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 26/2/2021 Report Police must show stop & search and use of force is fair or risk losing public trust Police forces must explain the disproportionate use of police powers such as stop and search and use of force on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people or risk losing the trust of the communities they serve, a report published today has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 26/2/2021 News Government sets out plans to protect public places from terrorist attacks Protect Duty is part of the Government’s commitment to improving protective security and preparedness at public places Home Office 26/2/2021 News Protect Duty CONSULTATION; We are seeking views on how the Protect Duty can make the public safer at publicly accessible locations. Home Office 26/2/2021 Report Police watchdog castigates forces over use of stop and search Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary says after 35 years police still unable to explain why black people are targeted more often The Guardian 26/2/2021 News Charities raise concerns over remote legal advice in police interviews Groups warn that practice greatly increases chances of miscarriages of justice The Guardian 26/2/2021 News UK police’s use of search powers against ethnic minorities disproportionate – watchdog British police are still disproportionately using stop and search powers against Black and other ethnic minority groups, and cannot explain why, a report by the policing watchdog said on Friday. Reuters 26/2/2021 News Police braced for chaos and violence as lockdown eases with ‘frustration’ on rise in UK Police chiefs across the UK are anxiously planning to deploy more resources on key dates amid fears of violence as people are allowed to start socialising after months of lockdown Mirror 26/2/2021 News Covid fines surge in England and Wales as police adopt hardline approach Police hand out 40% of all fines issued since start of pandemic in four weeks to mid-February Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 26/2/2021 News Counter-terror training may be enforced for some UK venues Protect Duty will build on ‘Martyn’s law’ calling on local authorities to plan against attacks The Guardian 26/2/2021 News Police launch ‘Get Consent’ campaign focussing on rapes within relationships In nearly half of all rapes reported to Police Scotland, the perpetrator was the partner or ex-partner of the victim. The Edinburgh Reporter 26/2/2021 News COVID-19 has led to radical changes in the CJS – but have some measures compromised justice? A wide range of measures were introduced across the criminal justice system in the UK to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, including greater use of remote legal advice for those in police custody; but as Penelope Gibbs, Director of Transform Justice explains, a new report highlights both the lack of meaningful monitoring of such measures, and their potential to compromise justice and jeopardise fairness. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Police blame ‘lockdown fatigue’ for surge in coronavirus fines Officers in England and Wales are now handing out over 900 fixed penalty notices daily as a 'hardcore' of people continue to flout the rules The Telegraph - Subscription at source 26/2/2021 News Cybercrime is new pandemic coming to a screen near you Shortly after midnight on Christmas Eve, at the end of a long and difficult year when organisations faced the multiple challenges of Covid-19 and Brexit, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) experienced a complex and sophisticated cyberattack. The Times - Subscription at source 26/2/2021 Feature, Opinion «270127022703270427052706270727082709Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events