Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98523 total results. Showing results 54061 to 54080 «270027012702270327042705270627072708Next ›Last » Prisons should trial free cannabis, says UK’s former chief drug adviser Prof David Nutt supports study into whether move could cut violence and deaths The Guardian 27/2/2021 News PFNI urges devolved administration to ‘prove its worth’ by giving police vaccine priority The chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) is calling on the devolved administration to “prove its worth” by choosing to prioritise officers for the vaccine Police Professional 27/2/2021 News Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2020 Analyses of information held within the Home Office Homicide Index, which contains detailed record-level information about each homicide recorded by police in England and Wales. Office for National Statistics (ONS) 27/2/2021 Report Number of black homicide victims at highest in nearly two decades The number of black victims of homicide in England and Wales has climbed to its highest level in nearly two decades, according to the Office for National Statistics. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/2/2021 News Nottinghamshire use new app to monitor sex offenders’ activity Nottinghamshire Police are installing software onto sex offenders' devices to monitor their digital activity. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/2/2021 News Widow of smart motorways victim to parade giant billboard outside police force HQ Claire Mercer claims South Yorkshire Police refusing to pursue corporate manslaughter case against Highways England The Telegraph - Subscription at source 27/2/2021 News Differences in Mental Health, Help-Seeking and Barriers to Care Between Civilians and Sworn Members Working in Law Enforcement: A Research Note Recent Canadian research indicates 44.5% of public safety personnel (PSP) self-report symptoms consistent with at least one type of mental disorder; however, researchers have typically not focused on the mental wellness of civilians working within PSP sectors. Given that the number of civilians working in Canadian law enforcement organizations has doubled since 2003, with more than 30% of all police personnel in Canada being civilians, more research is needed to support this understudied sub-population within law enforcement. The current study used a survey to compare civilian members (n = 80) and sworn (n = 112) police officers working within a law enforcement organization on issues regarding mental disorders, perceived barriers to care and help-seeking behaviours. Results indicate that civilian members self-report a high prevalence of mental disorders and lower resilience compared with police officers in the same organization. Civilians reported similar barriers to accessing mental health compared with police officers but were less likely to indicate willingness to access supports within their place of employment. Our results support the need for equitable access to mental health resources for civilian staff working within law enforcement organizations. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 27/2/2021 Research article The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences is costing society billions of pounds every year There is growing evidence that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are responsible for many negatives outcomes in adult life, including issues such as violent behaviour and drug addiction; and as Policing Insight Contributing Editor Tina Orr Munro reports, the failure to address ACEs early can cost society billions of pounds in the long term. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Repeat youth offenders targeted with ‘suite of initiatives’ AUSTRALIA: Queensland’s Police Commissioner says new youth justice reforms will work in a “suite of initiatives” to targed repeat young offenders. The Courier Mail (Australia) - Subscription at source 27/2/2021 News Significant fall in crime since first lockdown A new report suggests that crime fell significantly in Scotland since the start of the UK’s first national lockdown on March 23, 2020. Police Professional 26/2/2021 News New assistant commissioners announced AUSTRALIA: Commissioner Katarina Carroll today announced the appointment of four new assistant commissioners to the Queensland Police Service (QPS). myPolice - Queensland Police News 26/2/2021 News Closer working between CPS and police helping to increase charges of rape and serious sexual offences in the West Midlands As part of a collective effort across the criminal justice system to tackle the discrepancy between rape and sexual offence cases being reported and taken to court, senior police officers and legal managers across the country are now working closer and communicating more regularly. In the West Midlands, this has contributed to a 33% rise in charges for rape and serious sexual offences. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 26/2/2021 News All Met Police officers to receive new warrant cards after fakes sold online The capital's 40,000 officers will get more high tech warrant cards that are more difficult to replicate The Telegraph - Subscription at source 26/2/2021 News Interview with San Diego Chief David Nisleit about his agency’s new policy on First Amendment activity USA: Last week, the San Diego Police Department released a new procedure to “establish guidelines for the coordination, facilitation and management of First Amendment Activities.” The detailed 15-page procedure includes guidance on planning for First Amendment events; managing lawful assemblies, unlawful assemblies, and riots; crowd dispersal strategies, objectives and techniques; and public information and the media. San Diego Chief David Nisleit spoke with PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler about the new procedure. Police Executive Research Forum 26/2/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion LGBT History Month: A personal reflection As LGBT History Month comes to a close, our temporary chief constable Adrian Hanstock shares his personal experience of life as a gay man in the force and how his role as acting chief constable is likely to make him the highest ranking gay police officer in UK policing history. British Transport Police 26/2/2021 Feature, Opinion Examining the Relationship Between Control-Balance and Cynicism Using A Sample of Law Enforcement Officers This study seeks to extend control-balance theory by establishing a causal connection between control-balance and cynicism, using a sample of law enforcement officers. Data collected from a large, metropolitan police agency indicates that control-balance, which is the control exerted by an individual compared to the control experienced by the individual, has a highly significant relationship with control-balance. Officers with a control deficit, who experience more control than they exert, espouse more cynical attitudes toward organizational functions of the police department. This research is necessary since police are the first point of contact between the general public and the criminal justice system, and their attitude and actions can impact public perceptions of police legitimacy, as well as fairness and equity within the criminal justice system. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 26/2/2021 Research article Covid-19 Vaccine Program Eliminates Law Enforcement Workforce Infections: A Bayesian Structural Time Series Analysis COVID-19 has created tremendous operational difficulties for law enforcement agencies, with substantial portions of their staff quarantined for either exposure or infection. With the rollout of a vaccine beginning in early 2021, there is hoped for relief on the horizon. However, to date, no study has reported the vaccine’s effect on infection rates within the law enforcement workforce. We address that gap with a report on a single large agency’s experience, using data on officer positivity rates gathered over 341 days. During the immunization period, employees accepted vaccination at over 70% uptake. Results show the vaccine eliminated new cases of COVID-19 among the agency’s nearly 700 employees within weeks. As other agencies consider their vaccination programs, they should consider communicating early and often about the impact of the pandemic on operations and the efficacy of vaccination, including the results reported here. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 26/2/2021 Research article The Thin Blue Line Between Cop and Soldier: Examining Public Perceptions of the Militarized Appearance of Police Research suggests that certain characteristics of police uniforms and equipment influence how the public perceives police officers. The current study expanded on this research by examining how various features related to police militarism (e.g., weaponry) are perceived by the public. Approximately 2000 community members from across Canada were shown a series of photographs of officers that were manipulated to alter their attire and armament. Participants rated each officer on: (1) personal qualities, (2) skills they likely possess or behaviours they are likely to exhibit, and (3) behavioural intentions on the participant’s part towards the officers. Findings suggest that the public harbours significant negative perceptions of certain officers donning militarized attire with regards to approachability, trust, and morality, among other qualities. However, these officers are also perceived to be stronger, confident, and more prepared for threatening behaviour/dangerous situations. Given current trends toward equipping officers with tools to deal with emerging threats, public judgments based on officer appearance have important implications for community relations and officer safety. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 26/2/2021 Research article Report reinforces the need for detainees’ rights in custody to be upheld at all times Transform Justice, the National Appropriate Adult Network (NAAN), and Fair Trials have published a report, ‘Not Remotely Fair?’ which reinforces the necessity to ensure a detainee’s rights in police custody are upheld at all times, despite the challenges arising from Covid-19. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 26/2/2021 News We share HMICFRS’ concern over the disproportionate use of stop and search HMICFRS has today (Friday 26 February) published a report entitled Disproportionate Use of Police Powers: A spotlight on stop and search and the use of force. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC), HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 26/2/2021 News «270027012702270327042705270627072708Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events