Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98505 total results. Showing results 53961 to 53980 «269526962697269826992700270127022703Next ›Last » IPCA report: Police Commissioner Andrew Coster says bullying behaviour ‘unacceptable’ NEW ZEALAND: After a damning IPCA report on the extent of the "boys club" within the police force, Police Commissioner Andrew Coster says the behaviour is unacceptable and the organisation needs change. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 2/3/2021 News ‘Lawlessness and disorder’ – around half of UK police stations closed in past decade "The Conservatives talk tough on law and order, but their record is one of lawlessness and disorder." The London Economic 2/3/2021 News Police Association says IPCA bullying report a fair assessment NEW ZEALAND: The New Zealand Police Association considers the IPCA report on bullying, culture and related issues within Police, to be a fair assessment of the current situation in that it identifies the key problem areas, the progress Police has recently been making, and the way forward from here. New Zealand Police Association 2/3/2021 News Police told to boost BAME recruitment to be representative of population More than a quarter of forces do not have a single black officer, with almost 40 per cent having one or fewer The Telegraph - Subscription at source 2/3/2021 News NSW Police green-lights Mark43 for $1bn COPS overhaul AUSTRALIA: NSW Police has selected US-based public safety software provider Mark43 to deliver the first crucial components of the state’s new cloud-based integrated policing operating system (IPOS). Commissioner Mick Fuller signed a partnership with the vendor on Monday, ending a tumultuous five-year search to replace the the force's 27-year-old core operational policing system (COPS). IT News (Australia) 2/3/2021 News Paramedics to replace police to better tackle triple zero calls AUSTRALIA: Paramedics will replace police to better tackle triple zero calls as part of a sweeping overhaul of Victoria's mental health system. [VIDEO] 9 News (Australia) 2/3/2021 News Police and big tech clash on new digital warrants AUSTRALIA: The Australian Federal Police want to be able to take over online accounts to prevent systems from being infected with malicious software and to collect criminal evidence. They said they are hamstrung by laws that stop them from intervening in cyber attacks that cost millions of dollars. Financial Review (Australia) 2/3/2021 News Assessment launches to appraise UK wildlife and forest crime legislation and enforcement New toolkit launched to review the way we tackle wildlife crime in the UK. Home Office 2/3/2021 News Closing half of our police stations is a shameful betrayal of the public, and a boon for criminals, writes former Home Secretary Alan Johnson When the visionary statesman Sir Robert Peel established the Metropolitan Police in 1829, he set out a series of principles to guide the new force. Among them was the need for the police to deter crime by being conspicuously present in neighbourhoods, retaining the support of the public. Mail Online 2/3/2021 Feature, Opinion Co-responder programs in Fort Collins and Boulder, CO USA: For today’s Daily Critical Issues Report, PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler spoke with officials from Fort Collins and Boulder, Colorado about their co-responder programs. The Fort Collins Police Department recently established a Mental Health Response Team, which partners a police officer, a community paramedic, and a mental health co-responder. Chief Jeffrey Swoboda spoke with PERF about the program. In Boulder, the co-responder clinicians were just brought on as city employees after seven years of partnering with the police department as contractors. Boulder Chief Maris Herold and Lucy Larbalestier, who leads the co-responder team, discussed their city’s program. Police Executive Research Forum 2/3/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion UK failed to inform EU countries about almost 200 killers and rapists Exclusive: total of 112,490 criminal convictions not sent to relevant EU capitals over eight-year period The Guardian 2/3/2021 News Leaders must take an evidence-based, workforce-centred approach to future proofing policing Jon Parry, Head of Research at Skills for Justice, was part of the conversation at the recent Police Foundation conference exploring the skills and capabilities required to build a workforce capable of meeting the challenges of the next 20 years; here he shares findings from his research, taking an evidence-based, workforce-centred approach to future proofing policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/3/2021 Feature, Opinion Policing and Public Health Calls For Service in Philadelphia This contribution outlines various spatial and temporal aspects of medical or public-health related calls for service from the public to police in Philadelphia in 2019. These incidents comprise about 8% of the police department’s workload that originates from the public. Calls appear to be highly concentrated in a few areas, and specifically the Center City and Kensington neighborhoods. They are also more likely to occur late afternoon and evening. The article shows that some medical or public health activity initially masquerades as crime or other policing work and some events eventually determined to be police/crime activity can initially appear to be public health related. About 20% of activity in this area does not appear predictable from the initial call type as handled by police dispatch. Crime Science Journal 2/3/2021 Research article Suspension of officer following arrest at Troubles event to be challenged Staff association says that due process was not followed ahead of investigation by Police Ombudsman. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/3/2021 News Novichok response prepared us for COVID-19, says Wilts Fed The Novichok attack has helped officers handle officers handle the pandemic better, according to their frontline lead. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/3/2021 News More than 600 UK police stations have shut in past decade Around half of police stations in the UK have been closed over the past decade, reports have said. Police Professional 2/3/2021 News Accessibility benefits from M365 West Yorkshire Police avoid costs when using Microsoft tools National Enabling Programmes 2/3/2021 News Op Venetic: Drugs boss faces seven years in prison following an Organised Crime Partnership operation A criminal boss who used encrypted phone network EncroChat to run his drugs operation has been jailed for seven years and four months. National Crime Agency (NCA) 2/3/2021 News Police Scotland and Glasgow’s Football Clubs United Against Organised Crime Police Scotland and Glasgow’s senior football clubs have teamed up to educate young players of the dangers of becoming involved with serious organised criminals – underlining the negative and adverse influence it could have on their wellbeing and their future playing careers. Police Scotland 2/3/2021 News AFR’s image problem must be addressed if it’s to become a force for good Steve Ainsworth, Director of Operational Safety at Northgate Public Services, believes public concern over the ethical use of AFR is blocking it from being seen as a force for good, and sets his sights on debunking facial recognition technology’s Big Brother image. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/3/2021 Feature, Opinion «269526962697269826992700270127022703Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events