Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98468 total results. Showing results 53841 to 53860 «268926902691269226932694269526962697Next ›Last » £3m pilot to reduce reoffending by young adults Young adults supervised by the probation service will receive specialist drug and mental health support at a new £3 million centre to reduce reoffending. Police Professional 5/3/2021 News CPS to consider charges against MPS officer after Tasered man left paralysed The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has been asked to consider charges against a Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer relating to the use of a Taser during an incident in North London last year. Police Professional 5/3/2021 News International Approaches to Drug Law Reform This paper reviews the international evidence on approaches to drug law reform, focussing on 7 case studies from 5 jurisdictions Scottish Government 5/3/2021 Report Preventing child sexual abuse and exploitation Drive to raise awareness of online dangers. Scottish Government 5/3/2021 News Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 A Bill to make provision for, and in connection with, the authorisation of criminal conduct in the course of, or otherwise in connection with, the conduct of covert human intelligence sources. UK Parliament 5/3/2021 Report Pride in London rejects ban on Met police taking part in parade Move follows plea from commissioner to allow LGBT+ officers to be able to march The Guardian 5/3/2021 News Funding gap could result in 300 fewer officers, police chief warns Simon Byrne said that is the equivalent of 10 support units which are used during protests, parades and disorder. Express & Star 5/3/2021 News Police Harass Youth Worker Who Monitors Police Harassment David Smith, 20, was stopped and searched by Metropolitan Police officers in east London. Huffington Post 5/3/2021 News Three terror plots foiled in Britain during pandemic, say police More than 800 live investigations during Covid crisis but terrorism arrests fell by 34% in 2020 The Guardian 5/3/2021 News The @WeCops debate: Gender barriers in armed policing Gender diversity in armed policing is under renewed focus at a national level, so it was timely for this topic to be the subject of a @WeCops debate earlier this year: Superintendent Andrea Quinton of the North West Armed Policing Collaboration and DCI Ops Pip Taylor, Tactical Firearms Commander for Sussex and Surrey Police, hosted the debate, and compiled this round-up from the evening’s key comments and questions. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/3/2021 Feature, Opinion Abuse trials pushed back to 2023 as backlog grows At least 15 crown court trials, some involving offences against children, have been delayed until 2023 as court officials fight a losing battle with a growing backlog of cases. The Times - Subscription at source 5/3/2021 News Sadiq Khan is failing London on knife crime Throughout this pandemic, we have rightly praised our NHS heroes, our police officers, our frontline staff. Without these key workers, we wouldn’t be on the way to defeating this virus. But they aren’t the only ones who deserve our attention. We should also take a moment to reflect on the role played by young people. The Times - Subscription at source 5/3/2021 Feature, Opinion Covid in Scotland: Record number of lockdown fines as police enforcement resumes ‘with gusto’ Police have issued a record number of fines in the last two months as they face exceptional levels of demand, a policing representative has said. The Times - Subscription at source 5/3/2021 News Vital national security legislation becomes law On Monday, the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) Act received Royal Assent and became law. Home Office 4/3/2021 News Rethinking how police respond to homelessness Police need better policies and partnerships to address a problem that has become theirs by default: homelessness. Many departments don't even have a working definition of what homelessness means, much less data on what works to get people off the streets. RAND Corporation 4/3/2021 Analysis, Feature Assaults on police on the rise in Queensland AUSTRALIA: Queensland Police warn attacks on officers will not be tolerated The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 4/3/2021 News ICCL urges Government to devise safe protest guidelines REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Violent protests which saw gardaí attacked with fireworks and bottles last Saturday, with more planned for this weekend, have sparked an urgent call on the Government to devise safe protest guidelines. The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has called for the Minister for Justice to issue guidelines, which they say should both protect the public and An Garda Síochána. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 4/3/2021 News Spike in domestic abuse calls to gardaí last year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The number of calls made to gardaí about domestic abuse incidents increased in 2020. New figures reveal that more than 43,000 individual calls were made to An Garda Síochána last year – a 16% increase on 2019’s total. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 4/3/2021 News Audit found gardaí paid to be on duty in two places at same time REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An official audit of garda payroll found evidence that some officers were paid for performing duties at different locations at the same time. The report also said the health and safety of both officers and the public were placed at “significant risk” because of how many hours some gardaí were working. It found more than 1,050 cases where a garda had more than 16 hours duty over the course of a continuous 24-hour period. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 4/3/2021 News Triple 0 mental health calls in Victoria to be answered by paramedics not police, Andrews confirms AUSTRALIA: Paramedics will respond to triple zero calls for mental health support rather than police and emergency services workers will have access to a unique mental health service under a state government plan. Premier Daniel Andrews said on Thursday that Victoria Police and Ambulance Victoria would work together on how to best implement the change that would result in paramedics acting as first responders to calls for mental health help. The Age (Australia) 4/3/2021 News «268926902691269226932694269526962697Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events