Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97073 total results. Showing results 53821 to 53840 «268826892690269126922693269426952696Next ›Last » Coronavirus outbreak at Police Scotland HQ An outbreak of coronavirus has been identified at Police Scotland’s Glasgow headquarters. Police Professional 15/1/2021 News Kit Malthouse: Police ‘working at pace’ to recover 150,000 wiped arrest records The technological error could allow offenders to go free The Standard 15/1/2021 News Police Officers’ Job Satisfaction: Combining Public Service Motivation and Person-Environment Fit This study examines front-line police officers’ job satisfaction in mid-sized municipal departments in the Midwestern United States. We use a 2019 cross-sectional survey of seven police departments (N = 234) to examine the relationships between officers’ job satisfaction and their public service motivations (PSM), perceptions of person-environment fit with three referent groups – top managers, supervisors, and coworkers – and their perceptions of self-legitimacy. The results suggest that organizational fit with top managers, PSM, and officers’ self-legitimacy are all positively related to job satisfaction, explaining nearly half of the variance in the sample. Using multiple regression models, we explore the potential mediating effects of fit on PSM but find little support for this proposition. Among individual-level control variables that were assessed, only tenure was significantly (negatively) related to job satisfaction. Journal of Crime and Justice - Registration at source 15/1/2021 Research article Self‐reported Experiences and Consequences of Unfair Treatment By Police This study uses data from the most recent wave of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (wave V of Add Health) to examine the predictors of experiencing unfair treatment by police. It also considers the degree to which unfair police treatment is associated with a range of social‐psychological and behavioral outcomes in adulthood, including depressive symptoms, self‐efficacy, suicide ideation, and drug use. Finally, this study examines whether any of the relationships between unfair police treatment and adult outcomes differ by race and ethnicity. Most broadly, results suggest that the odds of reporting ever experiencing unfair treatment by police are disproportionately higher among minorities (and more specifically non‐Latino Blacks), men, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Furthermore, such experiences are detrimental to all of the social‐psychological and behavioral outcomes in adulthood, even after accounting for the differences in who is most likely to experience unfair police treatment via propensity score methods. Lastly, some of these consequences seem to be more pronounced among non‐Latino Whites compared with non‐Latino Blacks, which we believe is attributable to the unfortunate reality that unfair police contact continues to be a normative life‐course event for Black people in the United States. Criminology 15/1/2021 Research article Nick Herbert to chair CoP board Former policing minister appointed to provide strategic direction for CoP working with new CEO who is yet to be appointed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/1/2021 News Bail extension decisions moved from superintendents to inspectors Home Office reforms will increase pre-charge bail limits to 90 days with inspectors Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/1/2021 News Officers ‘working at pace’ to recover 150,000 accidentally wiped police records The policing minister says officers are “working at pace” to recover 150,000 fingerprint, DNA and arrest history records that were accidentally wiped from police databases. Police Professional 15/1/2021 News Second officer contracts Covid-19 after being spat at An officer from Dorset Police has tested positive for Covid-19 after being spat at by a suspect he was placing under arrest. Police Professional 15/1/2021 News Lincolnshire – National child protection inspection, assessment of progress Protecting children is one of the most important tasks the police undertake. Only the police can investigate suspected crimes, arrest perpetrators and monitor sex offenders. Police officers have the power to take a child who is in danger into a place of safety or to seek an order to restrict an offender’s contact with children. The police service also has a significant role in working with other agencies to ensure the child’s protection and well-being, longer term. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 15/1/2021 Report Child protection in Lincolnshire is improving but more work is needed Improvements have been made by Lincolnshire Police to help keep vulnerable children safe, but further changes are needed, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 15/1/2021 News Victim Surcharge Fund open for applications Criminals pay towards helping victims. A new fund to help organisations provide support for victims of crime using money paid by offenders has opened for applications. Scottish Government 15/1/2021 News Police powers: pre-charge bail These documents set out the government’s response to the issues raised during the consultation, an evidence review of pre-charge bail, the impact of our proposed changes and details of the 844 responses we received. Home Office 15/1/2021 Report National Crime Agency Remuneration and Review Body remit: 2021 to 2022 CORRESSPONDENCE; Home Secretary letter to the National Crime Agency Remuneration and Review Body (NCAARB) requesting them to conduct an annual review of pay for National Crime Agency (NCA) officers with operational powers. Home Office 15/1/2021 Report Priti Patel under fire as 150,000 police records accidentally lost Fingerprint, DNA and arrest history records deleted and visa system thrown into disarray The Guardian 15/1/2021 News Covid vaccine: Police and teachers could be handed priority status for next round of jabs Police, teachers and other key workers could be handed priority status for the next round of Covid jabs. Express 15/1/2021 News Officers ‘working at pace’ to recover 150,000 accidentally wiped police records The deletion from the Police National Computer related to people who were arrested but released without further action. Express & Star 15/1/2021 News The UAV strategic approach: Reducing the risk of rogue drones Advances in technology have seen drones become more available, more capable and simpler to use, which has means the opportunity for criminal use has also increased; Policing Insight's Andrew Staniforth looks at the threats posed by drones, and the measures that can be taken to counter them. Policing Insight 15/1/2021 Feature, Opinion Technical issue resolved after ‘150,000 police records lost’ The government has said it is assessing the impact of a "technical issue" that saw a reported 150,000 records deleted from police databases. BBC 15/1/2021 News 150,000 arrest records wiped in tech blunder Offenders may go free after software bug deletes fingerprint and DNA files on police computer The Times - Subscription at source 15/1/2021 News Belgian king’s car attacked in protest over death of black man Ibrahima Barrie in police custody King Philippe of Belgium’s car was hit by stones during riots in Brussels last night after the death of a young black man in police custody at the weekend. The Times - Subscription at source 15/1/2021 News «268826892690269126922693269426952696Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events