Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 53641 to 53660 «267926802681268226832684268526862687Next ›Last » Senior judge questions the right of police to record ‘non-crime hate incidents Lady Justice Simler said there is 'legitimate public debate' over the issues and warned the actions of officers may have a 'chilling effect' The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/3/2021 News Watchdog criticises Police Scotland on recurring errors in recording crime A police watchdog has raised concerns that Police Scotland has failed to adequately learn lessons on recording crime. The force’s accuracy and compliance with national recording guidelines is “generally good”, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) Gill Imery found in her latest audit, but recurring errors date back to 2013. The Northern Times 10/3/2021 News Stalking protection orders: Police ‘not using’ new powers to protect victims New powers to protect stalking victims are not being used by police, a BBC Wales investigation has found. BBC 10/3/2021 News Crime Audit 2020 The aim of this audit was to assess the state, efficiency and effectiveness of crime recording by Police Scotland and the extent to which practice complies with the Scottish Crime Recording Standard and Counting Rules. This audit follows similar audits of crime recording carried out by HMICS in 2013, 2014 and 2016. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 10/3/2021 Report ‘Wide variations’ in crime recording compliance identified at Police Scotland Police Scotland must improve crime recording in local policing divisions if it is to reach its target of 95 per cent accuracy, according to a new report published today (March 10). Police Professional 10/3/2021 News PFEW welcomes ‘important changes’ in new laws to better protect police officers The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has welcomed the “important changes” introduced in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, which gets its first reading in Parliament today (March 10). Police Professional 10/3/2021 News UK to return millions of pounds recovered from corrupt officials back to Nigeria More than £4 million in stolen funds recovered from corrupt officials is being returned to Nigeria under a landmark agreement with the UK Government. Police Professional 10/3/2021 News GMP Fed threatens HSE legal action over COVID-19 jab Federation leaders are looking to see if the government's refusal to vaccinate officers breaches health and safety legislation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/3/2021 News Police hate crime guidance – Court of Appeal Submissions made to case involving College of Policing national hate crime guidance for police College of Policing 10/3/2021 Feature PFEW success as Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill enters Parliament As the Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill gets its first reading in Parliament today (10 March), National Chair, John Apter, writes in the Daily Express about the hard-won measures it contains to make members' lives better. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 10/3/2021 News Sarah Everard: Serving Met Police officer arrested on suspicion of murdering missing woman Wayne Couzens, who works in the Diplomatic Protection Command based in Westminster, is being questioned on suspicion of kidnap and murder The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/3/2021 News The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: the Queensland Police Service As A Model For Sustainable Policing Reform Police departments are consistently challenged to serve their communities by reducing misconduct and being held accountable. In the United States, policing reform is best described as déjà vu or Groundhog Day, with high-profile groups organising every few years to list the same recommendations for improving the police. Additionally, reform suggestions are too often countered by the comment, “we have always done it this way.” By stark contrast, through the Fitzgerald Inquiry and the work of scholars such as David Bayley, the Queensland Police Service stands as a model for creating sustainable change in policing. In this paper, we compare the experiences of the Queensland Police Service with attempts at reform in the United States to suggest a path forward for reforming policing in the US. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 10/3/2021 Research article Pre-Arrest Diversion to Addiction Treatment By Law Enforcement: Protocol For the Community-Level Policing Initiative to Reduce Addiction-Related Harm, Including Crime Despite evidence that treatment reduces addiction-related harms, including crime and overdose, only a minority of addiction-affected individuals receive it. Linking individuals who committed an addiction-related crime to addiction treatment could improve outcomes. The aim of this city-wide, pre-arrest diversion program, Madison Addiction Recovery Initiative (MARI) is to reduce crime and improve health (i.e., reduce the overdose deaths) among adults who committed a minor, non-violent, drug use-related offense by offering them a referral to treatment in lieu of arrest and prosecution of criminal charges. This manuscript outlines the protocol and methods for the MARI program development and implementation. MARI requires its participants to engage in the recommended treatment, without reoffending, during the six-month program, after which the initial criminal charges are “voided” by the law enforcement agency. The project, implemented in a mid-size U.S. city, has involved numerous partners, including law enforcement, criminal justice, public health, and academia. It includes training of the police officer workforce and collaboration with clinical partners for treatment need assessment, treatment placement, and peer support. Program evaluation includes formative, process, outcome (participant-level) and exploratory impact (community-level) assessments. Health and Justice 10/3/2021 Research article The Global Illicit Economy: Trajectories of Organized Crime Through stark images and charts, this report gives a graphic illustration of how the global illicit economy has boomed in the past 20 years and how it poses a serious threat to security, development and justice. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime 10/3/2021 Report The Impact of Covid-19 on UK Informant Use and Management The effect of COVID-19 on informant use and management, during the peak of the imposed Government lockdown measures was felt across English and Welsh police Dedicated Source Units. Within these restrictions, staff managing informants had to develop and then implement new strategies that delivered safe, yet effective, informant handling capacity and capability. Based on a survey of 205 respondents directly involved in the handling, control or authorisation of informants, this article examined their perceptions of the effect of COVID-19 in this highly specialised policing activity. The research findings revealed five broad themes associated with the impact of COVID-19 on informant management practices: (i) health protection; (ii) governance; (iii) innovation and technology; (iv) recruitment, communication and informant development and (v) tradecraft and intelligence. The article explored the organisational responses to initiating and maintaining informant-handler relationships and ensuring the flow of intelligence within this unique operational environment. Participants perceived that handler-informant relationships were strengthened, and also indications of a willingness to adapt policy and procedure associated with the informant management cycle: targeting, initial recruitment contact, assessment and evaluation, tasking and deployment and payment of informant rewards. It also highlighted a wider consensus that there was further scope for enhancing resilience to similar future pandemics including the use of enabling technology and responsive policy adaptation. Policing and Society 10/3/2021 Research article Can Familiarity Between An Adolescent Eyewitness and A Perpetrator Influence Identification Accuracy? Most eyewitness research focuses on stranger identifications, despite the fact that eyewitnesses may also be asked to identify a familiar person. The current study examined the role of eyewitness-perpetrator familiarity and line-up procedure on adolescent eyewitness identification accuracy. Familiarity was manipulated wherein participants (N = 623) directly interacted, indirectly interacted, or did not meet a confederate before viewing the confederate commit a mock crime. Lineup procedure (simultaneous, sequential, elimination-plus) and target presence were manipulated. Familiarity increased the likelihood of correct identifications in target-present lineups when the sequential lineup procedure was used, whereas familiarity increased the likelihood of correct rejections in target-absent lineups when the simultaneous or elimination-plus procedures were used. These findings suggest that familiarity with a perpetrator can influence identification accuracy. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 10/3/2021 Research article Does Organizational Climate Moderate the Relationship Between Psychological Hardiness and Adherence to Criminal Investigation Procedure Among Police Investigating Officers The aim of this study was to explore the moderating role of organizational climate on the relationship between psychological hardiness and adherence to criminal investigation procedure (ACIP). A total of 403 Nigerian police investigators selected purposefully from the headquarters of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (CIID) in the five South Eastern states of Nigeria were assessed on the predictor variable psychological hardiness, moderating variable organizational climate, and on the outcome variable ACIP using self-report questionnaire. The result of Moderated multiple regression analysis showed that psychological hardiness and organizational climate predicted the variance in ACIP. Similarly, organizational climate moderated the relationship between psychological hardiness and ACIP. The findings show that both psychological hardiness and organization climate are relevant factors for enhancing ACIP among investigating police officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 10/3/2021 Research article Dissecting A Criminal Investigation Despite the considerable attention criminologists devote to the study of policing, they tend to ignore one of its most important functions. Detectives comprise approximately 16% of law enforcement personnel and play a major role in the public’s image of the police through their successes or failures. This scholarly lacuna is even more surprising given the gateway position held by police investigators; unless a crime is solved and an individual arrested, the entire remainder of the criminal justice system—prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, juries, probation, prisons, parole, rehabilitation—fails to come into play. What research that has explored this function has been primarily interested in organizational and technical aspects of detective work. Here, I take a different approach by dissecting criminal investigations to expose their underlying structure—what they involve, how they fail, and ways they might be improved. Specific areas of interest include the functional phases of an investigation, the definition and nature of evidence, and the systemic structure of criminal investigative failures. The Gail Miller-David Milgaard murder investigation in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, is used as a case study. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 10/3/2021 Research article IOPC research highlights concerns over ‘disproportionate’ use of stop and search Young people and those from a black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) background feel stop and search can be “discriminatory and disproportionate” according to research by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Police Professional 10/3/2021 News ‘Shocking’ development as serving MPS officer arrested over Sarah Everard disappearance A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been arrested at an address in Kent in connection with the disappearance of Sarah Everard, the force has announced. Police Professional 10/3/2021 News «267926802681268226832684268526862687Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events