Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98277 total results. Showing results 52541 to 52560 «262426252626262726282629263026312632Next ›Last » Changing the Beat: Katarina Carroll AUSTRALIA: Katarina Carroll has notched up more firsts in her distinguished career than most people, although it was not something she actively sought. But now, as the first female Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service (QPS), she is setting a pace that she hopes other women will soon follow. CEO Magazine 14/4/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion NPAS defends £10m fixed wing aircraft deployment Four fixed-wing aircraft have been deployed to 1,300 incidents since January 2020. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/4/2021 News How drones are changing the face of policing in Australia AUSTRALIA: When Tasmanian police were searching for an alleged murderer in bushland in the state's north, it was a drone that tracked the suspect down. 9 News (Australia) 14/4/2021 News Systemic change to social supports needed in Edmonton: police chief CANADA: Edmonton’s chief of police Dale McFee is calling on the Alberta government to oversee a new integrated approach to providing social safety supports to vulnerable people. As Sarah Ryan explains, the chief says we should be getting more bang for our buck, but changing that will require more collaboration and performance metrics. Global News (Canada) 14/4/2021 News Community cautiously optimistic about new civilian-led model for police oversight CANADA: REGINA -- The executive director of Regina Treaty Status Indians is cautiously optimistic about Saskatchewan’s new civilian-led independent police oversight team. The Saskatchewan government introduced a new civilian-led independent police oversight model Monday. The Serious Incident Response Team (SIRT) will investigate serious incidents involving police officers in the province, like sexual assault, serious injury or death in police custody. CTV News (Canada) 14/4/2021 News Capitol attack: blistering internal report reveals widespread failures by police USA: Inspector general report describes old and faulty equipment, inadequate training and intelligence that had few set standards The Guardian 14/4/2021 News Undercover policing inquiry could cost £100 million Peers told Costs so far total £36 million but figure excludes police forces' costs. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/4/2021 News New police and NHS framework cuts time for medical evidence reports A new national framework, set-up jointly between policing and the NHS, will allow investigators to access vital medical reports within ten days rather than the usual two months, speeding up justice for victims of crime. Police Professional 14/4/2021 News Officer poisoned by Novichok set to deliver inspirational talks Former Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, the officer from Wiltshire Police who fell seriously ill after being poisoned in the Salisbury Novichok attack, is to begin a new career as an inspirational speaker, delivering talks about major crises, resilience and the importance of mental health. Police Professional 14/4/2021 News These are the people vying to be Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent We have put Q&As to all the candidates asking their priorities for the force and how they would tackle key issues Wales Online 14/4/2021 News Police officer fired for stopping white colleague’s chokehold wins lawsuit ‘Neal Mack looked like he was about to die. So had I not stepped in, he possibly could have’ The Independent 14/4/2021 News Human Trafficking During a Global Pandemic and a New Rapid Digitalisation Era A global pandemic and a new rapid digitalisation era: how have technologies changed the face of human trafficking? Crime and Security Research (PaCCS) 14/4/2021 Feature, Opinion Resolve the UK legal position on peaceful protest or face the prospect of a summer of serious disorder Serious public disorder has been a regular feature of news bulletins in recent weeks, from Bristol and Clapham Common to Belfast and Ballymena; public order expert and former chief superintendent Owen West believes a lack of clarity over coronavirus regulation has been a major factor – and if unresolved, could lead to a summer of potentially violent unrest. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/4/2021 Feature, Opinion Policing, Politics, and Democracy: David Bayley’s Enduring Contributions This special issue pays tribute to the life and work of David Hume Bayley, professor emeritus in the School of Criminal Justice at the University at Albany, who passed away in May of 2020 at the age of 87. We regard Bayley as the world’s pre-eminent comparative policing scholar. In this introduction to the special issue, we begin by providing a brief synopsis of his evolution as a scholar, from his Ph.D. training in political science to his most recent work on the role of policing in democracy. We then introduce the articles that appear in this special issue and highlight how they derive from or intersect with Bayley’s scholarship. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 14/4/2021 Research article Providing Support to Victims: Police Officers’ Service Referral Provision and Advocate Involvement in Domestic Violence Incidents Limited research has investigated police service provision and advocate involvement in domestic violence (DV) incidents. This study used a stratified random sample of 368 cases from an urban police department to assess police officers’ decisions to provide service provision and to involve an advocate in formally-reported DV incidents. Multivariate binary logistic regression models revealed decreased suspect age and presence of physical abuse significantly increased service referral. Advocate involvement significantly decreased when the victim and suspect were married, when the suspect used alcohol and/or drugs, and when there was physical evidence present in the case. Alternatively, suspect weapon use, victim injury, and service referral by police increased later advocate involvement. Implications and future research directions are discussed. Crime and Delinquency - Registration at source 14/4/2021 Research article The serious organised crime threat: Europol warns COVID-19 fall-out will create a ‘breeding ground’ for crime With countries across Europe engaged in their own efforts to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, the latest Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment from Europol suggests COVID-19 could be a key driver in future organised crime, alongside geopolitical changes and the online criminal economy, reports Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/4/2021 Analysis, Feature North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner candidates 2021 Elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will be held across England and Wales, including the North Wales force area, on 6 May 2021. BBC 14/4/2021 News Legal system rallies against virtual hearings despite record backlog As the court backlogs reaches a record high, magistrates and lawyers have warned they won't back a jump to video justice. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/4/2021 News More than half of PCCs set to be new Half of Police and Crime Commissioners will change after May's elections, according to new research. And a poll revealed the public wants more local control. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/4/2021 News Specialist searches take place ahead of royal funeral Officers from Thames Valley Police are carrying out specialist searches in and around Windsor as preparations continue for the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh this coming weekend. Police Professional 14/4/2021 News «262426252626262726282629263026312632Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events