Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98269 total results. Showing results 52421 to 52440 «261826192620262126222623262426252626Next ›Last » Police credited for “immediate and decisive action to keep people safe” during pandemic The independent inspectorate of policing has commended officers, staff and volunteers for their “exceptional dedication and commitment” to keeping people safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 20/4/2021 News Blog: Helping members at crisis point Over the last year, stress has become more of a part of our daily lives than we ever imagined - making April’s Stress Awareness Month perfectly timed. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 20/4/2021 Feature, Opinion In Pursuit of Justice: Parties set out priorities for policing and legal reform The image of a masked, wide-eyed, red-headed woman pinned to the ground by two police officers as she stared straight into the camera lens with a quiet defiance is one which will haunt many forever. Holyrood Magazine 20/4/2021 Feature, Opinion Police watchdog says officers confused by unclear pandemic laws A review of policing says officers sometimes struggled to enforce coronavirus restrictions because of a lack of clarity from ministers. BBC 20/4/2021 News Some police forces in England and Wales did not follow Covid rules, say inspectors Some police forces in England and Wales did not follow self-isolation rules after staff came into contact with someone who had coronavirus symptoms, according to inspectors. The Guardian 20/4/2021 News Custody services in a COVID-19 environment In March 2020, we suspended all inspection work so that police forces, and fire and rescue services could focus on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/4/2021 Report Policing in the pandemic – The police response to the coronavirus pandemic during 2020 In July, we announced our intention to inspect the police response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our inspection took a snapshot of policing and assessed what happened from March to November 2020. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/4/2021 Report Police generally responded well to exceptional circumstances of pandemic Based on an inspection of policing between March and November 2020, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) said that although there were some inconsistencies, in general police forces took immediate and decisive action to respond to the extreme circumstances of the pandemic. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/4/2021 News Ministers created confusion by muddling lockdown guidance with law, police watchdog says HMIC report also highlights ‘frequent frustration’ of police forces over lack of notice about changes to Covid rules The Guardian 20/4/2021 News Skills for Justice: Building a modern police service fit for tomorrow starts with harnessing the lived experience of the workforce today Involved in policing for over 30 years, the end of 2020 marked Mike Cunningham’s departure from his pivotal role as Chief Executive of the College of Policing (CoP). This year, continuing on his mission to drive change across the sector, Mike has joined Skills for Justice as an associate; here he talks with Toby Lindsay, Principal Consultant for Leadership, Management and Organisation Development (OD), about the skills he deems essential to the future of policing. Policing Insight 20/4/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the UK's National Police Library. You do not need to be a member of the UK College of Policing to access its library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/4/2021 News South Australia Police to tackle ‘Frankenstein mix’ of technology with mobile phones for all officers and staff The ‘ad-hoc development’ of technology and communications has compromised the law enforcement efforts of South Australia Police; but force CIO Hamish Cameron believes issuing mobile phones to all officers and staff will deliver a ‘step change in the technology’ for SAPOL, as Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/4/2021 Feature, Innovation An Garda Síochána Policing Plan 2021 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Policing Plan 2021 represents the third and final stage in the implementation of the An Garda Síochána's Strategy Statement 2010-2021. [PDF] Policing Authority (Republic of Ireland) 19/4/2021 Report Police Scotland face massive legal bill as union appeals judicial reviews over disciplinary issues The Scottish Police Federation (SPF) is also pushing for an appeal in a third case to be heard by the UK Supreme Court, the UK’s highest court. Daily Record 19/4/2021 News Dorset Police splits into two Local Policing Areas Dorset Police has split into two different areas in a bid to "form strong connections with our communities." From today the force will operate as two Local Policing Areas(LPAs), corresponding with the boundaries of BCP and Dorset councils. Dorset Echo 19/4/2021 News Police Discretion, Pragmatism and Crime ‘deconstruction’: Police Doorstep Crime Investigations in England and Wales This article explores police discretionary practices associated with circumventing crime recording rules (NCRS), utilising doorstep crimes against elderly victims as the crime context (distraction burglary, fraud and attempts). This research examines 68 ‘rogue trader’ incidents from classified police systems, a focus group with CEnTSA trading standards officers and 31 police questionnaires from 26 England and Wales Force Intelligence Branches (FIB) and regional/national intelligence units. Almost half the doorstep incidents were filed at source with no investigation and 44% (30/68) of incidents breached National Crime Recording Standards (NCRS). It is argued that some officers deconstruct ‘crime’ utilising the power of language within their skilfully crafted summary ‘write up’. In justifying their dubious ‘no crime’ decisions, officers rely on identifiable ‘scripts’ that are reminiscent of the work of Shearing and Ericson (1991). A central script is that of ‘civil dispute’ which ‘legitimises’ the fraudster as entering into a contract with elderly victims ‘no matter how unscrupulous that contract may be’. Attendant officers deny property being stolen, suggest that elderly victims ‘consent’ to offender entry and even resort to the alleged unreliability or ‘confusion’ of elderly victims, despite this feature signifying a need for ‘enhanced’ safeguarding; all of which preclude officers from submitting crime reports. Findings expose ‘cuffing’ to be an enduring and dysfunctional police practice, effected out of self preference and pragmatism in order to ration workload. Such detrimental outcomes expose older people to repeat victimisation, under-policing and secondary victimisation by the state. Policing and Society 19/4/2021 Research article Police Treatment of the Public in Police Stations: Evidence From Zaria, Nigeria The police occupy a very important position in the entire criminal justice system in Nigeria. The nature of police relationship with the people and the manner in which the public were handled at the station and on the street daily within the community affects the way the people perceive them and the level of cooperation they get from the people in curbing crime in the society. The study took place in Zaria, Kaduna state, Northern Nigeria. A study population was the police in Zaria. Three police stations (Zaria City, Sabon Gari, and Samaru police stations) were purposively selected reflecting the socio-cultural and demographic backgrounds of Zaria residence and population. The Divisional Police officers and police officers in-charge of crime were interviewed. The police crime and incidence records were examined while the general conduct and social atmosphere of the police and police stations were observed. Using in-depth interview, observational method, and police records, it was discovered that the socio-economic status of suspects affected how they were treated by the police in the police stations studied. Also, the environment suspect lives affected how they were treated too by the police. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 19/4/2021 Research article New director for Strategic Command Course announced Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) head of Specialist Operations, is to join the College of Policing on secondment as director of the Strategic Command Course (SCC). Police Professional 19/4/2021 News HMICFRS’s proposed 2021/22 policing inspection programme and framework HMICFRS has launched a consultation which welcomes views on our proposed policing inspection programme for the coming year. The consultation is open until Tuesday 18 May 2021. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 19/4/2021 Report Police recruitment supported online into 2022 Process brought in to support forces in recruiting officers during the coronavirus pandemic to continue College of Policing 19/4/2021 News «261826192620262126222623262426252626Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events