Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98242 total results. Showing results 52321 to 52340 «261326142615261626172618261926202621Next ›Last » American police are inadequately trained USA: Officers in the United States don’t get as much instruction as police in other rich countries. The Atlantic 22/4/2021 Feature, Opinion Blog: How the Police Treatment Centre can help manage stress Dealing with any kind of stress can be difficult, but there is help out there for everyone. As part of Stress Awareness Month, we are sharing some of the different support avenues that are available to our members. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 22/4/2021 Feature, Opinion League tables will see return of damaging target culture National Chair John Apter The Government must reconsider its plans to introduce league tables which would result in a return to a damaging, target-driven culture. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 22/4/2021 News Stuart Lawrence: 28 years after my brother’s murder, the UK is a better place—but still in denial about racism Racism and prejudice remains, but I have hope that we can create a society Stephen would be proud of i News 22/4/2021 Feature, Opinion Priti Patel plans police league tables as serious crime crackdown starts Priti Patel is drawing up league tables ranking police forces on their success in cutting serious crime in a move that chief constables warned was a return to targets. The Times - Subscription at source 22/4/2021 News Met police spy met woman under fake ID and later had child with her, inquiry hears Officer infiltrated anarchist groups in London in the 1970s and met the woman during his deployment The Guardian 22/4/2021 News “There Was No Plan in Place to Get Us Help”: Strategies For Improving Mental Health Service Utilization Among Law Enforcement Police experience a documented, elevated need for mental health (MH) care due to the significant chronic stressors and acute traumatic experiences that characterize police work. Yet, many barriers prevent officers from accessing and engaging fully in MH treatment. The purpose of this study is to understand the idiosyncratic officer-perceived barriers and facilitators to MH service utilization to generate strategies for increasing the accessibility of MH resources. Heeding the call for more qualitative work in this line of inquiry, we used thematic analysis of in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a sample of 48 U.S. police officers to examine how officers came to initiate MH services, why they chose to engage or not engage such resources, and what organizational and supervisory factors promoted service utilization. Officers’ narratives show that police leadership should strive to (1) alleviate fear of negative professional consequences by addressing structural stigma, (2) improve agency culture and social norms around mental health care by focusing on prevention and resilience, and (3) emphasize the development of relevant and trustworthy MH care. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 22/4/2021 Research article Fit to serve: The disproportionate impact of the job-related fitness test In the latest in his series of bi-monthly articles, Superintendent Simon Nelson, President of the Disabled Police Association, looks at the unnecessary impact of the job-related fitness test on those with disabilities, and calls for a wider conversation about the appropriateness of the test for a changing workforce. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/4/2021 Feature, Opinion Vagaries and Challenges Confronting Police Accountability in the South African Post-Colony As Revealed By Recent Commissions of Inquiry This paper takes inspiration from David Bayley’s recognition that Commissions of Inquiry yield useful archival material for investigating the challenges for police accountability. Guided by his spirit of inquiry, this paper presents three recent Commissions of Inquiry in South Africa (the Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry and the Inquiry into the events at Marikana; and the yet to be completed Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture) and considers how each have shed light on the organisational woes and policy conundrums confronting the police and policing in South Africa. In turn, these Commissions have yielded spaces for (re-)engaging issues relating to the structure, function and governance of the police. In doing so, the deliberations of these Commissions have in interesting ways interfaced with concerns raised in both public debates and scholarly analysis. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice - Registration at source 22/4/2021 Research article Building Collaborative Evidence-Based Frameworks For Criminal Justice Policy Researcher–policymaker/practitioner partnerships (RPPs) have emerged as a successful tool for translating research into policy and practice. However, the available research has focused on RPPs with law enforcement and correctional agencies. Notably absent are studies that describe and evaluate RPPs between researchers and legislative bodies. Specifically, questions remain about the establishment, unique constraints, best practices for effective implementation, and sustainability of partnerships between researchers and policymakers. This study contributes to the literature by describing a unique RPP between a university and a state legislature. Through this retrospective case analysis, we describe the steps taken to initiate the partnership, its implementation, and outcomes. Importantly, in the context of the prior research, we describe the lessons learned, next steps, and implications for partnerships with policymakers. Criminal Justice Policy Review - Registration at source 22/4/2021 Research article Virtual Classrooms Transform Police Training Around 80 police training experts across all UK police forces are now part of an active network which is sharing experience and tips to help force Learning and Development teams support the delivery of the vital training in a more effective way than ever before. National Enabling Programmes 22/4/2021 Feature, Opinion Justice bodies must focus on implementing outstanding domestic violence and abuse recommendations CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has urged criminal justice organisations to focus on taking forward all outstanding inspection recommendations following the publication of the No Excuse domestic violence and abuse inspection Follow-up Review. Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJINI) 22/4/2021 News Inspectorate ‘disappointed’ at speed of progress to improve handling of domestic abuse cases The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland says she is “disappointed” at the pace of progress to improve how the criminal justice system handles cases of domestic violence and abuse. Police Professional 22/4/2021 News Northamptonshire completes roll out of tasers to frontline officers All Northamptonshire's frontine officers who opt to carry a taser and have completed the training have been issued with one. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/4/2021 News Taking a stand against online stalking INTERPOL supports the Coalition Against Stalkerware in its action against abuse, stalking and harassment INTERPOL 22/4/2021 News 137,000 active users but that’s just the start Last month over 137,000 police officers and staff used Microsoft Teams across England and Wales. The use the Microsoft 365 suite of tools is continuing to grow as more and more forces and their staff get access to the modern workplace tools which are helping them deliver services to the front line. National Enabling Programmes 22/4/2021 Feature, Opinion How Yammer helps internal engagement One of the key benefits of the role out of the Microsoft 365 suite via the National Enabling Programme is the increased opportunities for colleagues to be connect and share. This is rightly focused around Teams and the structures we use across policing to deliver operational services, but how can we leverage the clear desire and needs of officers and staff to collaborate wider across the force. Yammer is the enterprise social media platform included in the standard build of the NEP. It's within the blueprint and allows force users to engage with wider 'communities' within the force. National Enabling Programmes 22/4/2021 Feature, Opinion NCSC publishes cyber security training for schools The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has produced an online training package on cyber security for schools staff. National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) 22/4/2021 News Derek Chauvin trial: ‘Even the way George Floyd’s killer was handcuffed and led away proved the inequality’ The former police officer was taken into custody safely and with dignity - treatment he hadn't afforded to Mr Floyd. Sky News 22/4/2021 News Recorded Crime in Scotland: March 2021 Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for March 2021 Scottish Government 22/4/2021 Report «261326142615261626172618261926202621Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events