Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98238 total results. Showing results 52261 to 52280 «261026112612261326142615261626172618Next ›Last » We need more Irish-speaking gardaà in Gaeltacht stations, says language ombudsman The government should take action over the low number of Irish-speaking gardaà assigned to stations in Gaeltacht areas, the state’s Irish language ombudsman has said. The Times - Subscription at source 26/4/2021 News Priti Patel orders police to stop recording hate incidents that are not crimes Priti Patel is to stop police from recording so-called hate incidents that are not crimes over fears that the policy is blighting employment prospects and curbing free speech. The Times - Subscription at source 26/4/2021 News Garda SÃochána reported to Oireachtas over Gaeltacht service REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A report detailing the failure of an Garda SÃochána to satisfactorily address the low number of Irish-speaking Gardaà stationed in the Gaeltacht has been lodged with both Houses of the Oireachtas. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 26/4/2021 News 133 public complaints against Hamilton police in 2020 CANADA: Two of the 133 pubic complaints were substantiated CBC News (Canada) 25/4/2021 News How Australia’s global gold standard on gun control is being eroded AUSTRALIA: The people credited with lowering the gun-death rate after the Port Arthur massacre say the firearm lobby has since been boosted and gun laws chipped away The Guardian 25/4/2021 News ‘Deep systemic racism’: will Minneapolis’s police department ever change? USA: The department has seen decades of reform efforts, but activists say racism and violence are too ingrained to eliminate The Guardian 25/4/2021 News MI6 ‘green spying’ on biggest polluters to ensure nations keep climate change promises Global warming is the "foremost international foreign policy agenda item for this country and for the planet", says spy chief. Sky News 25/4/2021 News What is an inappropriate relationship? The rules and regulations on workplace relationships with officers of junior rank need defining. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/4/2021 Feature, Opinion IOPC serves AFO with misconduct notice on a firearms officer following a fatal shooting two years ago The conduct watchdog has served a misconduct notice on a firearms officer following a fatal shooting two years ago. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/4/2021 News Wipe non-crime hate allegations, says Priti Patel Home Secretary asks College of Policing for review into 'non-crime hate incidents' which can blight people's careers for years The Sunday Telegraph - Subscription at source 25/4/2021 News Measures needed to cut persistent sexual violence Tougher measures to tackle gender-based violence are needed in Scotland, campaigners and politicians have said after figures highlighted blackspots for sexual offences. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 25/4/2021 News Eight officers injured policing anti-lockdown protest in London Demonstrators hurled missiles, including bottles at march attended by Laurence Fox and Piers Corbyn The Guardian 24/4/2021 News Social media isn’t private and personal, IOPC tells officers Private groups and personal media accounts belonging to officers are covered by the same rules on standards, according to the IOPC. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/4/2021 News Hate crime linked to race on the rise as lockdown restrictions ease The number of hate crime victims seeking support rose by more than a quarter in a week when lockdown restrictions in England were eased, according to newly published figures. Police Professional 24/4/2021 News Examining the Comm in Community Policing: Communication Accommodation, Perception, and Trust in Law Enforcement-Suspect Encounters Since the 1980s, community policing has been embraced as the dominant police strategy. Thompson and Jenkins (2013) estimated that 97% of an officer’s time is spent communicatively interacting with the public, indicating a strong incentive to study how communication affects those involved in police interaction. Utilizing communication accommodation theory, this study examines the relationship between accommodation, trust, and overall perceptions of police. An experiment using hypothetical situations was conducted with 257 students at a large, southeastern university in the USA. The data indicates that accommodative behavior can lead suspects to be more trusting of an individual police officer but did not significantly affect their overall perceptions of police officers. There were mixed results related to the effects of consumption of crime television shows indicating a complex relationship between media representation, officer behavior, and trust. We argue that to improve communication between officers and suspects, we need to look beyond the community policing principle, and examine the key communication behaviors that help officers build trust with suspects and more generally in their communities. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 24/4/2021 Research article Public Vulnerability to the Police: A Quantitative Inquiry The recent protests regarding the state of policing in the United States clearly demonstrate that how the police do their job creates a salient potential for harm to the public. This study applies a multidimensional paradigm of risk perception to quantify evaluations of police-caused harm. Using data from a national (U.S.) convenience sample (n = 1,890) that oversampled individuals who self-identified as black or Muslim, we tested whether these evaluations vary systematically (using confidence intervals), whether they covary with police legitimacy (using structural equation modeling), and the extent to which that covariance differs by demographic status (using multiple groups structural equation modeling). Our results suggest that black and Muslim individuals evaluate police-caused harm differently than do majority group members (white and Christian) on most, but not all, of the measured dimensions. We also find that those evaluations are predictive of trust and provide evidence of some level of consistency across communities. Criminal Justice and Behaviour - Registration at source 24/4/2021 Research article Some police automatically fear Black men. De-escalation training won’t solve that. USA: Police reactions toward Black men like Daunte Wright show officers need training to both de-escalate conflict and reprogram responses based on fear. USA Today 24/4/2021 Feature, Opinion Racism, rape jokes and crime scene selfies: what police officers are posting on social media Watchdog warns of disciplinary investigations over 'unacceptable' online posts, including officers contacting crime victims to arrange sex The Telegraph - Subscription at source 24/4/2021 News Chief Constable of Dyfed-Powys Police retires Mark Collins QPM has retired from the role of Chief Constable of Dyfed-Powys Police. Mr Collins retired from the role heading up the UK’s geographically largest and most rural force area and is now Commissioner of Royal Virgin Islands Police. Western Telegraph 24/4/2021 News Smarter ways to work: Fund mental health units to reduce violence Levels of violent crime across America saw an unprecedented increase in 2020; in this latest essay from the Violence Reduction Project, Nick Selby, former Director of Cyber Intelligence and Investigations for NYPD, sets out why funding mental health teams staffed by clinicians and cops would be a smarter way to reduce violence and deaths. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/4/2021 Feature, Opinion «261026112612261326142615261626172618Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events