Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98154 total results. Showing results 51701 to 51720 «258225832584258525862587258825892590Next ›Last » Northants interceptors Northamptonshire police are relaunching their fleet of interceptors as eight month down the line their full potential as criminal hunters has still not yet been realised. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/5/2021 Feature Diversity in the Police Digital Conference The largest police recruitment drive in decades has brought the issue of dversity and representation into the spotlight. Police Professional - Subscription at source 16/5/2021 Feature Detective claims he’s scapegoat for Met Police’s ‘failures’ over unsolved murder A former detective who led the last investigation into one of the Met Police's most notorious unsolved murders claims he has been made a "scapegoat for failings by the force" that saw the prosecution collapse. Express 16/5/2021 News PSNI recruitment ‘a challenge’ in working class areas of Northern Ireland As a community worker in the unionist and loyalist Shankill area of Belfast, he responds to calls from local residents who are often in need of help or advice. BBC 16/5/2021 News Instagram labelled a ‘disgrace’ by senior UK police official after report flags more than 100 convicted paedophiles using platform Instagram has come under fire from British law enforcement after an investigation by the Telegraph revealed that dozens of convicted paedophiles were using the popular social media site. RT 16/5/2021 News Desistance From Criminalisation: Police Culture and New Directions in Drugs Policing Globally, there is emerging evidence that drugs policing is moving away from traditional enforcement interventions towards a greater focus on harm reduction. Signs of a shift include alternatives to criminalisation in the form of police-led diversion schemes. This article examines the extent to which new directions in drugs policing reflect changes in police culture. The key change under consideration is police desistance from criminalising people who use drugs. Another aim is to advance theoretical debates into the factors affecting cultural change in police organisations. Drawing on an extensive qualitative study of challenges, innovation and reform in drugs policing across England and Wales, the findings capture the transformative effect of certain experiences on the values police officers hold and how they understand and make sense of drug problems, their role and impact. It is argued that further insights into cultural change can be gained by drawing on the concept of turning points from life-course criminology and desistance research. The findings also reveal how changes in the field of policing have fostered and facilitated changes in police culture and practice. A policy implication of this study is that cultural change could be furthered through experiential learning and critical reflective practice approaches to police education. Policing and Society 16/5/2021 Research article Driving too fast is ‘worse than carrying a knife’ Speeding drivers are being treated more leniently than people caught carrying a knife, even though they may pose a greater threat to public safety, a top police officer has said. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 16/5/2021 News First black police and crime commissioner: I’ve been stopped and searched but I back it Britain’s first black police and crime commissioner has defended the use of stop and search despite being pulled over six times. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 16/5/2021 News Average police officer salaries across US range from $19K to $131K, depending on location, statistics show USA: American police or sheriff’s patrol officers make anywhere from just under $19,000 up to $131,000, with salaries varying significantly by region and the department level, statistics analyzed by Fox news show. Fox News 15/5/2021 News Police in cities across U.S. brace for a violent summer USA: Police departments in New York City and other large metro areas across the U.S. are bulking up patrols and implementing new tactics to prepare for what they say could be a violent summer. Wall Street Journal (USA) 15/5/2021 News Metro Vancouver gang recruitment should be treated like public health issue, says deputy police chief CANADA: As gang conflict continues to rise once again in Metro Vancouver, a deputy police chief is calling for more coordination to prevent youth from joining the gang lifestyle. CBC News (Canada) 15/5/2021 News More than half of new police recruits in Lancashire are women More than half of new police officer recruits in Lancashire last year were women, figures reveal, as male domination in the ranks continues to subside. The Citizen (Lancaster & Morecombe) 15/5/2021 News Emotional Intelligence As A Predictor of Police Operational Stress: A Pilot Study The present study examined the relationship between police operational stress and emotional intelligence. The study also observed the difference in operational stress and emotional intelligence concerning gender, rank, education, and marital status. The sample included 80 police officers from Bangalore, India. The operational police stress questionnaire developed by McCreary and Thompson (2006) and emotional intelligence scale developed by Hyde et al. (2002) were used to measure police operational stress and emotional intelligence, respectively. Independent sample t-test and Cohen’s d indicated that differences in gender, rank, education, and marital status had no significant effect on police operational stress. Gender differences had a significant effect on the emotional intelligence factors, empathy, and self-motivation. Differences in rank had a significant effect on empathy, self-motivation, emotional stability, managing relationships, integrity, value orientation, and commitment. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 15/5/2021 Research article An Experimental Study of the Impact of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Report Writing The impact of pre-report reviewing of body-worn camera (BWC) footage remains largely unknown. The current study investigates three research questions, including: “what impact does viewing body-worn camera footage have on report writing?”. Three hundred and sixty-two participants were asked to conduct a simulated use of force situation and write a report afterwards. They were randomly assigned to four conditions: in particular, one group had to review their BWC footage before writing a report, while another could not review the footage. All reports were coded by a team of research assistants and compared using bivariate and multivariate analyses. Participants wearing a BWC provided more accurate reports than those who did not wear one. However, the benefits were relatively small. The analysis suggests that pre-report review of BWC footage will help in providing more accurate reports but might reduce the reliance on subjective information, such as perceptions. Journal of Experimental Criminology - Registration at source 15/5/2021 Research article INTERPOL launches initiative to fight cybercrime in Africa INTERPOL is creating a new cybercrime operations desk with UK funding to boost the capacity of 49 African countries to fight cybercrime. INTERPOL 15/5/2021 News Inspectors raise concerns about staffing for new Probation Service Work with Offenders on today's report on plans for reunification. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/5/2021 News ‘He grabbed the lead and said: give me the dog’: can pet detectives stop the rise in animal theft? Dogs are more valuable than ever – which is why so many are being snatched. But some owners and pet detectives are fighting back The Guardian 15/5/2021 Feature Torture victims kept in solitary by Home Office for up to a year Immigration detainees left desperate and suicidal after being held in prisons during the pandemic The Guardian 15/5/2021 News Anthony Grainger: Mother vows to fight for secret evidence release The mother of a man shot dead by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) has vowed to fight to release the secret evidence shrouding part of his case. BBC 15/5/2021 News More than 1,500 police officers and staff examined by the IOPC for conduct More than 1,500 police officers and staff have faced examination by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) for their conduct in two years. The Leader 15/5/2021 News «258225832584258525862587258825892590Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events